FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Bringing Home The Tree

Bringing Home the Tree
Hello there, Fab Free!  Today, as I took Ripley for his morning stroll, we passed by a house with a Christmas tree all decked out in the front window.  Ripley paused and gazed at it with a wistful, hopeful expression in his eyes.  “OK pal, we’ll go pick out our tree tonight,” I told him as I scratched behind his ears.  All the way home, he pranced, his tail wagging joyously.  I guess even pups get excited during the holiday season!

Crimson Concoction

The other day, as Rip and I sought out our next Fabulous Find to share, we decided to pop on over to Hottest Fashion.  In our very first post on Fab Free [HERE], we highlighted a cute, summery knotted top from the store, and I figured we should take a peek and see if the gift had been updated to a cooler-weather outfit.  Pleasantly surprised, I tapped the prize board for the Mesh Body Friends Group (free to join), and scooped up this free long-sleeved Winter Dress.  As an added bonus……..it was in my favorite color….another score for Team Ripley!  This frock features a full-cut skirt accompanied by a loosely fitted bodice, and can be worn with or without the included black woolen scarf.  Since Rip and I planned to delve into the woods to track down our Christmas tree, I draped it around my neck to ward off the winter chill.

What’s Included:

  • Appliers for Belleza, Slink, Maitreya
  • Fit mesh in XS, S, M, L, XL
  • Alpha layer for fit mesh
  • Fit mesh scarf

Life is Better in Boots

You can’t ferret out a tree in the forest wearing heels (now THAT would make an interesting post, don’t you think?), so I slipped into some winter-friendly footwear.  I discovered my high, zipped leather boots while searching the Marketplace for good deals.  Currently, Vlad Blackburn is offering these Color Zip Over Knee Boots for only 49L in his Marketplace store.  Featuring high heels, and creamy leather with soft folds, this footwear package includes a color HUD packed with a rainbow of options.  You can alter the hue of the body, soles, and zipper separately.  They are constructed of fitted, rigged mesh, so no special feet are required.  To confirm they will work with your avatar, you can always test the fit with the free demo offered here.  With my tootsies and legs snuggled up in warmth, Rip and I started up Old Bessie (our truck) and began the Great Tree Hunt.

Over at the Beautiful 4 Seasons sim, we accomplished our mission, and met some new friends along the way.  Aren’t these lovey-dovey owls just the sweetest looking couple?  My heart just melted when I saw them perched on Ole Bess.  I posed next to the pair, and snapped a quick picture before journeying home with Ripley to set up our tree.  Until next time, my friends, happy shopping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is Wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara in America02 (99L at Kustom9)

Lipstick Applier:  Izzie’s Catwa Lipstick Applier (Aiko)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Coffee

Hair:  Wasabi Pills Ryleigh

Dress and Scarf:  Hottest Fashion Mayelin Winter Dress and Scarf (free gift for Mesh Body Friends Group 0L/0L to join)

Boots:  Blackburns Color Zip Over Knee Boots (49L on the Marketplace)

Mesh Hands:  Slink

Pose:  Le Poppycock

Sim:  Beautiful 4 Seasons


She’s a Happy Camper

A Happy Camper

Hello there, Fabulous Readers!  In the midst of holiday shopping, Rip and I decided to take a break over at Etchaflesh.  A few days ago, in my post [HERE], the pupster and I featured a stylish vest we picked up at the store, and we decided to return today to camp awhile.  We were very well rewarded!

Pick Your Poison

While Ripley happily gnawed on a bone, I relaxed for just 35 minutes in one of the plush chairs arranged along the back wall of the store.  Right when the time elapsed, this cozy Poison sweater joined my inventory.  In addition to the knitted pullover, the free prize package included a HUD with 15 color choices for changing up the texture of the arms.  Featuring a scooped neck line, long sleeves, and a realistic ribbed texture, this sweater is destined to become a winter wardrobe staple for me.  I appreciated its generous length, which ensured my tummy stayed toasty warm.

What’s Included:

  • fitted mesh
  • standard sized mesh in XXS, XS, S, M, L
  • alpha layers for both mesh styles
  • Texture HUD for the sleeves


Avoiding a Cuff Malfunction

I wanted to don a pair of boots to wear while romping with Ripley through the snowy climate of It All Starts With a Smile.  The only problem was the bottom edge of my pants poked right through the sides of my boots …. one of those dreaded SL wardrobe mishaps that never occurs in real life.  After a quick perusing of the Marketplace, I netted this Purrrvy Skinny Jeans applier from the IGNOTO store for only 25L.  Although I applied the jeans on my Maitreya Lara mesh body, they are also designed for Belleza, Slink, and Omega.  With a flattering fit, detailed stitching, and a dark denim wash, these jeans are perfect for casual wear, or they can be easily dressed up with the right layers and shoes.  Best of all, they behave themselves, and don’t project through my boots.  Yay!

As you can see in my photo, Ripley and I have a few packages to deliver before nightfall, so we’d better get pedaling.  Until next time, happy shopping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is Wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara in America 02 (at Kustom9)

Lip Applier:  Izzie’s Catwa Lipstick Applier (Aiko)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Coffee

Hat/Hair:  Wasabi Pills Romy (at Ultra)

Necklace:  EarthStones Black Cat Necklace

Sweater:  Etchaflesh Poison Sweater (free camping chair prize 0L/ no group required)

Jeans:  IGNOTO !Purrrvy Skinny Jeans Dark (25L on The Marketplace)

Boots:  Reign Nordic Boots Mocha

Mesh Hands:  Slink

Pose:  (with bike) Lyrium

(close up) Le Poppycock

Sim:  It All Starts With a Smile


A Snowy White Sweater and a Black Friday Sale

Fantasy Deer

Happy Sunday, Fabulouses!  I have a quick, time-sensitive post for you today.  On a tip from reader Starr Devereaux (thank you so much, Starr!), Ripley and I journeyed over to Wasabi Pills to check out their Black Friday Sale.  When we arrived yesterday, I was overjoyed to notice that this Fifty Linden Fridays Belle mesh hair was still set out in front of the store for only 50L.  I scooped it up, did a little happy dance, then headed inside to purchase a few (OK, OK, more than a few) Basics Packs of hair, which are on sale for 70% off.  I had to reassure Ripley that I still have enough Linden dollars left over to keep him well supplied with Ripley Snacks, and then his tail set to wagging once more.  Unfortunately, the Fifty Linden Friday Hair is no longer available, but you can scoop up the basics pack for Belle, and have more shades than I do, for 70% off.  Wasabi Pill’s Black Friday Sale runs through November 28th.

Snowy Sweater

In my post [HERE], I shared that Mie Beck strives to offer quality mesh items for 50L in her Marketplace shop.  I went back to poke around for more bargains, and I discovered this lovely white knitted sweater dress, just perfect for the season.  With a wide, ribbed, folded-down neck, and decorative cable stitching, this dress is packed with textural detail.  It reminds me of the sweaters that my grandmother used to knit for me when I was a little girl.  In addition, it features long sleeves, and falls to about mid-thigh.  You could definitely wear leggings underneath to keep your legs toasty if you are going to be out on a cold winter’s day.   The sweater is made exclusively for the Maitreya Lara mesh body, and is available in other colors in the Beck Marketplace store.

Happiness is Shopping for a Scarf

Siss Boom participates in Sixty Linden Weekend Sales Event, and when Rip and I traveled there to check out this week’s offerings, I noticed the wall filled with 24 group gifts.  I decided to pick up a few.  I had joined Siss Boom’s group quite some time ago, and although it costs 500L to join, the *24* generous group gifts such as this free Ragland scarf in PAISLEY (woot! woot!) really make the fee a worthwhile investment.  Love previously featured this scarf in her post [HERE].  I adored it then, and am still enthralled with its delicate silk texture.  The soft, muted tones of the shawl really complemented my dress.  I draped it around my neck, and was quite pleased with the effect.

After popping home to grab a few of those Ripley Snacks for the road, the pupster and I dashed through the snow over to Snuggles Forest and met Jinx, a friendly deer.  I have to admit, though, Ripley kept a careful eye on those antlers while I gave Jinx a pat.  It’s so good to have a protective pal to keep me safe!  Until next time, wonderful readers…. happy shopping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is Wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara in America 02 (99L at Kustom9)

Moles Applier:  Arte Catwa Moles and Blush

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Storm

Hair:  Wasabi Pills Belle Mesh Hair (70% off at the Black Friday Sale until November 28th)

Dress:  Beck Shoulder Sweater Dress White (50L on The Marketplace)

Scarf:  Siss Boom Ragland Scarf (blogged [HERE] by Love – group gift 0L/500L to join)

Boots:  N-Core Calyssa Boots (blogged [HERE] by Love – group gift 0L/100L to join)

Mesh Hands: Slink

Nail Applier:  Leap of Faith Christmas Gift (1L on the Marketplace)

Pose:  Jinx Winter Fantasy Deer

Sim:  Snuggles Forest


Etched in Style

Laced in Style
Hello Fabulouses! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  In real life, I try to stay *far* away from malls and shopping on Black Friday, and the next couple of days afterwards.  It seems like whenever I think I’ve found a parking spot, it turns out to be a small car!  In SL, it’s a different story – no worries about parking here!  With a day off from work, Ripley and I traveled around, scoping out another Fabulous Find to share with our wonderful readers.

Gone Camping

Over at Etchaflesh, I had no trouble finding a parking spot.  In fact, I brought my trusty Kindle, along with the pupster’s favorite bone, and we settled into one of eight cozy camping chairs placed on the back wall of the store.  After just 30 minutes of “parking,” I happily welcomed this sassy, sleeveless parka to the fold for free.  It features a crop top, and a long vest that is accented with several jazzy buttons, stars, and stripes.  A color-change HUD allows you to alter the texture of the vest (outer and inner lining), crop top, and the decorative buttons, stars, and stripes individually, so you can create a variety of looks.

What’s Included:

  • Appliers for Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Physique, and Venus
  • Standard-sized mesh in XXS, XS, S, M, L
  • Alpha layer for classic avatars
  • Texture HUD

I’ve Got My Sassy Pants on Today

The trendy style of my parka called for slacks with attitude, and I located the perfect trousers – Pencil Pants for Maitreya by Beck.  These black, laced, leather pants provided just the look I was striving for.  I love the detail of the tied lacing.  Created exclusively for the Maitreya Lara mesh body, Mie Beck offers them for sale in her Marketplace shop for only 50L.  Mie states on her profile that her goal is to make a place where all people can afford to wear 100% mesh outfits.  These pants are not only budget-friendly, but stylish to boot!

From Head to Toe

The one Black Friday sale that Rip and I dared to venture to was at Truth Hair (Love told us about this super-saver event in her post [HERE]).  I scooped up the versatile Fenella hair for only 75L.  Able to be worn with and without the fedora, this chic ‘do features long, flowing locks, and a color-change HUD for the hat.  We had a hard time wading our way through the crowd in the lobby of the Truth store, but our persistence really paid off in the end.  I was able to scoop up several hairstyles at bargain prices.  Score for team Ripley!

After slipping on Lewis studded, flat sneakers from the Mesh Agency, Rip and I dusted off the bike, and pedaled over to the Gates of Melancholy sim where we worked off some of those Thanksgiving dinner calories by exploring along the beach.

I hope you enjoyed the fun, casual Fabulous Find we put together for you today.  Until next time, my friends, happy shopping camping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is Wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara in America 02 (99L at Kustom9)

Hat and Hair:  Truth Fenella (75L at the Black Friday Sale)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Forest

Necklace:  Maxi Gossamer Ashira Necklace

Vest and Top:  Etchaflesh Exclusive Sleeveless Parka (free camping prize 0L/no group required)

Pants:  Beck Pencil Pants for Maitreya (50L on The Marketplace)

Shoes:  Mesh Agency Lewis Studded Flat Sneakers

Mesh Hands/Feet:  Slink

Nail Applier:  Livia Leopard Nails (40L on The Marketplace)

Pose:  Secret Body

Sim:  Gates of Melancholy


Midnight Magpie

Midnight Magpie

Hello Fab Free…we did it!!  Ripley and I had been pursuing her for days, traveling stealthily to the Flawless sim, tapping the Midnight Mania board, and waiting, patiently waiting.  Then, it happened –  we finally caught the elusive Thieving Magpie!

A Prize Worth Waiting For

When Rip and I traveled to Entice to win the Be With You dress featured in my post [HERE], we spotted The Thieving Magpie (another free Midnight Mania prize), but we weren’t successful in our first attempt at victory.  I’m glad we returned to try again, because she’s a real beaut!  A stunning shade of aquamarine, Magpie features three-quarter length sleeves, a fitted, ribbed bodice in a slightly darker hue than the satiny main fabric, and a short, flared skirt.  The Midnight Mania board where you can win this flirty dress happens to be for Entice group members only, but the group is free to join. There are also multiple group-only lucky boards with sweet, free prizes available very close by, so joining the group will yield a number of gifts.

What’s Included:

  • Fitmesh for classic avatars
  • Appliers for:  Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, Belleza Freya, Belleza Isis, Belleza Venus, Maitreya

Brazilia Shoes

Finishing Touches

I wanted something elegant, yet uncomplicated, to accent my outfit, so I added Dusk Angel Design’s Simplicity Necklace in aquamarine.  The center gemstone echoed the tint of my frock perfectly, while still allowing it to remain center stage.  My long, braided hair, Dakota, is from Wasabi Pills.   I scooped it up quite awhile ago as part of Fifty Linden Fridays, but you can purchase it in the store with a greater variety of colors than I have, for Wasabi Pill’s regular price.  I love the loose braid with wispy tendrils of hair framing either side of my face.  Next, I donned some strappy, Brazilia sandals from KC Couture (these 75L shoes come with a customization HUD with 30 textures!), then followed Ripley to the picturesque sim, A Painter’s Link.  There, he introduced me to some tiny ducklings he had befriended.  I pulled out my phone, and snapped a few pictures as they waddled up to their mini pond in the washtub.  Aren’t they just adorable?!

A Magpie Among Ducklings

I hope today’s outfit has inspired you to create a Fabulous Find of your own.  Until my next post, wonderful readers, happy shopping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara in America 02 (99L at Kustom9)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Storm

Hair:  Wasabi Pills Dakota

Necklace:  Dusk Angel Designs Simplicity Necklace in Aquamarine (89L on the Marketplace)

Dress:  Entice The Thieving Magpie Dress (Midnight Mania Prize for Entice Info Group Members 0L/0L to join)

Shoes:  KC Couture Brazilia Heels for Slink High (75L on the Marketplace)

Nail Polish Applier:  La Boheme Solids Teal (50L on the Marketplace)

Mesh Hands/Feet:  Slink

Poses:  (with phone)  Motion & Emotion    (standing) Le Poppycock

Sim:  A Painter’s Link

A “Secret” Meant to be Shared

So much to be thankful for

Happy Thursday, Fab Free, and Happy Thanksgiving to all the Fabulouses living in the United States who celebrate this holiday!  Today has me thinking about all that I am grateful for – my family and friends in RL, my pets, my SL friends and fellow bloggers, and YOU, wonderful readers.  Your support, comments, likes, and messages truly brighten my days!  Being able to share my adventures with Ripley, and the Fabulous Finds we put together has been a fantastic experience.  I feel so blessed to be part of this supportive, friendly community…so thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the amazing people you are!

Quiet Moment

A Surprising Dress Discovery

After viewing Sheidey’s mesmerizing eyes featured in her post [HERE], Rip and I moseyed over to Dulce Secrets to have a look around.  In addition to gorgeous make up, alluring eyes, and sultry skins, the pupster sniffed out this beautiful Ines dress, which is a free group gift.  It features a strappy, figure hugging, sheath-style frock, with a sweetheart neckline, and a playful, asymmetical hem that reaches below the knees.  The gift also contains a short, dark chocolate colored jacket with three-quarter length sleeves, and an interesting texture variation across the shoulders in the back.  The warm tone of the bolero complements the softly faded blue of the dress beautifully.  Best of all, the Dulce Secrets group is completely free to join!

What’s Included:

  • Mesh in XXS, XS, S, M, L and XL for classic avatars
  • Jacket applier for Freya, Isis, Maitreya, Physique, TMP, and Venus

Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice and Accessories Nice

As Love stated in her post [HERE] (in which she featured this newest gift from Truth Hawks), with jacket, scarf, and sweater season upon us, we all need a versatile hairstyle that won’t interfere with our outfits.  After reading Love’s post, I looked through the group notices for the Truth VIP group, and picked up the latest gift, Sugar.  This cinnamon hued, sweet bun with wispy tendrils (my spice for the day) was the perfect style for my new outfit.  I slipped on Janice heels from Moda, and the sapphire Sarai jewelry set from Krystal Fine Jewelry, then headed over to the Bella Pace sim for some quiet moments before traveling over to my parent’s house in RL to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with my family.

Thank you for reading!  Until next time, my friends, happy shopping.

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara – America 02 (99L at Kustom9)

Eyebrow Applier:  Sinful Curves Classic Eyebrows Carrot (60L on The Marketplace)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Forest

Hair:  Truth Sugar (blogged [HERE] by Love/group gift for Truth VIP members 0L/265L to join)

Jewelry:  Krystal Fine Jewelry Sarai Jewelry Set – Platinum – Sapphire (99L on the Marketplace)

Dress and Jacket:  Dulce Secrets Ines (free gift for Dulce Secrets group members 0L/0L to join)

Shoes:  Moda Janice Leather Heels (99L promo on The Marketplace)

Mesh Hands and Feet:  Slink

Poses:  (with dogs) Luane’s World     (standing) Le Poppycock

Sim:  Bella Pace



I Only Wanna Be With You

I Just Wanna Be With You
Hello there, Fabulouses!  Are you ready for winter like I am?  As the days of November ticked by, I found myself itching to frolic in a winter wonderland.  Although in real life, I never mastered an axel, a spiral, or I’ll be honest, even just a simple crossover, in SL, I glide along with all the moves of a figure skating champion.  Today’s outfit, with its flared skirt and icy, gray tones inspired Ripley and I to travel to this frozen pond on the Twilight Moon sim, but I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.

Mania at Midnight

Time and time again, I keep returning to the Entice store to check out their latest releases.  Currently, the no-group-required free Midnight Mania board is offering the “Be With You” dress.  This frock features short sleeves with a slightly scalloped edge, and a wide leather belt, in addition to the mid-thigh length skirt.  It comes complete with a color-change HUD, which allows you to modify the textures of the top, skirt, and belt individually.  This offers a myriad of possible combinations!  I opted for a black top, white belt, and a dark, printed skirt to contrast vividly against the white snow and ice.  For finishing touches, I added a glistening Snow Flurry Pearl necklace from EarthStones, and laced on a pair of ice skates from V-Style that I picked up for only 30L on the Marketplace.

What’s Included With the Dress:  

  • Mesh in XXS, XS, S, M, L for classic avatars
  • Alpha Layer
  • Texture change HUD – grays

Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose (and Ears!)

Of course, with the chill in the air, I needed something to keep my ears toasty.  While I rummaged around in my inventory, searching for the perfect winter hat, Ripley nudged my elbow insistently, and pointed his nose at the box from Mina perched on my shelf.  Love previously blogged the free Nell hair in her post [HERE], and I had immediately traveled to Hairology to scoop up Love’s featured hairstyle.  However, like Astrid in her post [HERE], I hadn’t yet finished opening my gifts from the event, and had completely forgotten this lovely style.  It’s a good thing my pupster remembered, because the long, flowing hair and white, knitted cap were perfect for a day of gliding across the ice!

Cold Hands and a Warm Heart

With my outfit complete, Ripley and I thoroughly enjoyed a lovely, wintry afternoon, filled with drifting snowflakes, frosty air, and the sound of blades cutting across fresh ice.  Now, if only I had trained Rip to fetch a steaming mug of cocoa, my day would be complete, and I would be able to feel my hands again…. Note to self:  When you go skating, bring mittens!

Until my next post, wonderful readers, happy shopping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara in Jamaica 03 Rare (99L at Kustom9)

Lip Applier:  Izzie’s Catwa Lipstick Applier (Aiko)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Coffee

Eyeliner Applier:  Euphoric Venus Lashes and Eyeliner [Catwa]

Hair:  Mina Nell (blogged previously [HERE] by Love/0L at Hairology)

Necklace:  EarthStones Snow Flurry Pearl Necklace

Dress:  Entice – Be With You Dress Grays (free Midnight Mania Prize – no group required/0L)

Ice Skates:  VStyle Skha V.3 White Ice Skates (30L on the Marketplace)

Pose:  <K&S> Winter Fun III

Sim:  Twilight Moon


Better in a Black Dress

Black Widow
Hello again, Wonderful Readers!  Earlier this week, I was startled to hear a rummaging sound emanating from my closet.  When I turned to investigate, my canine pal, Ripley, emerged, clutching his tracking harness gently between his teeth.  He pranced over to me, dropped the harness at my feet, then stood, waiting expectantly, his tail waving happily from side to side.  I knew this meant only one thing – the pupster would soon lead me to another Fabulous Find.

A-Hunting We Will Go!

After snapping Ripley into his hunting garb, I did a quick search, and discovered the intriguing Black Widow 2 Hunt is in full swing.  Packed with spooky, edgy gifts hidden along 5 paths comprised of 13 stores each, this hunt will remain open through November 30th, so there’s still a bit of time left for you to don your detective hats, and hit the trail.  Rip and I opted to begin with the “Black Veil Path.”  At the first stop, Kastle Rock Couture, I showed my fashion-seeking hound a picture of the hunt object (the “Spider’s Kiss” vial), and he quickly set off, nose to the ground.  After zigzagging around the store, we finally uncovered the cleverly concealed bottle.  For only 2L, the stunning Black Widow Gown joined my collection of formal wear.

Timeless and Beautiful Elegance

Nestled inside the prize package, I found a lovely black formal gown with long layers of organza and tulle that flowed into a full, floor-length skirt with a softly gathered bustle.  Glittering sequins shimmered in the moonlight as I slipped into the form-fitting, strapless bodice.  A sweeping train, ruffled trim, and a lacy black veil beautifully adorned the frock, adding a touch of graceful splendor.

What’s Included:

  • Omega Advanced Applier
  • Pants/shirt layer for classic avatars
  • 4 flouncy, skirt layers
  • Widow’s veil

Feeling elegant and sophisticated wearing this floaty, glittering dress, I accompanied Ripley to the plaza of the Invictus sim where we made two new avian friends.  Before closing, I want to share one last photograph with you, which showcases the magnificent train of this glorious gown.  It’s hard to believe it only cost me 2 little Linden dollars!

Better in a Black Dress
With just days left in the Black Widow 2 Hunt, we’d better get back to work.  Until next time, my friends, happy shopping hunting!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara (99L at Kustom9)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Coffee

Hair:  Truth Hair Cerys

Jewelry:  LouLou & Company Enigma

Dress:  Kastle Rock Couture Black Widow Gown (Black Widow 2 Hunt Prize- 2L/hunt runs until November 30th)

Nail Polish Applier:  La Boheme Catacomb (50L on The Marketplace)

Mesh Hands/Feet:  Slink

Pose:  (with crows) oOo Studio     (without crows) *MrS*

Sim:  Invictus



Paisley Perfection

Pretty in Paisley
Well, hello again Wonderful Readers!  Last Sunday, Ripley and I shared the Militar dress from Scandalize Creations with you in our blog post here.  While scooping up that darling camo mini, I couldn’t help but notice the other group gifts on the wall, so today we traveled back to Scandalize to pick up another Fabulous Find.

Pretty Paisley Print

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always had a thing for paisley.  There’s something almost hypnotic about the intricate, swirling patterns.  This free Revlu skirt combines my most beloved fabric motif with my top color choice, red – two wins in my book!  With its vibrant print, black waistband, and leg-flattering length, this cheery skirt is sure to remain a favorite in my wardrobe far into the future.  To add Revlu to your SL inventory, simply head on over to Scandalize, join the group for free, and tap the picture on the group gifts wall.

Knotted Top

Playing off the hue of Revlu’s waistband, the black, loosely knotted, leather crop top from Beck complements the skirt without overpowering it.  I like the sheen of the texture and the way the ends of the ties cascade down my midsection in soft waves.  Slender straps leave my shoulders bare to soak up some warm SL rays.  Although I enjoy brisk fall days, this summer-loving-girl still longs to frolic in the sun, and today’s outfit is perfect for just that.  Oh, how I wish I could control the climate in RL as I can in SL!  A short, simple Elements necklace from Wazzer Works, at The Chapter Four, perfectly accessorized my outfit.

Sensuously Strappy Shoes

While out on a relaxing bike ride with my canine pal happily trotting alongside, we passed by the Ricielli store and spotted a sign announcing the Halloween Hunt currently taking place. Each pumpkin in the hunt costs 15L, and these Kyra high heels are just one of 20 prizes to be found.  These slinky shoes come in three shades (blood, midnight, potion), and are the perfect footwear to glam up any outfit.

Listen to Your Heart, Not the Crowd

Time For a New ‘Do

On our way over to the Yasminia sim for a little exploration, Rip and I decided to take a quick detour over to the Hairology event after reading Pru’s beautifully written post here.  At Hairology, Ripley sniffed out this free, medium length, center-parted Bezoar hair from Mithral.  This is just one of many free hairstyles generous designers have set out for all to enjoy.  The package includes a color-change HUD jam-packed with 30 textures to choose from.  Sweet and sophisticated at the same time, Bezoar will flatter any avatar.

I hope you have spotted something in today’s post that inspired you to create a Fabulous Find of your own.  Until next time, my friends, happy shopping!

~ Kat and Ripley

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Giusy (available at Collabor88)

Eyelash Applier:  Shake Catwa Glamour Lashes

Eyeliner Applier:  Euphoric Venus Lashes and Eyeliner [Catwa]

Lipstick Applier:  Izzie’s Catwa Matte Lipstick Applier (Zoe)

Moles:  Arte Catwa Applier Moles and Blush

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Storm

Hair:  Mithral Bezoar (free gift at Hairology – 0L)

Necklace:  Wazzer Works Elements Necklace (available at The Chapter Four)

Top:  Beck Tie Crop Top Leather Black for Maitreya (50L on The Marketplace)

Skirt:  Scandalize Revlu – Maitreya (free gift for the Scandalize Group 0L/0L to join)

Shoes:  Ricielli Kyra High Heels (15L The Halloween Hunt Prize)

Nail Polish Applier:  ZOZ Faded Winter Polish (free group gift for Fabulously Free in SL Group 0L/0L to join previously blogged here and here)

Pose:  {Lyrium}

Sim:  Yasminia

Dressed Like a Day Dream

I've Got a Blank Space

Hello there, Wonderful Readers!  You may have noticed the virtual flurry of posts lately about all the new presents for members of the in-world Fab Free Group, such as Edi’s post here, Love’s post here, Pru’s post here, and Loki’s post here.  If you haven’t, please do check them out!  The generosity of SL designers never ceases to amaze me!  There are so many gifties just for Fabulously Free in SL Group members, and it’s completely free to join.

This morning, after I refilled my coffee cup, I returned to find Ripley with his front paws perched up on my chair staring intently at the screen.  His tail was wagging briskly, and I knew my hound with a nose for fashion was on the trail of a mid-week Fabulous Find to share with you.  I’m a huge fan of Kira Paderborn and Jolene Carami over at Entice (as you could probably tell from my posts here and here).  When Ripley nudged the announcement from Love about a new, free gift from Entice, I scurried over to the Flawless sim to scoop it up.

I’ve Got a Blank Space

Featuring a deep magenta texture with subtle shimmers of colored sequins, the free, sleeveless Blank Space dress is loosely fitted and chic.  A simple black belt, worn low on the waist line, accents the deep shade of the dress beautifully.  The package includes standard mesh, plus an alpha layer for classic avatars, but also fits my Maitreya mesh body.  To pick up Blank Space for yourself, simply navigate to the Entice store, cross the footbridge, and head to the group gift section in the back.  Swap over to your Fabulously Free in SL group tag, and tap the board.  Ta da!

Sizes Included:  Standard mesh in XXS, XS, S, M, L
Leave You Breathless

Finishing Touches

An elegant garnet Princess Solitaire necklace and earring set from Cae (a 75L gacha prize) echoed the rich tone of my new dress.  I splurged and picked up the matching Blank Space heels from Entice for 150L on the Marketplace to complete my look.  Perfectly coordinated, and dressed like a day dream, I accompanied Ripley to the Paramour Sim (thanks for the tip, Loki!) to snap a few photographs and look for little kittens to rescue.

Until Sunday, happy shopping, my friends!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Milu

Eye Shadow Applier:  Euphoric ~ Smokey Eye Shadow and Lashes Mihrimah Series

Lipstick Applier:  Izzie’s Catwa Lipstick Applier (Aiko)

Eyelash Applier:  Shake Catwa Glamour Lashes

Moles:  Arte Catwa Applier Moles and Blush

Hair:  Magika Written

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Coffee

Jewelry Set:  Cae Princess Solitaire Garnet (75L gacha prize)

Dress:  Entice Blank Space (free gift for Fabulously Free in SL group members 0L/0L to join)

Shoes:  Entice Blank Space Heels (I got them here on The Marketplace)

Nail Polish:  La Boheme Solids Metallic S1 Red (50L on The Marketplace)

Pose:  Le Poppycock

Sim:  Paramour