FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

New Fabulously Free in SL Group Gifts: MadCatCreations & Bloom!

MadCatCreations – Added 01/02/23


Bloom! Furniture and Decor – Added 01/02/23

How to grab your gifts!

To pick up these group gifts, you will need to have your Fabulously Free in SL inworld group tag activated (It’s free to join!).  To join the group, copy and paste the following link into local chat in your SL viewer and click the link in local chat – secondlife:///app/group/020fa7af-444d-f54f-01e2-557ec06315fd/about

>>>  Click the graphic below to find the GIANT FabFree Group Gift Listing!

Dont Mind Me, Just Making A Button For The Blog!

Autumn Spice

Autumn Spice

Hey FabFree! I hope this weekend is bringing you all the happy you could ask for. I’ve been riding around so gorgeous Fall Sims today just soaking in the season. And what’s Autumn without a little pumpkin spice? Though I’m riding my pumpkin spice today.

Ingamar’s beautiful Fall coat, mane and tail colors are a free gift over at the Teegle Horse Fair from Nirvana Valley. Of course the coat, mane and Tail appliers will work on any TeeglePet Horse or the Teegle Avatar. Unfortunately, The Teegle Horse Show ends TODAY!! So hurry over to grab up this beautiful pumpkin brindle coat!

On a less hurried note, my lovely sweater and scarf will be around much longer as they are the first free gift from our new Fabulously Free Designer -> Madcat Creations. I am so excited to see MCC join our team of extraordinary designers. The “Simple Sweater and Scarf” is anything but. t comes with a HUD for ten Choices for the sweater and ten for the scarf. The build is so nice with all the little details. There’s also a men’s gift that Gabe was eyeing so we might be treated to that in his next post. 😉

Sizes Included

  • Belleza – Freya, Isis
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • SLink – Hourglass

Ingamar is wearing

TeeglePet – Fjord Horse 

Coat – Nirvana Valley – Pumpkin Spice Coat – FREE/0L – Free gift for all at the Teegle Horse Show

Mane + Tail – TeeglePet – Fluffy Mane + Elegant Tail

~~ ♥ ~~

Juli’s Stylin’

  • Mesh Head – LeLutka (Spencer- w/ my own edited shape)
  • Mesh Body – Maitreya – Lara
  • Ears – Swallow – Crossover
  • Eyes – IKON – Hope Eyes in Field and Passion
  • Freckles Applier – [pout!] – Freckles and Beauty Marks Set
  • Skin + Body Freckles – The Skinnery – Aimee + Peach Maitreya Applier
  • Hair -Magika – Please
  • Jeans- Sweet Tea Couture – Classic Ripped Jeans
  • Shoes – Poeme – Leather Ankle Boots

Sweater + Scarf – Madcat Creations – A Simple Sweater – FREE/0L – Free gift for the Fabulously Free group – Group is free to join

Photo Location – Jacob’s Pond

Fabulous Finds 09.15.21 Edition


Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join @ Reed

Continue reading

Dreaming by the fire

Dreaming by the fire

Season’s Greetings, Fabulous Folk. As you’ve seen, Julianna is completely immersed herself in the Christmas cheer. So I feel I can do the same. Winter is fully upon us here in our little corner of the Grid and the Real World as well. In fact, there are little flurries of snow falling as I write this. So it’s the perfect setting to stay in beside the fire with a good book and a couple of happy puppers.

I’m dressed for the occasion in this casual turtleneck from Madcat Creations. It seems I’ve been showing quite a bit from this talented designer lately. And why not? Each piece is well built and  has excellent details. I know I certainly appreciate all the offerings for the men of Second Life since it can be difficult to find quality items on a budget.  This is the Snowflake Turtleneck Sweater, and you can pick it up for a little hunting and 1L as part of the “Dreaming of a White Christmas” hunt. If you’d rather not hunt, the gift is available for 25L on the Hunt poster. There is also a beautiful white snowflake dress in the same prize box for the ladies.

Sizes Included

  • Belleza – Jake
  • Signature – Gianni
  • SLink

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Gabriel is wearing

  • Mesh Head – LeLutka – Andrea
  • Mesh Body & Hands – Belleza – Jake
  • Skin –StrayDog – Breno for LeLutka Andrea, Tone 6
  • Eyes –Avi Glam – Lucent Eyes in Pine
  • Exile – Knox
  • Glasses – Linden Labs – Student glasses – Free in your Inventory
  • Trousers – Artificial Hallucination – Ares Pants
  • Corgis – Half Deer – Corgi Puppies Gacha 

Sweater – Madcat Creations – Snowflake Turtleneck Sweater – 1L prize for the Dreaming of a White Christmas Hunt


As The April Showers Give Way To Flower Power!

whc hippie 1_001

I was a huge fan of Woodstock (I’m pretty sure he was on my first lunch box when I started kindergarten). My memories come flooding back when I think of those times. Of course, I was too young to enjoy the summer of love back then. Sure, I may have gone running off in a field, letting my diaper fall to the warm earth, and enjoying the feeling of a summer breeze embracing me, but I am also pretty sure I would have gotten spanked for it, too. Spanked very hard, the sixties didn’t reach my family home until around 1976. The good news is that for those of us who missed out on the groovy clothes and free love back then, Madcat Creations has designed an excellent prize for The Vintage Hunt. The Male Hippie Outfit is so brilliantly colored it actually looks like it is tie-dyed, as opposed to some similar items with multicolored fractal images on them. This outfit brought me instant faux flashbacks of dancing in the mud, grooving to the sounds of the Grateful Dead. Keep in mind one of the most popular club events in SL are Sixties-themed nights. This prize will come in very handy. The Vintage Hunt is not a free hunt, but the prizes are only 1L and if you look around Madcat Creations you might find the matching women’s version as well (they are boxed separately). My bracelet is a free group gift from one of the best Jewelry stores on SL: Earthstones. The Peace Friendship Bracelet goes great with this outfit, but be mindful that the group costs 250L to join. My campsite is a great hunt prize from Finishing Touches. Available for FREE on The Camping Trip Hunt , it comes with the table, chairs and a nice campfire with a pot of coffee warming. Truly a lovely hunt gift.

whc white wanted jacket

From a full-fledged freak out of colors, we step away from the pallet to admire something entirely different. This white leather jacket with the integrated grey T-shirt from Wanted knocked me out when I saw it. Luckily for all of us, it has just been put on their Midnight Mania board! I was originally planning to pair it with a nice pair of black jeans, or maybe with a frosted texture, which I am sure would look fantastic. However, Apple May Designs had something even better to go with it for 1L in their Recolors Of Spring Hunt. These white pants look great with the jacket, and since they are unbuttoned at the very top, adding a belt to fill the space between the jacket and the pants as shown is a great idea. The Recolors Of Spring Hunt is scheduled to end today so hurry to pick up these pants. Seriously, RUN! As I was preparing this post, I realized this same men’s jacket in XS might please a female avatar who has an androgynous appearance, or is going for a tomboy look. Since it’s an MM board, we guys could sure use your help locking it anyway.

So, as April showers give way to the full bloom of flower power, and your travels on the grid take you to new, exotic locations, please take a moment to reflect on what a lovely, wonderful world we live in. Peace and love.—–WHC Riler

WHC is wearing & stuff…

Hoodie & Jeans – Madcat Creations Male Hippy Outfit  (Vintage Hunt Prize/1L) 
Bracelet – Earthstones Peace Friendship Bracelet (Group Gift/250L Group)
Camping Set – Finishing Touches Morning Coffee Camping Set (The Camping Trip Hunt Prize/FREE)

Necklace – [ Y ] Style – Tribal Turquoise Necklace Black Currently Unavailable Although 2 and 3 Strand Versions Are Available On Marketplace
Facial Hair – FE Style Facial Hair – 6ED
Hair – Birth Peace Hair (Raven)


White Leather Jacket – Wanted Mariano Jacket (Midnight Mania Prize/Free Group)
Pants – Apple May Designs Shades Of Khaki- White (Recolors Of Spring Hunt Prize/1L) Hurry, the hunt ends today!

Necklace – Etham – Copper Cross (long) Currently Unavailable
Tattoo – Aitui – Love Is Blind
Belt – Wanted
Skin – Belleza Mathieu
Hair – Dura *Dura-Boy*59(Black)

WHC Name Card




One of the great things about SL is that you can always find things that are unusual or just make you laugh, and there are a couple of hunts going on this month where you can find prizes that fall in this category.  One example is the Aliens in Cyberspace Hunt (AiC) which runs during the month of May with 45 stores participating and offering free gifts for both men and women.  You can get hints and SLURLs at the hunt blog.

For starters let me show you my new shiny latex FitMesh Men’s Theless Top, the hunt gift from MadCatCreations
MCC - Fitmesh Men's Theless Top_AiC_Hunt

This top is an example of the new “fitmesh” or “liquid mesh” capability in clothing that some FabFree readers were asking about in a recent FabFree Advice column.  Creating fitmesh clothing requires a different kind of mesh file than the ones the designers are used to using, and I imagine we will be seeing a lot more of it as the designers switch over.  The best part of fitmesh is that it moves with your body.  You don’t get bits of your body poking through when you change poses like sometimes happens with traditional mesh clothing.  Sorry ladies, you won’t see any more of my gorgeous, blue-lipped alien skin as long as I’m wearing fitmesh.

Also available in the AiC Hunt are the mesh Prometheus Porter’s Jacket (pants not included) from {Reverie}.  This is a jacket that can be a staple of your wardrobe even when you’re not in cyberspace.


[Goddess Couture]  has not just one, but three AiC hunt prizes.  The male hunt gift there is this open mesh jacket with alien t-shirt. (pants are not included).  This cute little R2D2 robot is the unisex gift, and you can hold onto it or just use as a bit of decor.


Where you would you need space robot decor, you ask?  Well you’d need it in your own inter-galactic spacecraft, of course.  And where would you go to get such a spacecraft?  You’d have to find the AiC hunt prize at Steaming Ahead.  For your trouble you’ll get this giant pink bug spacecraft complete with shiny chrome legs and wings.  Roomy inside with the requisite array of dials and knobs, it seats the pilot plus three passengers, and holds a whole bunch of cargo.
Steaming Ahead_AiC_Hunt

For those more earthbound and socially inept, there is the Antisocial Web Hunt (:A.W.H:) which runs from May 1 to June 1. You can find the SLURLs and hints at the hunt website.  If sometimes wish you could just pull a brown paper bag over your head and be anonymous, the AWH has just the gift for you.  Although this hunt gift was shown earlier in another FabFree guest blog entry , I wanted to show you [geek]’s  hunt gift — the Not Here Paper Bag in an appealing shade of brown which coordinates perfectly with your entire wardrobe.   [geek] has thoughtfully provided a headset with the bag so that you can keep yourself amused while you’re trying to look inconspicuous.  I’m also wearing Gye Nyame tatoo, which is the :A.W.H: hunt gift from [Letis Tattoo] .  Personally, I’ve never found wearing body ink to be antisocial, but I’m not objecting to get a cool arm tatoo from the Antisocial Web Hunt.



Geoffrey is also wearing:

Skin – .::Prodigal::. – Ale_special_buzz – former hunt gift

Eyes – B[elle]issima! – former group gift