FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


Come Into My Parlor

Black Widow_001

Take a seat in my parlor dear… never mind the chair. It won’t bite… though I might…

A black widow… in several sizes

Isn’t this Black Widow chair adorable?! And it’s perfect for Halloween! Or any Gothic theme! Better yet it was only 1L as part of the Bump in the Night Hunt and once you find the crow at Little to Large (or you can pay 25L at the sign if you don’t want to hunt) you get several size chairs as a bonus! You’ll get the chair for full size avatars as shown, petite avatars and tinies as well! How cool is that!

It’s also only 2 prim and has several very nice sitting animations.

Black Widow_002

A new hair

KoKoLoReS has their October group gift hair out and it is a pretty and chic stylish short do. The group is 250L to join, but the creator very generously puts out a new hairstyle (with a fatpack of colors) every single month for us gift hunters to pick up. You can count on a new hairstyle every month!

Some lingerie!

I found some lingerie (and a wall of past group gifts) at a new-to-me store called Bijou. This sexy black and red lingerie is perfect for the Halloween holiday… and for afterward too. The group is free to join, making the gift free too! Best yet, it accommodates all the popular mesh bodies!

Lingerie Sizes Available:

  • Maitreya – Lara
  • Slink – Hourglass & Physique
  • Belleza – Freya, Isis, & Venus


Astrid (Portia Swords) is wearing…

Body – Maitreya – Lara V4.1
Head – Catwa Head – Tumble
Head Applier – Glam Affair – Milu – Bad Girl
Lipstick Applier – Avenge – Mat Lipstick applier for Catwa in red
Eyes – IKON Hope Eyes – Wight
Hair – KoKoLoReS – Mills (Free Group Gift/Group is 250 to Join)
Lingerie – Bijou – Naughty Halloween (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join)

And Stuff…

Chair – Little 2 Large – Bela Collection Black Widow Spider  Chair (1L for the Bump in the Night Hunt)

Sim Location – Private Location

Astrids Signature


Happy Camper

Snapshot_004Good evening Fabulous Readers!

Tonight I am popping by the FabFree Blog to share news with you about a really generous free camping prize that is available to everyone.  There are several camping chairs at Bijou – even one for the guys!  You are under no obligation to join the inworld group to camp in this particular prize chair at Bijou (others require a group join), but you might as well while you are there if you have the space, because it’s free and the group gifts are great!

I did a little camping of myself (60 minutes worth to be exact!) this week and was sent the Rox Outfit as shown on my avatar, and actually I am not even wearing everything because the folder is packed with underthings, and overthings, and shoes too!  My favourite item in the gift is the awesome jeans that are included.  I gotta say…  my butt looks fantastic!

The Rox Outfit Includes:

  • Rox Jacket –  ( Maitreya, Slink, Belleza )
  • Rox Bra – ( Maitreya, Slink, Belleza )
  • Rox Panties (not shown in the photo) – ( Maitreya, Slink, Belleza )
  • Rox Jeans in both black and old blue + versions for flat and high shoes – ( Maitreya, Slink, Belleza )
  • Rox Heels (not shown in the photo) – ( Maitreya, Slink, Belleza )

Happy camping!


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Candy
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Renee 
Eyes – IKON Triumph Eyes Dusk
Hair –   Elua Kira
Outfit – Bijou Rox (free / 0L / 60 minute camping chair prize)
Pose – West End UNwind – Relaxing Poses (featured @ Lost & Found)
Sim – Luane’s World


Look Out Beach Bunnies, Here I Come

Greetings Fabulouses!

Oh No He Didn’t

I can’t believe he sent me that sassypants selfie from his surfing trip!  No way he was going to get away with that.  I recognized his usual surfing spot from his photo and decided to join him since my trip was a bust.  He better clear out those “beach bunnies” he spoke of earlier [HERE], because Love Trill is on her way!  I put my pedal to the metal and hightailed it home to grab my bikinis and see if I could dig up an old board in his man cave.  I can’t actually surf, but his old boards make for good floatie sun loungers.  I just stay out of the waves!  I know one thing is for sure…  The furbabies will be happy to see me 😀

My Beach Babe Outfit

It was very fortunate that I came across these super cute Ibiza shorts as a free group gift at Bijou.  I actually went in to pick up the group gift that Kathryn showed off in her post [HERE] and found there are a few gifts including the new Ibiza Shorts.  This group is free to join!

If you are interested, the matching Ibiza top that I am wearing is located nearby and you can purchase the whole fatpack of colours for just 100L!

Sizes Included:

  • Maitreya Lara
  • Slink Physique & Hourglass
  • Belleza Freya, Isis & Venus


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Candy
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Renee 
Sandy Body & Head  Applier – Izzie’s Beach Sand
Hair –  Argrace Chizuru  
Top – Bijou Ibiza Top (100L Promo – for the fatpack!)
Shorts – Bijou Ibiza GIFT Pants (free group gift / 0L / free to join)
Surfboard w/ Pose – LW Poses Voice of The Sea (featured @ The Liaison Collaborative)
Sim – Teahupo’o



Zombie’s like great deals too!


Hello again, how are all the FabFree readers this evening? I, as expected, am fabulous! Best part, I look it too, with the help of the OMG Room Fashion Event, and —– Bijou ! —–, but can you believe, as I was taking pictures for this post, I got photo-bombed! By a zombie no less.  Lucky for me, he took one look at my outfit, and wanted to know where I got it from.


First off, is this super comfy, casual yet sexy Jocelyn Top by blah.BLAH.blah, which is a free gift at the OMG Room Fashion Event. It is mesh, and comes in the 5 standard sizes. Best of all, it has a hud with an incredible 13 different textures to choose from! I’ve only shown you a few of the choices, but all of them are great.


Also from the OMG Room Fashion Event, are the Biker Boots with socks by **Brii Underground Wear** . These beauties are available in the gifts area, and will only set you back L$1. These are also texture change, along with the red I’ve shown, are black, and grey versions, via a HUD. Several of the other designers participating in this event have also placed out free, or almost free gifts, so make sure you go and take a look. It is also worth mentioning, that you really should look around the store too, as there are loads of great deals to be had there, by a lot of wonderful designers.


The one piece of my outfit not from that event, are the —– Bijou ! —– 2Soul Jeans! [M] grey light. I had mentioned that this store had lucky chairs in a previous post, and this is one of the prizes available in one.  They are mesh, come in sizes XXS up to L, and have both a cuffed version (as I am wearing) and an uncuffed version. These jeans are a great staple to add to your inventory, I just love that they are grey, making them fit into practically any outfit you can dream of. The chairs have a 20 minute timer, but they are worth the wait. There are 3 chairs total, one has men’s stuff in it, so go try your luck, you won’t be disappointed.

It sure was lucky for me that that zombie was into fashion, or maybe it was the fact that everything I was wearing was free or close to it, because I am sure he was going to eat me. Either way, that’s the last time I sit in a seemingly innocent, deserted city park! Just in case you are on the lookout for zombies, you should check out the City Of Dusty Heights, it is crawling with them.

Well, until next time, stay safe, and hopefully zombie free 🙂


What is Calle wearing…

Shirt – blah.BLAH.blah Jocelyn Top M (free @ The OMG Room Fashion Event)

Jeans – —– Bijou ! —– 2Soul Jeans! [M] grey light Cuffed! (free/Lucky Chair prize)

Boots – Biker Boots with socks 90 By Brii Underground Wear (L$1 @ The OMG Room Fashion Event)

Bra – ~mzfifi’s~ FIFIS BUSTIER RED (free)

Makeup – **Brii Underground Wear** Happy Birthday Make Up (L$1/Happy Birthday Hunt Prize)

Bracelet – Pure Poison  – Cool Bracelets – Women Size (free/Group Gift/free to join)

Earrings –  Pure Poison  – Love Earrings – Left (free/Group Gift/free to join)

Skin – [PF] Harley <Vanilla>

Hair – >TRUTH< Juliette 2 Streaked – night

Eyes –  IKON Promise Eyes – Storm (ML)

Brows – Soiree – Sloane Brows #Ebony

Hands – SLink

 Sim – City Of Dusty Heights




Bijou + Tekla Candy = Total Cuteness!!

Hello Fabulouses!!


As I mentioned in my last post, I had more to show you from —– Bijou ! —–, and this time I’ve added some fun sneakers and a lip piercing from another new to me shop, Tekla Candy.

First, let me tell you about this super cute Tahiry Outfit from —– Bijou ! —–. It was free from one of the two Midnight Mania boards located in the store, and when the relatively easy to reach target of 30 was met, I received the mesh bandana top in several different colours, as well as the, super curvy, mesh blue jeans. Both the tops and the jeans have the 5 standard sizes, so everyone is sure to get a good fit. For those of you who are a little more modest, be warned,  the black bra I am wearing is my own, this outfit does not come with any kind of bra or undershirt. There is also a male Midnight Mania board as well, and these boards change after every round. The day after I won this outfit, there was a very sexy string bikini for the ladies on the board, and when I went back today, there was a different outfit all together. So it is worth checking back each day to see what is available.



Now, those fun sneakers I have on, that seem to match this outfit perfectly, they are from Tekla Candy, a cute little shop that was full of fun clothing in bright colours, perfect for me! The *TC* Hollah Sneakers in Cutie are actually one of two free group gifts at the moment, and the group is free to join. The texturing on them is incredible, you truly have to see them to understand. I also mentioned the lip piercing I am wearing, the *TC* – Star lip piercings Rainbow. It is one of the several lucky board gifts available, and does not require a group tag to win. The prizes on these boards are varied, so if the piercing is not your taste, have a look anyways.

I also wanted to quickly point out the lovely eyeshadow I am wearing. I was lucky enough to find the Sheady Starfall Eyeshadow Set on the Marketplace. You get 4 different tones, as well as a star tattoo that sits just under the corner of your right eye. The price? L$0, how can you beat that!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post, I certainly enjoyed putting this look together. It’s just so much fun…and colourful, and you know by now how much I love colour 😉 Hope you have a great day, until next time! *waves*


What is Calle wearing….

Shirt and Jeans – —– Bijou ! —– – Tahiry Outfit (free/Midnight Mania)

Sneakers – Tekla Candy – Hollah Sneakers in Cutie (free/Group Gift/free to join)

Lip Piercing – Tekla Candy – Star lip piercings Rainbow (free/Lucky Board)

Eyeshadow and Star tattoo – Sheady Starfall Eyeshadow Set- (free)

Bra – {Luxuria} Dottie – Bra *black*

Skin – [PF] Harley <Vanilla>

Hair – >TRUTH< Maiko [Black Fade Pink]

Eyes –  IKON Promise Eyes – Storm (ML)

Brows – Soiree – Sloane Brows #Ebony

Hands – SLink

Tattoo – Letis Tattoo :: Rasalhague :: 75%

Main Picture Pose – Behavior Body Back Poses

Sim –  NekoZone Central



NekoZone Central


Does the Zoo need a new leopard?

Hello all you FabFree-ers!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. It was a long weekend for me, so I got to do whatever I wanted today.


What better way to spend my day off, then to head to the Parktown Zoo! I was inspired by Love’s post earlier, and had to go see the giraffe’s. This is also a great opportunity to tell you about a new to me store called —– Bijou ! —–. This lovely R O A R R R leopard! outfit, minus the jeans, is a camper chair prize at —– Bijou ! —–, and it’s free,  you only have to camp for 60 minutes to get it! You get the mesh boots, a mesh tie top, mesh arm warmers and the system layer bra, all of which you see in my picture. Not seen are left and right bracelets, rings for one hand, a mesh bag, and a pair of very low, system layer black jeans. The jeans were a little risqué for the zoo, so I opted to wear a pair of jeans I already had.  If this outfit isn’t your style, there are 3 other chairs for women, and 2 for men, all with 60 minute camp times.


I know camping isn’t for everyone, so —– Bijou ! —– also has some lucky chairs, midnight mania’s and group gifts. I will be showing you one of the Midnight Mania gifts in a future post, as well as a lucky chair gift.

OK, I think the giraffe is getting suspicious of the leopard print, so I will be moving on now. Maybe I’ll go find the monkeys! Hope you have a great evening everyone! Until next time.


What is Calle wearing…

Shirt, Bra and Boots – —– Bijou ! —– R O A R R R leopard! (free for 60 minute camping)

Necklace – Pure Poison – Love Me Necklace (free/group gift/free to join)

Jeans – fri. – Iunno Jeans (Regular Wash)

Skin – [PF] Harley <Vanilla>

Tattoo – Letis Tattoo :: Rasalhague :: 75%

Eyeshadow – .:Glamorize:. Soft Smoke Eye Makeup – Soft Gold

Hair – .ploom. Scarlet (streaked) – Indecisive

Eyes –  IKON Promise Eyes – Storm (ML)

Brows – Soiree – Sloane Brows #Ebony

Hands – SLink

Sim – Parktown Zoo



1 Comment

bikini hotness!

Farah for FabFree

Great bikini sexyness… and gifts too! woot!! ^^ And omg.. loook at the cutest gap between the teeth on the Dutch Touch skin…. sooooooooo cute!!

from left to right:

bijou – GG white bikini – oL (groupgift in notices: bijou Shopaholics group)

Dutch Touch – Skin ‘Star’ wit bikini painted on in Cream – oL (subscribogift)

other items shown not free: Cupcakes – seduction skin; Maitreya hair – amber; Zaara – Nizam head jewelry; kalnins footwear – coquette heels



xxx Farah