FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


500 is my Favourite Number

500 is My Favourite Number

OH MY GIDDY AUNT FAB FREE, IT’S MY 500th POST!  What in the name of all things made of polystyrene is going on!?  It’s time to celebrate! Get dolled up!  Paint the town wild and wacky shades!  No but seriously folks, I’m so happy to be part of this awesome community of fashion lovers, and I have fun writing every single post!  Thanks for reading my ridiculous ramblings, and for all the comments and IMs, I love every single one of them.  Let’s get to the freebies!

Nine, Did You Say?

It’s an anniversary round at On9!  I love anniversary rounds, they’re so full of awesome stuff and usually some wondrous gifts.  I found this exceedingly striking gown over at the event by Celestina’s Weddings, as well as my lipstick by Reviver (which comes with appliers for Catwa and Lelutka)!  To grab them, you don’t even need to join a group, just walk around and click on the gift boxes and your inventory will be overflowing with goodies faster than you can say “flibbertigibbet”.   Oh and…it’s all FREE!

Dress Sizes

  • Freya
  • Isis
  • Venus
  • Maitreya
  • Hourglass
  • Physique
  • TMP

Shall we make it another 500 posts Fab Free?

You betcha.


Aline is Wearing…


Dress – Celestina’s Weddings Ellie Gown (Free Gift at On9/No Group Join Required)
Necklace – Cae Brat Collar 


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Cate
Eyebrows– Jumo Britani
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filligree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow Applier – Alaskametro Impressionist (Available at Uber)
Nails – Maitreya Lara
Lipstick Applier – Reviver Carmen Deep Red (Free Gift at On9/No Group Join Required) 
Hair – Pr!tty Genia
Pose – Foxcity Breather
Backdrop – Foxcity Ballroom


Keepin’ it Real

Keepin' it Real

Heya Fab Free!  I’m coming at ya from another timezone than my usual one today, with some comfy and affordable finds that will keep you happy whether you get away from the daily grind like I have, or you need to distract yourself from it all!  I’ll get straight to it!

Hunt for it!

Epoch is having a little hunt right now over on their sim, which is always good fun to explore.  There are hidden back alleys, stairs to climb, little rooms to go into and all sorts.  This hunt is not what I would describe as challenging, but a few of the items did elude me (word on the street is that Reign have made an addition to the hunt, but this gal right here couldn’t find them, cuz I’m on vacation anddddd I was a bit lazy, not gonna lie). HOWEVER, I did find this cute lingerie set by Epoch for just 25L, which comes with an HUD or two to change the colour.  There were some other great finds too, all priced very reasonably and pretty easy to find.  Just look for the little red takeout boxes and they will be yours!


  • Freya
  • Hourglass
  • Maitreya

Ooh, it Glows!

Over at On9 there’s a little group gift for you to pick up for free!  These earrings by Dreamlight are super cool and they actually glow like little neon lights for your earlobes.  To get mine, I just joined the On9 group for free, and clicked on the vendor at the event.  Yay!

Well, I’m off on some more adventures, til my next post!


Aline is Wearing…


Lingerie – Epoch Hope Bra and Shorties (25L on the Epoch Hunt)
Earrings – Dreamlight Neon Earrings (Free Group Gift at On9


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Cate
Eyebrows– Jumo Britani
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filligree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow Applier – Lelutka Cate
Nails – Maitreya Lara
Lipstick Applier – Lelutka Cate
Hair– CHAIN Sirens (Available at Lootbox)
Sim– Private


Mango at Midnight

FabFree: Mango at Midnight

Good evening Fabulouses!  Just stopping by real quick to share news about a really sweet 75L offer by Narcisse.

Flourish is a new event, where everything is priced between 70L – 99L, and Narcisse is participating in this round with their lacy Lily design in four colours, priced at just 75L each.  These are fitted for Maitreya and are available in the exclusive Lava, Mauve, Zest and Mango shades.


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Catya
Head Applier – Glam Affair Maya (featured @ Access)
Lipstick Applier – Glam Affair Catwa Lipstick
Eyes – Avi-Glam Bliss Eyes
Eyelashes – Euphoric Stella Lashes
Hair – Doux Air

Nightie – Narcisse Lily (75L @ Flourish)
Choker – Narcisse Delicado
Bracelets & Rings – Avaway Love

Pose – Lyrium Lou (featured @ On9)



YAY for Saturday – Chocolate Vanilla

FabFree: YAY for Saturday - Chocolate Vanilla

Hey there Fabulouses!  I really look forward to Friday and Saturday in Second Life because that means Fifty Linden Friday and Saturday Sale time!  I didn’t have a chance to blog any of my FLF finds yesterday, because time is so sensitive with the offers ending at midnight, but with the Saturday Sale usually items are left out for a few days or even the whole week sometimes.

I love a good hair sale!!

I am really excited to show off my favourite Saturday Sale find today.  This week at Rama there are two long hairstyles to choose from at 75L per colour pack and in my photo you’ll see me wearing one them, called Rachel.  I did just pick up this one, but I may have to go back and grab the other one too, because it was pretty!  Go grab a demo 😀

The Serena Top & Serena Shorts are by Vanilla Bae and are available for purchase at this round of Collabor88.  They come in PG and Adult strip versions


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Catya
Head Applier – Glam Affair Anais (instore gacha)
Eyes – Avi-Glam Bliss Eyes 
Eyelashes – Euphoric Stella Lashes (free group gift / 0L / free to join)
Hair – Rama Rachel Hair (75L / Saturday Sale)

Outfit – Vanilla Bae Serena Top & Serena Shorts (featured @ Collabor88)
Chocolate – ChicChica Chocobars (featured @ Cosmopolitan)

Pose – Lyrium Lou (right arm animated by chocolate plate) (featured @ On9)
Sim – Maoz


It’s a wrap

FabFree: It's a wrap!

Hey there Fabulouses,

I hope you had a good week :).  Mine felt extra long and I am relieved now that it’s the weekend!  About a week ago [HERE], I showed you a few free group gifts that are available at Rowne, and I just can’t stop there, because there are SO many really, really nice gifts!

MORE free gifts at Rowne!

Tonight I am showing you the Dasha Dress which is a long sleeved 3/4 length wrap dress in a gorgeous shade of red.  This dress comes in three mesh body sizes as listed below and as mentioned in my last post for Rowne, the group is free to join!

Sizes Included:

  • Maitreya Lara
  • Slink Physique & Hourglass

Enjoy your weekend!!


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Catya
Head Applier – Glam Affair Anais (instore gacha)
Eyes – Avi-Glam Bliss Eyes 
Eyelashes – Euphoric Stella Lashes (free group gift / 0L / free to join)
Hair – Rama Avril

Dress – Rowne Dasha Dress (free group gift / 0L / free to join)
Shoes – Pure Poison Gina Sandals (featured @ Collabor88)
Jewelry – Cae Thalia Necklace

Pose – Lyrium Lou (featured @ On9)
Sim – Lutz City



Too Cool for School

Too Cool for School

School has started up again, and you know what that means – super cute outfits and new school supplies!  Of course, all that is made better if they’re FREEEEEE!

Meet Me On9

Allison mentioned the other day that at this month’s round of On9 you’ll find all sorts of fun free gifts!  Today, I’m showing off a whole bunch of awesomeness that I found:

  • Sweatshirt and Backpack by KiB designs (sized for Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, Physique and Venus)
  • Glasses by Nyne
  • Hair by BMS
  • Pose by Kokoro Poses

Hop over to On9 and click on all the gifties, no group join required.  What goodies will you find?


Aline is Wearing…


Sweatshirt and Bag – KiB Designs Kanatan Backpack (Free Gift at On9)
Rings – Nova Celestria Rings
Glasses – Nyne Hipster Glasses (Free Gift at On9)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Cate
Eyebrows– Jumo Britani
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filligree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow Applier – Lelutka Cate
Nail Polish Applier –  Maitreya Lara
Lipstick Applier – Lelutka Cate
Eyelash Applier – Pout! Divine Lashes
Hair – BMS BMGH16 (Free Gift at On9)
Backdrop – Focus Poses Classroom Backdrop
Pose – Kokoro Poses (Free Gift at On9)




Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun

Oooooh FabFree, it’s been quite the weekend in RL. It poured down rain for 4 solid days, I’ve been cooped up with two stir crazy tiny people, there was a leak in my ceiling (but luckily it was just a vent leaking and not the roof), and to top it all off I have the worst cold ever. I think I might be dying. So if this is my last post, it was nice knowing you. RL me has been just fine at handling everything although SL me has been in a bit of a mood for entirely different reasons…I’ll let the facial expression speak for itself. But things have to look up sometime, right? Here’s hoping that the sun really is coming out!

On9 turns my mood around!

I’ve been neglecting my shopping lately but when I saw on Seraphim that this is a “special gift round” of On9 I hopped on over to have a look. Almost every designer has a free gift out and there is no group required! I’m wearing two of them today. I got my fun layerfull (yup, that’s a word now) dress free from ArisArisB&W. It come with a HUD for 4 cute pattern options and in sizes for:

  • Belleza Freya, Isis, & Venus
  • Ebody
  • Maitreya
  • Slink Hourglass & Physique
  • Tonic Curvy & Fine

I thought this necklace went perfectly with the dress. It is the free gift at On9 from EXiiA.

I hope that you’ve had a better weekend than me, and that you have a fantastic week!

Allison is wearing…

Mesh Body: Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head: Catwa Magy
Skin Applier: Deetalez Snjezana
Eyes: Avi-Glam Reverie Eyes
Eyelashes Applier: Arte My Lashes
Hair: Magika Fever
Necklace: EXiiA Necklace Tiger Eye (0L / free gift at On9)
Dress: ArisArisB&W Suprise Dress (0L / free gift at On9)
Pose: Clique (no longer available)

One Day I’ll Fly Away

One Day I'll Fly Away

Sometimes one just wants to put on something soft and sweet and think about teacups and roses.  I’m in one of those moods that involves spending some time with swans while I moon about looking ethereal!

Soft White

I picked up this gorgeous dress, complete with the beautiful detailing on top (which is just a little see-through) over at On9!  I joined the group there for free and made my way over to the very back of the event, through the door and into the back room where I found this gift.  This dress is sized for Maitreya Lara and comes in both this dusty rose colour and red!  Go grab yours before it disappears on August 31st!  There are one or two other gifts hanging around if you search them out too!

Sorry, no time to chat, I need to waft about gracefully!


Aline is Wearing…


Dress – Me Sew Sexy  (Free Group Gift at On9)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Cate
Eyebrows– Jumo Britani
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filligree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow Applier – Lelutka Cate
Nail Polish Applier –  Maitreya Lara
Lipstick Applier – Lelutka Cate
Eyelash Applier – Pout! Divine Lashes
Hair – Pr!tty Cindy (Free Group Gift/Group is 200L to Join)
Sim – Luane’s Magical World



Snowball Sneak Attack


I love wandering around Izzie’s Sim!  Izzie’s is ever changing with the seasons and there are plenty of critters about to enjoy all year long, but…  beware when you walk past this house in particular because Izzie Button herself will pelt you with 5 snowballs before you know what hit you, and then – she’ll shut the door and peek at you through the window, giggling!  I know this, because it just happened to me this morning!

Winter Casuals

I was glad to be bundled up in my winter gear so I could stay warm on the walk home.  I had just picked up this entire three piece “Casual Her Outfit” at #bye in the group gifts section on the back side of the wall just at the entrance as a free Fitmesh Fanatics group gift!  The Fitmesh Fanatics inworld group is free to join!

Outfit Includes:

  • Casual Her Jeans:  Fitmesh XS-XL + Alpha Layer, Lara, Physique, Hourglass, Freya, Isis & Venus
  • Casual Her Cardigan (includes shirt too!:  Fitmesh XS-XL + Alpha Layer, Lara, Physique, Hourglass, Freya, Isis & Venus
  • Casual Her Ugg Boots w/ Shoe Base & Alpha

My photo does not do this hair justice…

At The Imaginarium Event, you will find that No.Match is participating and is offering the No Justice hairstyle as shown on my avatar as a 50L per play gacha item!  The cute hat comes with a texture change HUD that allows you to change the colour of the hat, brim and also the ears!  (Thanks to Izzy Christenson for sharing her extra!)


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Catya
Head Applier –  DeetaleZ Maxille 2
Eyeshadow – Alaskametro<3 Soiree Eyeshadow (75L @ On9)
Lipstick – Alaskametro<3 Fey Lipgloss (75L @ On9)
Eyes – IKON Triumph Eyes Dusk
Hair w/ Hat – No.Match No Justice (50L per play @ The Imaginarium Event)
Sweater w/ Shirt, Jeans & Boots – #bye Casual Her Outfit (free Fitmesh Fanatics group gift / 0L / free to join)
Snow Ball Hits – Izzie’s Snowball Hit
Pose by Le Poppycock
Sim – Izzie’s



The Perfect Gown


Hello Fabulouses!  Dead Dolls has a lovely VIP gift for the members of their inworld group!  Once you join their group, which has a fee of 250L, you can pick up the Holiday Gown X Mas Gift that is shown on my avatar today.  This dress is Maitreya Mesh Body specific and comes with a texture change hud that allows for the six colour options (plus you can mix and match the skirt / top colours!) and two belt options as listed below.

  • White
  • Black
  • Blush
  • Red
  • Navy Blue
  • Light Blue
  • Belt – Gold / Silver

Rigged To Perfection

This dress truly is the perfect gown as the delicate lacy top is perfectly rigged close to the skin without body parts poking out during movement and the sheer lace shows just enough to be sultry but not too risque for those on the shy side.  Not only the top is amazing, however the bottom is too with the long slender satiny skirt featuring a sexy lower back dip that shows off a little cheek peek.

Deaddollz2To sum things up…

If you are not in this group – get in it!  This gown is worth the fee if you have the Maitreya Lara Body.  They do gives a few times a year, so it puts you on the list for future gifts too.


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Catya
Head Applier –  DeetaleZ Maxille 2
Eyeshadow – Alaskametro<3 Soiree Eyeshadow (75L @ On9)
Lipstick – Alaskametro<3 Fey Lipgloss (75L @ On9)
Eyes – IKON Triumph Eyes Dusk
Hair – Magika Love Song
Gown – Dead Dollz Holiday Gown X Mas Gift (free group gift / 0L / 250L to join)
Rings – Slipper Myrrh Bento Rings (featured @ 68 Main – The Event)
Pose #1 – LW Poses World Inside (featured @ Tres Chic)
Pose #2 – LW Poses I’ll Remember You (featured @ Tres Chic)
Sim – Luane’s Winter World
