FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

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Dusty Rose

Hello hello, my FabFree dears! I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. Mine has been particularly crazy as we get ready to move. But in amidst the boxes and packing I had to get my freebie fix!

encore2_001This is the “Priscilla” dress and shoes from Encore. You may remember the beautiful things we’ve seen from Encore at our own Cart Sales at the Wash. I am happy to report that the Cart sale was just a teaser for all the lovely things you’ll find in the shop and at Encore’s Marketplace page.  I am totally in love with this dress. The details are simply gorgeous and that fabric… just perfect.  Plus, you get the cute matching shoes for SLink mid feet.  All this for 0L with no group needed. encore2_002

I don’t know how long this very generous gift will be out, so if you like the look hurry down to Encore.

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Skin Lumae – Alaska Mulled Wine
EyesIkon – Hope Eyes in Field and Passion
Hands + Feet Slink V. 2.0 mesh Casual Hands + Mid Feet + Basic HUD
Ears – Aitui – Traveller Plug Gacha ears (50L per play Gacha in main store)
Hair Clawtooth – Lady Lulu
Pose GlamRus – Candy

Dress + Shoes – Encore – Priscilla – (Free/0L/free gift for all)




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Elikatira At The Hair Fair

On FabFree, The girls and I have been showing you some of the super sweet gifts you can get at The Hair Fair, and I imagine you’ll be seeing more here for the rest of the week, because they are really nice gifts, and very plentiful!  Last night when I opened up Elikatira’s gift – it was just like Christmas!  Elikatira’s free gift includes the three hairstyles you see me wearing above (Kara, Lillian & Chantal) in a full essentials pack of colours that contains a little of this and a litte of that.  I am sure you will find your shade or something close!  Elikatira is on the Redhead Sim – Go go goooo!

Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Karin
Head Applier – League Luna

Eyes – IKON Charm Eyes Coffee
Hair – Elikatira Kara (free / Hair Fair Gift)
Hair – Elikatira Lillian (free / Hair Fair Gift)
Hair – Elikatira Chantal (free / Hair Fair Gift)
Shirt – ISON Shoulder Cut Out Tank (featured @C88)
Pants – ISON Fish Scale Leggings (featured @C88)
Pose by Le Poppycock



Belle and Pearls Are a Girl’s Best Friends

We probably all remember the song “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend.” I remember thinking: “But diamonds are hard and why do boys get dogs?!” Because dogs were man’s best friend — what was up with that? Life was so unfair! Well MINA @ the Hair Fair, Belle Epoque and Empyrean Forge are here to save the day with outstanding fashion (as usual!) to make up for all the insanity!

Belle and Pearls are a Girl's Best Friends [2]

I had spent a hard day’s work braving Hair Fair, where I picked up this amazing FREE gift from MINA @ the Hair Fair called Selenia. This gift is only available in Grey tones (which was fine by me as it fits my roleplay character (a glass fae) just perfectly! But it would also be terrific for mature looks or even in the very lightest shade to pass for a platinum blonde.

The great thing is that this is one of those second chance gifts! You first saw this hair HERE where it was blogged as an amazing find by Love Trill at The Arcade Gacha! So if you missed it then, now it’s available for a second go ’round!

My next stop was a quick jump to Belle Epoque for their amazing FREE group gift which is perfect for any roleplayer’s wardrobe and can be worn as is — or over the top of system clothes or applier clothes for more modesty if desired. The group is FREE to join and the gift is FREE as well. It is fully mesh in all the standard sizes, and includes three great colors (I’m only showing you the green but there is also a beautiful blue and a fabulous brown shade inside the package as well!).

Belle and Pearls are a Girl's Best Friends [1]

I had decided that the evening now called for a little relaxation, which meant I headed home to sit by the fire and did the rest of my shopping via the marketplace where I was thrilled to discover that one of my favorite designers — Empyrean Forge — is spoiling us all with a special promo! A 1L giftie of their Contessa ring in either a lustrous white or sexy black pearl option (depending upon which way you go)!

This is great because you can give it as a gift to a friend as well if you like. I finished my look off with a lovely manicure set by alaskametro in a french silver finish for slink hands. The applier kit is on the Marketplace and has a great palette choice of 25 colors for only 25L. That’s a hard deal to beat for such a great color set!

Belle and Pearls Are a Girl's Best Friends [3]

In case you were wondering, yes I did splurge. With all the mullah I saved on my other goodies for this get-up, I did buy the jewelry that matches the Contessa ring! Empyrean forge is offering a lovely matching necklace and matching bracelet and with a color change hud, each with two metal choices, and 12 gemstone finishes. I just couldn’t resist!


Here’s the details!

Skin – -Glam Affair – Elvi – Fairy

Eyes – Ikon Hope Starfall

Hair – MINA @ The Hair Fair – Selenia (Hair Fair gift – FREE)

Hands – Slink

Manicure and Pedicure – alaskametro<3 metallic pack nail polish – Neutral/Silver (25L on the Marketplace)

Dress – Belle Epoque Dana (0L Group Gift/0L to join)

Jewelry – Empyrean Forge Contessa Ring – Pearl (1 L on the Marketplace); also available in Black (1L on the Marketplace); matching jewelry available from the same creator at their Marketplace Store.

Signature use 320 size