FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Fabulous Finds 11.07.20 Edition

1L on the Jerky Turkey Hunt @ The Artist Shed

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Simply Irresistible

Simply Irresistible

I’m having another one of those flashbacks to the 80’s.  This time it’s the “Addicted to Love” video by Robert Palmer.  You know, the girls with the short hair, the super red lips and legs that stretch into next week.  I came up with my own version with some great group gifts!

Cranking it Up

I wandered about, as I usually do, and found my way to Cranked.  There I came upon a wall of free group gifts, one of which was this little cropped jacket which I think I really could wear with loads of different things.  I highly enjoy the buckles, and the fact that it also comes with an HUD with several different colour options!  You can grab this jacket (as well as a bunch of other gifts) just by clicking on the vendor and paying 0L – no group join required!


  • XXS – L With an Alpha
  • Physique

The Body Electric

My ever-growing collection of bodysuits was rather pleased when I came upon this group gift at MMC.  They have a whole bunch of exceedingly well-priced pieces of lingerie!  This one comes with an applier for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and Omega.  I joined the group for 1L, then paid the vendor 1L for the gift – I’d say 2L is a great deal for this pretty outfit!

Ok, I’m going back to my music videos again – I think I’ve got to perfect the blank looks from the Robert Palmer one!


Aline is Wearing…


Jacket – Cranked Soja Jacket (Free Gift/No Group Join Required)
Bodysuit – MMC Cattelyn Bodysuit (1L Group Gift/Group is 1L to Join)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Cate
Eyebrows– Jumo Britani
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Eyeshadow Applier –  Lelutka Cate
Lipstick Applier – Adored Advent
Nail Polish Applier – Maitreya Lara
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filligree Sternum Tattoo
Hair – Exile Judd
Sim – Private


Now is the Time….

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Happy Sunday, Fabulouses!  I have quick, time sensitive post to share with you today featuring a free group gift.  The group is free to join only until January 31st, so don’t delay if you would like to scoop up this lovely gift for free.

While Rip and I wandered about SL, a group notice popped up on my screen announcing the latest group gift from MMC Store.  As soon as I opened the texture included in the notice, and had a peek at the Celline dress, I knew she was destined for my inventory.  Quick as a wink, I teleported over to the shop, joined the group, and scooped up Celline, as well as the 5 other group gifts featured on the wall just inside the door.

Little.  Black.  Dress.

Every girl needs a slinky, black dress and this little number is just about as perfect as you can get.  With a daring neckline, sexy cut out, satiny fabric, and darling ties in the back, Celline hugs your curves in all the right places.   Simple enough to wear to work, yet easily accessorized and glammed up for an evening date, this dress is a valuable addition to your SL closet.  The 16-texture HUD included with the gift opens up a wide range of possibilities beyond merely a black dress.  As of January 29th, the group is free to join, and the dress is one of six free group gifts available to members.  As I stated earlier, the free join is for a limited time only, so if you have a hankering for this frock, I’d suggest you pop on over to the MMC Store right away.  After the 31st, the join fee will increase to 50L.  Even at that price, this dress is well worth the fee!

What’s Included

  • Fitted Mesh for Classic Avatars in XXS, XS, S, M, L
  • Alpha layer for Classic Avatars
  • Appliers for Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venus), Eve (Pulpy, Slim), Maitreya, Slink (Hourglass, Physique), The Mesh Project, and Tonic (Curvy,Fine)
  • Color change HUD packed with 16 textures

That’s it for now, my friends.  I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.  Until my next post, happy shopping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is Wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Moirah

Hair:  Magika Stay the Night

Eyes:  IKON Spectral Eyes in Scoria

Eyeliner:  Teapi Eyeliner for Catwa Mesh Head (35L on the Marketplace)

Lipstick:  Izzie’s Catwa Lipstick Applier Aiko

Necklace:  Maxi Gossamer Ashira Teardrop

Dress:  MMC Store Celline Dress (free group gift to MMC Store Group Members 0L/0L to join until January 31st – after 1/31 the join fee is 50L)

Shoes:  KC Couture Toluca Strappy Heels (99L on the Marketplace)

Mesh Hands and Feet:  Slink

Nail Polish:  ZOZ Rubber

Pose:  Bounce This Poses

Sim:  Petit Chat Moumou’s Square