FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Treasure Hunt


Good Tuesday morning, FabFolks!

Tuesday Treasures

Fall is a great time for Hunts in Second Life. We’ve got everything from the ultra difficult Twisted Hunt to some of the more casual hunts. I decided to relax a little with this next Hunt over at the Kiyomizu Sim. This is a neat little sim set up like a Japanese street market with lots of fun things to explore. From now until October 11th, Kiyomizu is having an “Autumn Treasure Hunt“. Just find the little “Ninja Cats” hidden in many of the shops for a free gift. Some of the cats are hard to find but most are pretty easy. One word of caution: some of the shops have hidden their Ninja Cat in the main store rather than the market shop. So if you can’t find the kitty grab a landmark to the main store and try there.

Now what I’m showing you today… First is this sweet cardigan and dress combo from M*Motion. The soft color is just right for fall and I love the pattern on the dress. It’s sheet music! So cute and creative! (MMotion is one of the shops to hide the Ninja Cat in their main store)  Memory has set out two Ninja Cats for the hunt right there in the booth at the street market. I’m showing the earrings and the other prize is just as nice!  Rounding out my outfit are these leather sandals from SMC. This prize comes with both a men’s and women’s non rigged version of the shoes plus a TMP version and a SLink version for Flat feet.

Tuesday Treasures

This is a fun quick hunt in a nifty little sim so don’t miss it.


~ * ~ * ~* ~

Skin Lumae – Alaska Mulled Wine
EyesIkon – Hope Eyes in Field and Passion
Hands + nailsSlink mesh Casual Hands + the Basic HUD
Ears – Aitui – Traveller Plug Gacha ears (50L per play Gacha in main store)
Hair – ClawtoothLa Bella Donna – (75L per play Gacha in main store)


Dress  – M*MotionHalter Dress w/ Bolero(FREE/0L/Autumn Treasure Hunt)

Shoes – SMC – Leather Sandals – (FREE/0L/Autumn Treasure Hunt) 

Jewelry – Memory – Black Flower Earrings – (FREE/0L/Autumn Treasure Hunt)




Author: Julianna Seriman

Just a girl on the Grid... a sometimes a guy.

4 thoughts on “Treasure Hunt

  1. What a fun little hunt (and discovery!). I loved the little Ninja cats and found all sorts of goodies in addition to these three items! Thanks Julianna 😀 Great post!


  2. What a neat idea for a dress! I would never have noticed this hunt, so thank you!


  3. You are more then welcome. 😀 So many of the little Hunts go under the radar, as it were.

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