FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

New Marvel Superhero!


Hey gang,

Had a great set of poses and needed to find an equally amazing outfit.  Headed over to AMUI because I know she has a super duper range of styles and I sure wasn’t disappointed.  I found this very cool jumpsuit which is the Third Life Group Gift so it was free! (the group is free to join as well)

Captain Proton to the Rescue! (oh wait…)

I felt like such a Marvel superhero fighting some epic sci fi battle in the future.  I think Marvel needs to add her and make a movie.  I need to think of a name for her, but I’m battling a yucky cold and my brain is foggggggggggggggg.  You know the feeling I am sure.

As I said the jumpsuit is free just join the Third Life Group, and wear the tag.  It fits:

  • Freya
  • Isis
  • Venus
  • Maitreya
  • Hourglass
  • Physique
  • Curvy
  • Fine

Info on the poses below, if you like to take photos, you *need* these.  I had such a blast with them.

Arielle is looking fabulous in…


Outfit –AMUI Fantasy Spikes Jumpsuit Mod 01 (free Third Life group gift, group is free to join)
Shoes – Arcane Spellcaster Noa Boots
Crown – Lassitude & Ennui Starry Crown Black
Halo – Emotional Circus Transcendence Halo


Mesh Body – Maitreya  Lara
Mesh Head –Lelutka Nova EvoX
Skin – CHSkins Tania Cy bo Metal Azure full skin RARE
Eyes – Lotus Generation Eyes
Hair – Moon Luna


Pose – Seetra. Poses The Inevitable Collection


You don’t need to save me, but would you run away with me?

You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?

What’s that over there?! A sale on gachas? Quick, there’s no time to lose!

Savings the city from paying full price!

That’s right, my superpower is never paying full price…one gacha sale at a time!

There was a notice in the Addams group the other day about a sale on all of their gachas. Obviously, I had to go check it out. I’m not addicted to gachas, I can stop anytime…I swear! All of the gachas are discounted to 29L per play but just through TODAY. There is a room upstairs  with a bunch of gachas. I couldn’t resist throwing a bit of L at this great superhero costume. I didn’t get the whole set in a single color but I did get a few rares and I think that it looks cool with the black and the gold mixed together. There are separate machines to pay depending on your body type (Slink, Maitreya, or Belleza) so make sure that you pay the right one.

Addams @Epiphany Gacha!

Allison is wearing…

Mesh Body: Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head: Catwa Magy
Skin Applier: Deetalez Snjezana
Eyes: Avi-Glam Reverie Eyes
Eyelashes Applier: Arte My Lashes
Hair: Truth Lela
Outfit: Addams Marion Hero (gacha, 29L per play)
Pose: dfo!

Let Me Dazzle You!

Dazzler Final

Calling all Super Heroes, Super Villains, and Comic Book Aficionados, there’s a new hunt that started today at the KaTnipZ Wonderland Sim! Appropriately titled the “Super Heroes, Super Villains, and Super Boobies Hunt” there are 40 different comic character outfits to find all ranging between $5 – $20 lindens each. Every participating designer was randomly assigned a specific Heroine or Villain to portray, so each gift is completely different! The gift from PixyStix is this super gorgeous version of the X-Men character Dazzler. It includes the skin complete with every applier you could imagine, and this sexy silver bodysuit! Enjoy!

Here are the details:

Hair – Alice Project – *AP* Alexis Glitter/Rainbow Streaks – Blonde – Not Free

Skin & Catsuit – ~PixyStix~ ::Hayden as Dazzler:: & ~PixyStix~ ::Dazzler:: Catsuit – $5 Liden SHSVSB Hunt Gift

Jewelry – Gia – Agenta Set- FREE on the Marketplace. This set includes a necklace, earrings, bracelets, a belt (not shown), and belly piercing (not shown).

Shoes – RedGrave – [*RG*] Girls’ Bikers RELOADED – Not Free

Microphone – [KD] Designs – Microphone – $5 Linden on the Marketplace – This microphone is animated, however I attached it to the opposite hand to use it with the crouching pose pictured.

Pose – oOo Studio Poses – Rockstar – $1 Linden on the Marketplace



Girl Power!!

Girl Power

His Girl Friday

Hang on to your superhero capes, this one is gonna be a crazy mash-up! To begin with my BFF tp’d me to a store I’d never heard of before called ..::KnocKeRs::.. This is a great place to pick up vintage/rockabilly hair and clothing at a very reasonable price, PLUS while you are browsing you’ll have count them,…TWO lucky boards which give the outfits I am featuring, THREE gatchas which have a dress and swimsuits all for 30L a try, a Dare2Bare hunt prize (which I will show soon) AND a group gift for 0L (the group gift is 25L to join)….

Angel Alphaville shoes collage

Now while I was dressing for this post, I decided to use a pair of pumps that I’ve had for ages. I thought it would be a good idea to see if the store was still around, and yes! (Angel Alphaville) It’s more like a landing area, but everywhere you look is free or greatly reduced pumps! (and yay, no skin matching) I found 5 pairs of pumps for 0L,  3 pairs 10L each which are red, pink/black spotted and T-strap snakeskin pumps. Also you will find a Midnight Mania board and three Lucky Letter boards.

Takes a deep breath! Ok by the time you get all this unpacked and shown off to your friends and significant others, I’ll be back to show you more (a “superbloggers” work is NEVER done! haha)


Outfits-His Girl Friday (sand) 0L and Girl Power (with Tango Applier) 0L ..::KnocKeRs::..Vintage Retro Rockabilly Fashion http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Legends/151/171/999

Pumps 0L– Angel Alphaville http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Midar%20Fell/35/249/243

Poses 0L (on airplane) D2B1 Mood Swings Dare2Bare Hunt #40 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Void/74/133/26

Props/pose used in Girl Power photo 0L-The Original Marvel Roleplay http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Durutti/78/179/2503

TRUTH HAIR Hollana (Mesh Hair) – light blondes 250L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TRUTH-HAIR-Hollana-Mesh-Hair-light-blondes/4624624

Aircraft Carrier, U.S.S. ENTERPRISE, U.S., Navy, BRIG http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Delchdork/30/245/30