FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007



A super quickie for you tonight, Fabbies!

A Pal

I noted a few new additions to the piles of freebies that are available over at Palomma Plaza, including this quite lovely dress in a full fatpack of colours from Meva.  It’s super customizable, even down to the tassels.  You can get yours by joining the Palomma Plaza group for free, and you’ll find a bajillion other free gifts too.


  • Reborn
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • Petite

Quick and easy!


Aline is Wearing…


Dress – Meva Brooklyn (Free Gift at Palomma Plaza/Group is Free to Join)
Rings – Bonita Popcorn Set


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Skin – Glam Affair Cate
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filigree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow – Alaskametro Earthtones
Lipstick – Alaskametro Earthtones
Nails – Maitreya Lara
Hair – Stealthic Embers
Pose – Versuta Dice
Sim – Snowbird

This Modern Love

Coming Soon to Fab Free!

Sometimes when I get bored, I open up my TP history, blindly tap some letters on my keyboard, and look on the list for places to visit.  I often re-discover some beautiful sim I’d forgotten about, and more often, visit a store I haven’t been to in a while.  For the record, I think TP history is the 2nd best thing to area search in Firestorm 😉


The other day, I was doing just this, TPing around the grid, when I landed at [SOKIRO] and quickly discovered a little motherlode of free gifts!  Oddly enough, the majority of the gifts there are for the Maitreya Gifts, Sales & News group, and the others are for the [SOKIRO] group, but the best part is, both of these groups are free to join!

My entire outfit today is made up of free gifts from this store.  The Zuky shirt comes in black, a cow texture and a unicorn texture and is a gift for the MGSN group and is sized for:

  • Maitreya/Petite
  • Legacy/Perky
  • Kupra/Kups

The Yun stockings and platform shoes I have on are also free gifts for MGSN group.  The stockings only come in black, but the shoes come in a fatpack of colors.  Both are sized for:

  • Maitreya
  • Legacy
  • Kupra

Lastly, the Emy skirt I’m wearing is a group gift for [SOKIRO].  It comes in a fatpack of denim colors from light to dark, it only comes in 2 sizes, Maitreya and Legacy.

Don’t Drink the Water

The drink I’m holding is the newest group gift from e.marie.  I stayed in the group when it was free for the 12 days of Christmas, because I find myself buying so many of her items in weekend sales – but it is now 50L to join.  What I love about this drink, it has the CUTEST animation, that has your hand shaking the ice around the drink glass, every 30 seconds or so.  It’s subtle, and so real.    Now, the name of this gift is called ‘felix’s bathwater’ and it’s a nod to the movie Saltburn, which I haven’t seen yet.  I did, however, look up the reference, and I’ll leave each of you to do the same – LOL  This is a PG blog after all 😉

Peace ☮️

♥ Beachy

Beachy is wearing…


Shirt – [SOKIRO] – ZUKY SHIRT -BLACK- (MAITREYA) (Free gift for MGSN group/Free group join required)
Skirt – [SOKIRO] – EMY SKIRT MAITREYA (Group gift/Free group join required)
Stockings – [SOKIRO] SOCKS MAITREYA (Free gift for MGSN group/Free group join required)
Shoes – [SOKIRO] PLATFORM MAITREYA (BLACK) (Free gift for MGSN group/Free group join required)
Drink – e.marie // felix’s bathwater (Group gift/Group is 50L to join)
Earrings – e.marie // Mimi Earrings – Golds


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara 
Mesh Head – Lelutka Erin
Skin – Glam Affair FLO (Almond)
Tan Lines – .HS. Tan Line 32% – Dark Skins

Hair –TRUTH Collective / Evocative
Brows – Nuve. Adele Eyebrows
Eyes– LOTUS. Unicorn Eyes 17 (BOM) RARE
Nails – 1990 – Celebration Set – Stiletto  (Group gift/Free group join required)
Pose – Lyrium – Janie Pose 1 – heels [m] (Group gift/Free group join required)
SIM – New Deer Isle

Fabulous Finds 01.20.24 Edition

[QE] Snowbound 2024 Hunt Key

25L each on The Snowbound Hunt by QE Designs

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