FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

WellMade Billionaire

WellMade Billionaire

Hey There Fab Free’rs! Did your weekend go by as quickly as mine did? My week seems to be getting away from me as well.  I did however get to do some freebie shopping over the weekend thanks to the gifts at the Paradise Event. This new-to-me event was pointed out to me by this super awesome guy in my life, thanks Blue for the heads up! At the Paradise Event most participating designers have a gift or two at their booth ranging in cost from zero to ten lindens each. No group is required, simply purchase the gift for the set price. I picked up the gift by WellMade along with the gift by Beauty Passions. The Paradise Event gifts aside for a moment, how cool is this black and white limousine?! It’s absolutely free at Billionaire Motors, no group needed.

WellMade Paradise Event Gift – This dress by WellMade is a free gift at the Paradise Event. It comes with a color change hud that lets you pick from 8 preset colors, including 3 metallic options. The faux leather-like appearance of the fabric with the lacey texture gave me major ’80s glam rock vibes. I couldn’t help but channel my inner Tawny Kitaen! This free gift comes in several sizes and includes an alpha layer for classic avatars.
Sizes Included: Fitmesh (xs-XL), Maitreya Lara, Belleza (single size), Slink (Single Size)


Beauty Passions Paradise Event Gift – Beauty Passions has this pretty mesh manicure out as their Paradise Event gift. I thought the pale pearl color was just right for my ’80s fashionista fantasy! It is just 10 lindens and includes a set of mesh nails for Maitreya hands and one Slink hands. There’s no group needed for this beautiful inexpensive gift.

Billionaire Motors Free Gift – Finally, the Limousine! So I heard through the Fab Free grapevine that Billionaire Motors had a cool free car available with no group needed. Of course, I had to check it out. There is indeed a very posh looking black car freebie at Billionaire Motors. However this limousine really caught my attention. It too is free to everyone, no group required. Not only is this limo beautiful to look at, it’s fully functional. You can drive this baby! It comes with a free Billionaire Motors men’s jacket, and a driving hud. There’s also a touch menu with lots of options. To get your copy head over to Billionaire Motors and look for the “Free Gift” sign, both free cars are waiting in a boxes with big gold bows.

Here are the details!

Hair – Clawtooth: Margeaux (Brunettes w/roots Pack)
Head – CATWA HEAD Koura Bento
Skin – Essences – Vanya
EyesBuzzeri – [Buzz] Celestial Eyes – Wolf
Eye Makeup – ALMA Makeup – All Blacks – Catwa
Dress – [WellMade] First Impression Dress – 0L – Free Gift @Paradise Event
Manicure – ~Beauty Passions~ Gift – 10L Gift @Paradise Event
Shoes – #EMPIRE – Allium Roseum 
Body – Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Limousine – Billionaire Motors –  BILLIONAIRE MULLTAYGA LIMO(BLACK/WHITE)BW2 – 0L – Free Gift 
Poses by Foxcity
Backdrop – [Dash] Alley Graffiti BD


All the Feels

All the Feels

You know that whole “love at first sight” thing?  Well I’m serving straight up falling in love in high school when you see the new guy walk by for the first time right now.  I’ve got all sorts of hotness going on, and I think I may be inching toward some Valentine’s day feels right now!  Come get it!

Toxic Bish in Love

In my meanderings I found my way to Toxic Bish where I stalked the lucky boards for a while.  If you join their free group you will find loads of rotating prizes in the lucky boards, and I’m sure something there will strike your fancy.  I got the top I’m wearing from one of the boards, and the skirt is actually a group gift that I picked up from the sizable wall of free gifts that are waiting for you there!  Cute right?  You totally need to visit!


  • Hourglass
  • Maitreya
  • Slink
  • Belleza
  • XS – XL with an Alpha Layer

Heart Eyes for You

Since I’m obviously in luuuuurve, I’ve got all these swirling hearts of sweetness floating about my head.  They swirl and flash happily, denoting the fact that I’m totally twitter-pated.  I got this fun accessory over at SaNaRae as a free gift by Spartin Parx, no group join required!

Can YOU feel the love tonight?

/me giggles


Aline is Wearing…


Top – Toxic Bish Crop Top (Free Lucky Board Prize/Group is Free to Join)
Skirt – Toxic Bish Boho Skirt (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join)
Swirling Hearts – Spartin Parx (Free Gift at SaNaRae)
Glasses – MBirdie Soony Chuny


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Cate
Eyebrows– Jumo Britani
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filigree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow Applier –  Lelutka Cate
Nail Polish Applier – Maitreya Lara
Lipstick Applier –  Sn@tch Cream Lipstick
Hair – Pr!tty Ayme
Pose – Iposes Colour
Backdrop – Foxcity Pastel Love
