FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

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Blue Roses

Blue Roses

Hey FabFree! I have a quick post to put up this weekend. I have several free and 1L gifts to share, so let’s go!

A BIG Sale @ Opulein

Opulein has a huge sale for group members. The group costs 25L to join and once you join the group, you can buy all of their “older” makeup for 1L per pack. It’s a HUGE room of 1L makeup at the back. You need the group tag to get the deals.  I am wearing eyeshadow and lipstick from two of these 1L packs. This 1L is only going on until April 25th, 2023. Go forth and be beautiful!

Sizes Included (lipstick + eyeshadow)

  • Lelutka Evolution/EvoX
  • Genus
  • BOM


The pretty floral outfit is a free group gift at Tastic. The outfit has 10 floral textures included.

Sizes Included

  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • Reborn
  • Lara
  • Gen.X Classic & Curvy
  • Kupra
  • Bimbo
  • Low


A really cool store I discovered recently is N.Kolour+Kosmetik. They specialize in Omega nails. The mesh nails I am wearing are from there (they not free) as this store makes mesh nails that work with all omega nail appliers. It’s super cool! You can buy the mesh nails for different bodies in different sizes. The freebie I am showing from them today is a nail applier. This nail applier is a free on their public lucky chair and no group is required to play. It comes in a full flatpack of colours. The applier will work on any mesh body that has Omega installed into it.

Sizes included (nail applier)

  • Omega

Pretty Eyes

Cazimi has these pretty eyes available on the Marketplace for free. They are vibrant and they come in many colours.

Sizes Included

  •  BOM
  • Omega
  • Lelutka Evolution Appliers

PS: Thanks Aurora for the great offers from Opulein and Cazimi. She tipped me off! 😉

Enjoy, Fabs!



Caroline is Wearing…

Clothes & Accessories

Outfit – Tastic Cherie Floral Set (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join)


Hair – Stealthic Rewind
Mesh Body – The Shops Legacy
Mesh Head – Lelutka Lake – EvoX
Head Skin – Dernier Hannah – Sienna
Body Skin – Nuve Basic Body Skin v2 – Fair
Neck Fix & Ear Skins – Velour EvoX Ear Skins and Neck Fix – Sienna (Free/No Group Join Required) Previously blogged here.
Eyes – Cazimi Solemn Eyes (Free on the Marketplace)
Eyeshadow – Opulein Late Night Makeup Set (1L/Group Join Required/Group Costs 25L to Join)
Lipstick – Opulein Mousse Lipstick Set (1L/Group Join Required/Group Costs 25L to Join)
Mesh Nails – N.Kolour+KOSMETIK Omega Coffin Nails – Long – Legacy
Nail Applier – N.Kolour+KOSMETIK Gel Nails Aspire (Free Lucky Chair Prize/No Group Join Required)
Photo Location – Private Location



A Free, Full Bento Mesh Head from Genus Project!

Free Genus Strong Head

Hey Fab Free! I have the most exciting news to share with all of you! Genus Project is giving away a completely free Genus head! The head is a full bento, BOM head which is also compatible with Genus appliers and Omega appliers. I will be showing you how to get the head, some basics on how to get started and some free skins, makeup and eyes you can pair with the head successfully. For those of you who need a mesh head for the first time or wanted a Genus head, now is the time to jump at the opportunity!

How to get the Head

When I opened my SL notices this morning I was truly stunned and amazed that Genus Project has released a new free head as a gift. I ran to my computer and grabbed the head as soon as I could! It was super exciting and it made me happy. The head is a strand of Genus’ Strong Head type, so it is more mature looking.

Here are some easy steps on how to grab the head:

  1.  Join the Genus Project Free Group. Copy and paste this join group URI into your SL chat or nearby chat: secondlife:///app/group/b153906f-38dd-0dd6-d327-345bef9f446e/about
  2. Open up the Notices in the Group info tab
  3.  Scroll down to the notice called “Support from the Genus Project Team” and accept the attached object. The object is called “GENUS Project – Genus Head – Strong Face GIFT001 – Mocap”

You can also grab the head at the mainstore, although it will be packed and hard to get in. You can grab a free BOM activator HUD and some free skins at the store as well.

Skin Hunt at Insol

There is a Stay at Home/ Quarantine themed hunt going on at Insol right now, and they have some 1L Genus head appliers as some of the hunt prizes. I am wearing the Mila skin in the Milk skintone, one of the hunt prizes, and I also grabbed the free Insol body appliers while I was there. These hunt gifts will allow you to use appliers so you won’t even need to try BOM yet if you aren’t ready to. Each skin on the hunt is 1 L only, and the body appliers are free. The body appliers aren’t hunt items; just click the free body appliers near the entrance of the store.

Need some makeup for your new head?

I also added some Genus makeup onto the Strong head. I selected some basic ones that are good to start out with on the Marketplace. This everyday lip balm pack from Ottilie is currently on promotion for 1L, which includes genus appliers, BOM and other head appliers. I also found an  eyeshadow from Pout! which is available as a gift in their marketplace store called Vibez Eyshadow which is 1 L only as well.  These shadows come in some basic colours to start you out. To top it off, I purchased a pair of eyes from Myria for 1 L which contain Genus applier eyes in blue, green and brown.

Now we’re all set! I used my own custom shape, but there are also shapes for the head available for free at Jinx/Kumio’s mainstore and on the marketplace.

Have fun playing with your new free Genus head, Fab Free!



Caroline is Wearing…

Clothes & Accessories


Hair – TRUTH Joy
Mesh Body – Belleza Freya
Mesh Head – Genus Project Strong Head Gift (Group Gift/ Free Group)
Head Applier- Insol Mila Milk Genus Head Applier (1 L/ Hunt Prize)
Body Applier-Insol Milk Body Applier (Free Gift)
Lipstick Applier- Ottilie Daily Lipbalm Pack (10 tones) (1L/ Marketplace Sale)
Eyeshadow Applier- POUT! Vibez Eyeshadow (1L/ Marketplace)
Eyes– Myria
(1L/ Marketplace)
Nails – Belleza Freya
Photo Location– Petite Mort & Oubliette- Witchwood




Happy Humpday, Fab Free! I bring you news which will hopefully ease the “hump” of today, as I have something special to help cheer you up! My post today is going to cover a huge 1 L marketplace sale going on right now at Harmonia. As I mentioned in previous posts, I do love dollarbie sales… they are so cheap and effortless! Let’s dig into the details about this one!

Harmonia‘s Anniversary

It is Harmonia‘s Anniversary, and to celebrate they have organized a massive, limited quantities sale. Each item is a single colour or patterned clothing item- if you peruse their marketplace store you will find a variety of dresses, bathing suits, jumpsuits, tops and more. I hope you find something you just need or love! I am wearing the Emerald Merci dress from the sale right now, and loving it!

Sizes Included

  • Belleza (Freya)
  • Maitreya
  • Slink (Physique & Hourglass)

While Quantities Last

The sale at Harmonia is unique and I have not seen a sale quite like it before. The sale is based on limited quantities and it will continue until items last.  There is a limited number of 100-350 copies per item, and when every item has sold out, the sale ends- and all items will return to regular price. Normally, these items sell at 110 Linden each- so at 1 L each this is a serious steal! 

Grab them while you can!

As this sale is limited quantity, you will want to be sure to grab all these 1 L finds as soon as possible! The sale has been going on for a few days now, but there are still 65 items left all sized for different body sizes. Some items are Maitreya exclusives, where others are sized for multiple mesh bodies (Slink, Belleza, etc.). Simply read the item description to confirm if the item you want comes in your size prior to purchase. There’s even an item for men hidden in there!

Well that’s it, Fab Free! Thank so much for reading and I hope that you run over to Harmonia and snatch up these amazing dollarbies while they’re still available!


Caroline is Wearing…

Clothes & Accessories

Dress– Harmonia Emerald Merci (1 Linden on the Marketplace, buy here)


Hair – TRUTH Beatrice
Mesh Body – Belleza Freya
Mesh Head – Genus Project Genus Babyface
Skin – Revoul Nessa, Tone 5
Eyes– Euphoric Magic Lenses Applier (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join) (Blogged Previously by Love Trill Here)
Nails – Belleza Freya
Lipstick Applier– GA.EG Lily Red Omega
Backdrop–BH9 4:08 pm V2
