FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


Take a Ride

Take a Ride

Vinny is once again riding the wave of Beachy’s posts, and this time, it’s all about the guys. Beachy showcased Gabriel’s fantastic free group gift for the ladies, and now, it’s the gents’ turn to step into the spotlight. The question on everyone’s mind: What’s the deal with Beachy and Vinny? Well, inquiring minds want to know!

As previously highlighted, the jacket is nothing short of amazing, boasting the exceptional detail we’ve come to expect from Gabriel. But, true to Vinny’s style, he’s not just about showcasing a coat; he’s here to give you the full ensemble experience.

Adding flair to the post, Vinny is rocking some seriously stylish boots from Archback, currently on sale for a steal at 75L for The Mens Department sale. While brown is the featured color at this irresistible price, there’s also a palette of other hues available at a tempting 50% off. It seems Vinny knows how to spot a good deal when he sees one!

And that’s not all. Vinny recently acquired a sleek ride from 777 for just 1L (the cost to join the group). This baby is not just a looker; it’s built to conquer snow-covered roads with ease. Ready to take a ride? Vinny’s got the keys – hop in and experience the thrill.

So, whether it’s Gabriel’s impeccable jacket, Archback’s discounted boots, or the sweet 777 ride, Vinny is your go-to guy for staying on top of the latest and greatest. Who knows what he and Beachy are up to, but one thing’s for sure – it’s a fashionable ride worth joining.

Sizes – Jacket

  • Belleza
  • Gianni
  • Legacy

Sizes – Boots

  • Gianni
  • Meshbody

Vinny is Wearing…


Coat – ::GB::Mouton fur Jacket (Group gift/Group is free to join) Ladies version previouly blogged by Beachy here
Jeans – Belleza Shea Jeans
Boots – Archback Chelsea Boots Brown (75L TMD)


Mesh Body – Belleza Jake
Mesh Head  – Lelutka Quinn 
Skin – Voguel Billy Skin in Tan (Free Group Gift/10L to join group)
Hair – Vango Neil (Free Group Gift/Group is free to join)
Truck – 777 Wagner (Free Group Gift/1L to join group)

Formally Yours

Formally Yours

I usually end up wearing gowns during the Holidays then pack them away and don’t bring them out very often, but I’ve found a designer who is really just getting me in the mood to constantly be donning formalwear… and there’s a bunch of gorgeous gowns on sale!

To Sofia We Go

Sofia has been totally knocking it out of the park the last month and a bit – their advent calendar was TO DIE FOR, and then there was a pile of awesome group gifts, and now, you’ll find a wall of deeply discounted gowns.  Each one is only 75L, including this gorgeous, draped and sparkly number I’ve got on.  I couldn’t resist!  I’m not sure how long these gowns are on sale, things seem to switch up pretty often at Sofia, so head over now and see if one of these beauties calls to you!


  • Freya
  • Kupra
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • Hourglass

Let’s bring 2024 in with a bang… formally!


Aline is Wearing…


Gown – Sofia Jolie Star (75L on Sale)
Headpiece – Poison Rouge Candy Petals


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Skin – Glam Affair Cate
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filigree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow – Alaskametro Glitz
Lipstick – Alaskametro Glitz
Nails – Maitreya Lara
Hair – Stealthic Barbwire
Pose – Foxcity Formal
Sim – Le Monde Perdu

Looking On The Bright Side

Looking On The Bright Side

Sometimes it all comes together, the background matches the things going on or the look and there’s a story there. Other times, there’s…whatever this is. All in the life of  a sub-par blogger. One thing I can promise you though, is amazing and free things. So really I guess things even out.


My pose and cocktail are both from A-Style. They are the most recent free group gift and the group is free to join. In addition to the drink to hold and the pose, the pose also comes in a pose stand and in a HUD. It’s nice to have options.


I’ve also been doing a bit of lucky board stalking over at Toxic Bish. You’ll have to have your group tag activated (the group is free to join) in order to claim the free lucky board prizes when your letter comes up. There is a wide variety of items on offer and the boards change to a different item each time they’re claimed. Always good traits in lucky boards. One of the free things that I won is this cute t-shirt dress that can be styled lots of different ways. It even comes with a HUD of 8 colors to choose from, so I’ve taken the opportunity to match my drink. It just seemed like the logical choice.


  • Hourglass
  • Freya
  • Isis
  • Maitreya
  • Physique
  • TMP
  • Venus


Allison is Wearing…


Dress – Toxic Bish Tight Mini Dress (Free Lucky Board Prize/Group is Free to Join)
Necklace –MG OM Pendant Short
Rings – Vibing Electra
Earrings– Vibing Maia
Drink & Pose –A-Style Cocktail (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Avalon
Skin  – OJAYO Alondra (still 60L for TSS, previously blogged here)
Tattoo – Vegas Themys
Hair – Truth Tumble


Freezing To Death

Coming Soon to Fab Free!

January is such an unusually quiet month in Second Life, it’s no wonder all of us were eagerly awaiting the opening of The Snowbound Hunt!  Aline blogged about it the night it opened here.  This is a hunt run by the same person who puts on Spookzilla, fun!  There’s a bunch of keys on FLICKR here, or once you land at the hunt, you’re delivered a nifty little notecard that has all the keys embedded.  Each prize costs from 0L-25L and there are a bunch for you to find!  Each store has a different texture on their holiday bauble ornament, and you have to look in some crazy places to find them.


Yep, I’m gonna do it.  I’m gonna skip ahead a whole bunch of holidays since, yanno, Allison called me out for dressing like a bunneh 😉   Although this time, I’m skipping all the way to another cool weather holiday, Halloween!  Or as many of our Second Lifers call it, daily wear!
As for what I hunted for in The Snowbound Hunt, you’d better believe I was after all the items from La Maldita Bruja!  She has both ‘death’ outfit, and a ‘love’ outfit, but I from what I hear in chat, we’re already lamenting being showered in love for a month, so I chose death 😉   I’m wearing 4 items I found from LMB in this picture, the death dress, shoes, and coffee – which were 25L each, and as LMB always does, a free gift to find – some blush.  The blush is 0L, and it comes as regular blush, or with a little skull on your cheeks for the death blush, and a little heart on your cheeks for the love blush.  Adorbs.  The dress and shoes come in these sizes:

  • Maitreya
  • Legacy/Perky
  • Kupra
  • Reborn

Don’t get me wrong, I hunted for A LOT of items on The Snowbound Hunt, I’m sure I’ll be showing you others, but high on my list was this hat by FOI.  The Beary Cold hat has a few different versions of fluffiness in the package, and each package comes with a 4 color hud to change the hat and the label.  I bought them all, because, CUTE!  It’s unrigged with a resizer, so it’ll fit everyone, and it surely keeps your noggin’ all warm and toasty so you can think clearly in all this cold.

The Snowbound Hunt is only open until January 21st, so there’s time but not a lot of time.  Don’t sleep on this one, no matter how cold you are!

Peace ☮️

♥ Beachy

Beachy is wearing…


Dress – :LMB: Dead Dress (25L prize on The Snowbound Hunt/No group join required)
Shoes – :LMB: Dead Shoes (25L prize on The Snowbound Hunt/No group join required)
Hat – FOI – BEARY COLD HAT FLUFFY V1 (25L prize on The Snowbound Hunt/No group join required)
Drink – :LMB: Dead Coffee (25L prize on The Snowbound Hunt/No group join required)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara 
Mesh Head – Lelutka Erin
Skin – Glam Affair FLO (Almond)
Blush – :LMB: Blush (Free gift on The Snowbound Hunt/No group join required)

Hair –Stealthic – Alive 
Brows – Nuve. Adele Eyebrows
Eyes– LOTUS. Unicorn Eyes 17 (BOM) RARE
Nails –[FORMANAILS] NAILS for Maitreya – Sandra
Pose – Lyrium Nicole Pose 2  (Group gift/Group is free to join)

SIM – Missing Melody