FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Your Friday Hunt Report

openhighwayhuntGood Morning Fabulous Fans! The end of summer isn’t far off, but there’s still time to participate in some super hunts.

Too tired to actually run around in Second Life? You might want to try the Marketplace Hunt. It takes place entirely on the Marketplace. You just have to look through each online store to find the item that’s only L$5. With 44 stops, that’s a lot of very reasonable shopping.

I love road trip movies, so I’m planning to go out on the Open Highway Hunt. It’s a tiny little hunt with only nine stops, so it should only take about an hour.

If those don’t get you excited, there are plenty of other hunts to choose from. Click the hunt names below until you find the one that’s just right for you.

You say you’re new to hunting? Need help learning the ropes?
Both FabFree and HUNT SL have pages full of tips to help you get going. I recommend them to novice and veteran hunters alike.
