FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Mrs. B’s Designs closing sale :(

Hey FabFree.


I have some bad news for us today. Ms.B’s Designs will be closing it’s doors in world.  But, happily, it will remain on the Marketplace. All the clothing and poses are now 50% off which is a real bargain for the quality of the items you’ll find at Ms. B’s Design. I picked up the ‘Lovely Luna’ top I’m showing you for just 49L.  The past gifts are available for 10L and there are still several free ‘no group needed gifts set out as well. And there’s a wall of men’s outfits for the gentlemen too. Ms. B hasn’t said when she will complately close the store so if you want to drop in you need to hurry.

I hate to see Ms B’s Design close down, it’s always been a bright spot in my Second Life. But it sounds like Ms.B’s real life is taking off in a wonderful direction. We wish you all the best, Ms. B!


~ * ~ * ~* ~

Skin Lumae – Tinselberry
Hands + Feet– Slink mesh Casual Hands + Flat Feet + Basic Nail HUD
Eyes IKON – Hope Eyes in Field and Passion
HairElua – Misty
SkirtEgoxentrikax – Pao – details here.

Top – Ms. B’s Designs – Lovely Luna – (49L Closing Sale)




Author: Julianna Seriman

Just a girl on the Grid... a sometimes a guy.

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