FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


Under the Light of the Moon

Gazing up at the Moon
Hello Fabulouses!  The other day, while Ripley and I wandered through SL, he stopped, and gazed intently into the distance, then suddenly slipped from his collar.  He bolted away, leaving me holding a dangling leash, and the chase was on!  I finally caught up to him as he paced impatiently outside the Lucky Night Shop.  I tightened his collar up a notch, slipped it around his neck once more, then followed my hound with a nose for fashion over to the group gifts corner.  Sure enough, Ripley had discovered another Fabulous Find to share with our wonderful readers.

A Dreamy, Draped Dress

Ripley’s nose pointed straight at the free Moon Dress, which is the current gift for the FitMesh Fanatics group.  Following the pupster’s lead, I switched over to my FitMesh Fanatics tag (the group is free to join), gave the group gift board a quick tap, and became the proud owner of this lovely, free gown. With softly draped folds gathered by a simple black belt at the waist, this floor-length gown reminds me of a Roman goddess dress.  A delicate shade of mauve, paired with a plunging neckline, and a daring, scooped back, lend this frock a feminine air.  I love the way it frees my skin to softly shimmer in the moonlight.  Simple, yet elegant, this gown would be perfect for role play, or an evening of dancing under the light of the moon.

What’s Included:

  • Appliers for Belleza and Maitreya
  • Fitmesh in XS, S, M, L, XL
  • Alpha layer for fitmesh

Ripley and I traveled to The Gates of Melancholy, and spent a quiet evening contemplating the stars and moonlight.  I wish you peace in this sometimes-hectic holiday season.  If you are fortunate to have your family near you, I hope you take a moment to hold them close, and let them know how much they mean to you.  I discovered recently just how fragile life can be, and I’m glad I had let my loved ones know how much I care while I still had time to do so.  Until my next post, dear readers, happy shopping!

~Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Barbara (formerly at Kustom9)

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Soldier

Hair:  Magika Written

Dress:  Lucky Night Shop Moon Dress (free gift for FitMesh Fanatics Group 0L/0L to join)

Arm Cuff:  Just Because Elegant Arm Cuff (old group gift for FaMESHed group)

Heels:  KC Couture Brazilia for Slink High (75L on the Marketplace)

Mesh Hands/Feet:  Slink

Pose:  Lyrium (includes violin)

Sim:  Gates of Melancholy