FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

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Tattooed Hipster

Tattooed Hipster

Oh Hi There Fab Free! First, thanks as always for being here, second is everyone having a fabulous weekend? I sure hope so. Mine hasn’t been too bad so far, though that darn real life has been getting in the way a bit more than usual. haha Ah well, that’s the way it goes sometimes. Still, I’ve been able to sneak away and enjoy some fantastic new freebies and cheapies. Just a day or two ago I picked up a few gifts from The Hipster Fair, and Love pointed out this gorgeous freebie tattoo at Mister Razzor. Keep reading for all the “whats” and “wheres”.

The Outfit – The cropped top and shorts set Pru has on is a dollarbie gift by Enigma Apparel at their Hipster Fair shop. I love it when I find loungewear that is both comfortable looking and a little bit sexy. The white top is quite sheer, so you may or may not want to wear something under it. The dusty pink shorts however are completely opaque, so no worries there. This cute dollarbie set comes in several sizes. Also, if you for some reason cannot make it to The Hipster Fair, you can pick this set up for a slightly higher price of 10 linden on the Marketplace.
Sizes Included: Maitreya Lara, Slink (Physique, Hourglass), Belleza (Isis, Freya, Venus)

The Brow Tattoo – I know it’s not as easy to see in this photo, but the bold tattoo over Pru’s brow reads “Hipster” in a handwriting-like cursive font. I thought it was cute, and the price is even cuter at 0 linden. That’s right, this little Omega applier tattoo by Rin is completely free. You can pick your copy up at Rin’s Hipster Fair shop.

The Full Body Tattoo – I’m a total fan of Frida Kahlo so when Love mentioned a free “Frida” tattoo out at Mister Razzor, I was on it! Not only is this full body applier tattoo free, there’s no group required. Simply pay the vendor 0 linden and this gorgeous tattoo is yours. It comes in omega appliers, and can be split up to be worn just the lower body portion of the tattoo, just the upper body portion, or both for the full effect. Each one has 3 different opacity levels as well. Again, no group needed, so don’t miss out on this fabulous free find.

((Mister Razzor)) Frida Tattoo

Here are the details:

Hair – Doe: Londra (twotone) – Candy RARE
Head – CATWA HEAD Koura Bento
Skin – Essences – Litzi
Brow Tattoo – Rin – Hipster Face Tattoo – Free/0L @The Hipster Fair 
Body Tattoos – ((Mister Razzor)) Frida Tattoo – Free Gift/0L
Outfit – Enigma Apparel – [EN] Akasha Set – 1L @The Hipster Fair or 10L on the Marketplace.
Hands – Maitreya Mesh Hands
Body – Slink Physique
Pose by Foxcity
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