FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


You Say Im A Witch Like Its A Bad Thing

Just a quickie to let you know about a few great little freebies that you can get your hands on right now!

Lumae sent out a surprise Halloween gift through their group notices earlier today with a really cute pair of mesh Skeleton leggings! Their group is free to join and you can only find the gift in the notices, it isnt out at the store. Reign also have a new group gift available which are a set of some awesome boots. There is a join fee of L$250 but it is totally worth it for these boots alone plus you’ll then be eligable for future gifts and believe me, you will want to stay in this group for those!


The Laurel Camisole I am wearing is by Ecru and is one of their FIVE prizes in The Burbs Halloween Hunt! My amazing witch hat is also part of the hunt and you can find it at Ariskea and the Sugar Le Muerte make up layer can be found at TAOX! You can find out more about this amazing hunt aswell as seeing more prizes by visiting my previous post here!


Two more prizes from The Burbs Halloween Hunt are shown in this picture above.. one of them is the Bad Witch Cloud Eyes by #Adored and the other is the nail varnish for SLink hands by the same store. They have four prizes scattered around so get looking for that little mischievious pumpkin to find them!


Tiana is Wearing

.HAT. Witch Hat by Ariskea [L$1 / The Burbs Halloween Hunt – 4 to Find]
.HAIR. Transmute by Little Bones [Group Gift / L$100 to Join] (previously blogged by Love here)
.SKIN. Liv (Asia 07) by Glam Affair [Ex-Arcade Gacha]
.EYES. Cloud Eyes (Bad Witch) by #Adored [L$1 / The Burbs Halloween Hunt – 4 to Find]
.MAKE UP. Sugar La Muerte by TAOX [L$1 / The Burbs Halloween Hunt]
.TOP. Laurel Camisole by Ecru [L$1 / The Burbs Halloween Hunt – 5 to Find]
.PANTS. Skelly Leggings by Lumae [FREE / Group Gift in Notices]
.BOOTS. Not Your Momma’s Knit Boots by Reign [Group Gift / L$250 to Join]
.NAILS. Halloweenie Nails for SLink Hands by #Adored [L$1 / The Burbs Halloween Hunt]
.HANDS. by SLink

.POSES. by Imeka

.LOCATION. L’Arc~en~Ciel @ WinterFall

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FabFree Designer of the Day ~ 10 / 28 / 2014 ~ Magic Party

FabFree Designer of the Day

Magic Party – Group Gift October 2 / Dry Tree – FREE / Group Gift / Free to Join

**Each day, here on the FabFree Blog, we will be featuring one of our
Fabulously Free in SL inworld Designers.**
*Photos are work of the designers.*


Want To Join Our Blogging Team?

Fabulously Free in SL Seeks New Writers!

Heads up Fabulouses! Fabulously Free in SL is currently seeking 1-2 new writers to join our team.   Experience working with WordPress and SL photography is not required, but is an asset.  Photography and blogging skills are things that can be learned along the way, but passion for sharing freebies and helping others inworld is a must!

FabFree is the oldest freebie blog in SL. The blog was started in September of 2007. We have grown tremendously since then and reach thousands of readers each day.  Our inworld group sits around 22,000 members and our designer list is growing by the day with almost 800.

To qualify you must:

a.) Be a loyal Fabulously Free in SL inworld group member.  You will be required to help moderate the inworld group after three months of participation.

b.) Be willing to search for items to show in your posts.

c.)  Commit to at least 5 posts per week.

d.) Be willing to blog FREE items and items under 75L.

e.)  Participate in the FabFree Photo Challenges, Fabfree Designer of The Day and Fab Advice.

f.)  Be team orientated, and work well in a group.

g.)  Respect our blogging guidelines.

As writers for Fabulously Free in SL, we take pride in leading the group and helping members find free and inexpensive quality items throughout SL and you should as well.

Becoming a FabFree writer means more than just blogging, you become part of our family and team.  As FabFree writers we should work well as a group, have open communication, and feel comfortable with one another.  We are looking for the right fit.

To apply, please copy the following into a notecard named “FABFREE BLOGGER APPLICATION (Your Name)” and send it to LOVE TRILL inworld:


Full (SL) Name:


Are you a Fabulously Free in SL inworld group member?

Do you have any blogging experience? If so, please explain and include any links pertaining:

Do you currently have a SL related blog or write for one?

Do you have any SL photography experience? If so, please explain and include any links pertaining:

Do you have a flickr account? (If yes, please include your link so we can see your work):

Are you willing to commit to atleast five blog posts per week? (Note – guys get away with min. 3 posts per week as there is less to show)

Are you willing to change your look up with different skins, hair etc?

What is your typical style?

Do you enjoy hunting?

Do you have any jobs or other commitments in SL or alts that do?

Do you have a store in SL or own an alt that does?

Do you have other alts, and if so, is this your main avatar?

In your own words please explain what content theft is, and how it hurts SL:

In your own words please explain why you think you would be a “fabulous” addition to our team of writers:

Please drag 1-3 recent snapshots of your avatar in your usual fashion style:


If you have applied in the past, and are still interested, please do re-apply!

Please send all inquires to Love Trill. I will share the responses with the other FabFree writers and hopefully we have a couple Fabulous bloggers on staff soon!

Writing for FabFree is NOT an opportunity to gain lindens. It is often a thankless job, and it’s a ton of work but it helps many!

The deadline to have your application in is November 7th, 2014.

Thank You, Love Trill