FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Twisted time again

Ever since the success of first Twisted Hunt last spring, its been one of the hunts to look forward to in the calender. Organisers Vasha Martinek and Dysturbed Sin are back with the third Twisted Hunt called “Strange Brew.. a celebration of all things green!!”. There are 105 stores in the hunt and you are searching for a green spinning Lament Puzzle Box like the one out of the Hellraiser movies… Examples can be seen below on the Burning Chrome picture as they have used the box in their prizes. 

Here is a preview of some of the prizes from the hunt but there are so much awesomes stuffs you will be spoiled for choice and the best thing about this hunt is that Vasha and Dysturbed ask that people try to include either a male gift or make the items unisex.. so guys, plenty of things for you here too!

Again as I do with all hunt previews, I will put the name of the store, but no SLURL’s. Yes I know Im evil but I’ll say it again..  I want to encourage you to do these hunts yourself as they are alot of fun if you just relax and not worry about racing to the finish. You have until 31st March which is alot of time! You can make some great friends in fellow hunters too! Make a hunting team and really just have fun!

DV8 is the starting point for the hunt.. This is a preview of their gift.

This is the female Electrifae outfit in Ashes. You get two other colours aswell as the gasmask worn here. There is a set of Hasmat outfits for guys too in three colours, but it also rocks on a female shape too. Here I am wearing the guy outfit in Ashes again with the gasmask..



Blue Blood have this gorgeous full length gothic coat as their gift in the hunt

Dilly Dolls have given the gift of this adorable Absynth Adorea lingerie complete with the hat and boots. You get this corset top aswell as a bra and there is also a large Absinthe glass for you to sit in!

Burning Chrome has a bumper booty of goodies as their prize including this years Twisted Topper that they release at every Twisted Hunt and the 2 previous years Toppers are also included in the box. The Lamented Heart chest piece, Twisted Wristbands, Twisted Earpieces, Aurora Hair, the Twisted Nightmare floating cubes and the Twisted Heartsick Skin are all part of Burning Chromes prize.

This is a better view of the Heartsick skin included in the Burning Chrome prize and comes with cleavage and no cleavage versions.

The UV studded Twisted Belt is the prize from Cyber Midgets and has green goo filled syringes on the back.

The Little Drop of Poison dress worn in the picture is the hunt prize from Show Me on the Doll. The picture shows it with the Ponyboots which also comes with the dress

And this is a close up of the boots…



This beautiful Necklace and Earring set is from Flavour! Designs. There is also a male set in the gift. They also have two under 30 days stands with male and female hair available, so if you are under 30 days, don’t forget to take a peek at these on your way through.

Secrets of Gaia have this flirty dress for their prize, which comes with three different styles of skirt. Also worn in the picture is the hunt prize from Heart & Sole. Here is a close up..

Sn@tch have this amazing Absinthe Avatar, complete with skin, ears, wings and outfit (minus the boots, hair and shape). Below is a close up of the skin which even has adorable freckles!


Jazmyn D has this flirty fluffy skirted dress as their prize and the little mouth nom is the prize from DaVuBa.. here is a close up..



This amazing Mystery Potion Belt is the prize from Sa-eela and I absolutley adore the detailing that has gone into it. The potion in the bottle changes colours at regular intervals which just has an awesome effect.

These absolutley stunning wings are the prize from Neko Wonderland and the boots and bikini are the prizes from Campalicious that also has a male set in the box.

There are heaps more to show you including loads of furniture and other clothing and accessories. Get your hunting shoes on and go do this hunt, you really won’t be disapointed! If you are really determined and devote your self to it (or if you are nuts either way) you can get this done in a day. But even if you limit yourself to 10 a day you will get it done within a couple of weeks!

All in all.. remember to have fun!


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