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Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

The Doorway into Autumn


Hey gang,

I’m here with Tara (aka Miss Tee, aka Chia pet, aka Chi, etc etc) to share with you some gorgeous Autumn decor for your home.  This week would have been Tara’s birthday if her real life self were still here and although I have been unable to find a shih tzu companion in world that looks like her (she was a black and white shih tzu, and I kept her hair cute and short, as she was a bit of a tomboy!), I try to get as close as I can and this little one from Rezz Room is very cute.  😉  (My Golden Animesh Sumner is also based on a real life furbaby of mine I had many moons ago).

But I digress, I am here to speak of the glories of autumn decor, it’s just that she is on my mind this week, September is a difficult month for me, I lost Sumner on the 29th of August, my dad on the 18th and my Mom on the 29th.(not the same year of course)  So with them all lumped together and my little Tee’s birthday in the mix, it’s in the forefront of my mind lately.

Let’s talk about Autumn!  Shanti always has some goodies for free for everyone and this time of year is no exception.  Not only is there a free box of autumn themed goodies (including the rug here and several other items!) but there is also the fireplace behind me for 55L, along with the cute sunflower tapestry, which I love for only 45L but brand new this year is the Ready for Autumn Golden who is only 1L!  I’ve taken a closer-up photo below to show you the little lights so cozy on the fireplace and on our autumn wreath wearing handsome pup as well!  It’s all got a soft lovely glow that will bring a cozy atmosphere to those chilly autumn nights coming up!
No group required for any of these goodies.


Don’t forget all clothing at Shanti is 75L and under, clothing for mesh bodies is on the right and for classic and BOM, on the left.  Though some of the mesh bodies contain classic clothing, just check the vendors for that.  😉

Also, my cute boots are a free group gift from Promagic, they have a load of group gifts and their group is free to join (ok its a whole ROOM of group gifts).

I’m still hoping summer will come back because this girl is not a fan of the cold.  The only *good* thing is that I get to whip out my collection of fingerless gloves that I love to wear.  😉  Of course with covid, I’ve been reduced to wearing them at home, but that’s ok, my hands are cold all winter.  😉 (as if I need an excuse to wear them!)

Arielle is looking fabulous in…


Outfit – Giuliadesign Zuri Gold (via Girls Heaven Event October)
Necklace – Addams Penelope Necklace (Free group gift, group is 5L to join) (previously blogged here and here)
Boots – Promagic Unleash Boots (Free Group Gift, group is free to join)


Mesh Body – Maitreya  Lara
Mesh Head –Lelutka Nova EvoX
Skin – Enfer Sombre Madison Cream
Eyes – Lotus Generation Eyes
Hair – Exile Erin


Fireplace – Shanti Home Cozy Autumn Fireplace (55L)
Rug – Shanti Home Beautiful Autumn Rug (Free Gift/No Group Join Required)
Tapestry – Shanti Home Sunflower Saying Tapestry (45L)
Autumn Golden Retriever – Shanti Home Ready for Autumn Pupper (1L) 
Shih Tzu – Rezz Room Shih Tzu Companion