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Deadwool & Pie



Walking off the pie…

I admit, I had one too many slices of pumpkin pie šŸ°, and YES I made it! So I decided to take a little stroll to burn off some excess holiday calories. When I was outĀ waiting on a bench shopping the other day, I happened to buy a few Christmas presents for myself. Anyone who knows me is astonished that I actually SPENT MONEY on myself or anyone else, (the present I got Love only cost $10L.. shhhh). I have been told ever since IĀ came back that I HAVE to shop at Deadwool. I found out they had theĀ Erik Gloves as a FREE group gift and I was in the door. And that’s where It went downhill from there….

They get you with the marketing every time…

I picked up the gloves and then looked slightly to my left and I saw it… The Mesh Duster… My mind was racing… I want this… I NEED THIS! Ā The logical side of my brain was sayingĀ “You don’t even know if it fits”. I instinctively clicked for a demo. “Great, it fits… no, no It wasn’t supposed to fit.” Time to do the math… I can buy one. OR I can buy the fatpack of three (because I know in hindsight I always wish I gotten the fatpack.. as you will see). So I put down $899L for the fatpack and greedily opened it up like a child opening up presents under the tree.

Baring my chest or not…

I need a shirt to go under the jacket. “The simplest thing would be to just get a shirt here” my mind was in full spend mode at this point. It was time I took control again. I decided I could find a free or cheap option elsewhere. TL:DR I ended up back at DeadwoolĀ l and purchased theĀ Hugo black denim shirt for $360L. Yes, I lost that battle with my own brain. Now my brain says I should have bought the whole shirt fatpack… Dang, it was right again. I did manage to save myself some money on the pants. I picked up theĀ Peter Outfit byĀ TentatioN, a FREE group giftĀ at the Menstuff Lounge and used the pants to make this great look.

A&D Clothing - Top Gun Glasses Deadwool - Erik Gloves Mera - Scarf

Accessorize then exercise…

I already mentioned I got the Erik Gloves at Deadwool Ā (where this long story began). I Also picked up two gifts under the Christmas tree atĀ Cosmopolitan.Ā  A&D Clothing has provided the Top Gun Glasses as a FREE group gift. I finished off the look with the Ā MevaĀ Scarf another FREE group gift atĀ CosmopolitanĀ that I previously showed [HERE]. I did use the color change HUD to give it a completely different look. After all this spending, I was a bit stressed out. Now you know why I went on a pie šŸ°Ā binge and why I’m walking to work off those added pounds. It’s such a “chore” to keep your body fit SL. :šŸ°

Carson is wearing…

Gloves: Deadwool – Erik Gloves FREE Group Gift $0L/$1L to join

Jacket: Deadwool – Mesh Duster Coat- fat pack $899L

Shirt: Deadwool – Hugo black denim shirt $360L

Pants: TentatioN – Peter Outfit Brown Pants @ Menstuff LoungeĀ FREE Group GiftĀ $0L/$50L to join

Accessories: A&D Clothing – Top Gun Glasses w/HUD @ Cosmopolitan Free Group Gift $0L/$0L to join

Accessories: Meva– Scarf w/ color change HUD @ Cosmopolitan Free Group Gift $0L/$0L to join

Shoes: Gabriel – Shearling Short Boot FREE Group Gift Ā $0L/$0L to join

Body: ADAM – Male Mesh Body

Hair: Lelutka ā€“ Seth N/A (circa 2010)

Sim: Izzies


Author: Carson Caiben

Blogger, troublemaker, (according to certain fellow bloggers) can be quite vexing, but an all around good guy. Please send review copies in a folder with any information necessary such as, Hunt, Lucky Chair, Midnight Mania Board, Group Gift and dates the item will be available.

5 thoughts on “Deadwool & Pie

  1. That’s a really nice outfit you put together Carson, and for the last time – The bench was for your own good! I knew you would be much happier sitting there peacefully on a bench rather than chasing me up and down the aisles… or worse holding my bags AND PURSE while having to assure me “my butt doesn’t look big in those jeans”. Count your blessings šŸ˜€


  2. FYI… Your purse didn’t match MY outfit. There was no way I was holding it.


  3. Very stylish, Carson! Glad you got out to do a little retail therapy. šŸ™‚


  4. Thank you for the compliment Serena. I really needed it after the Christmas tree incident. Here, let me get that for you… *picks a pine needle off her pants* šŸ™‚


  5. Ummm… thanks? I’m still deciding if I forgive you for pushing me out of your skybox. :-/
