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Right Here Waiting


K&A Design (Cart Sale) LDR Justin Trousers FA Red Sneakers MoonAmore+Cureless - Xmas Owl Scarf

“Wait here,” she says, “I’ll just be a few minutes….”

That was an hour ago and it has started to snow. But here I sit, because I was asked to.  I’m wearing a few old (previously blogged) items, because they have become some of my favorites this holiday season, and some new items I hope will become favorites. Let’s start with the old… From The Wash Cart Sale, I’m wearing the K&A Design Winter Red Sweater that I first showed [HERE]. This seems to be one of my go to items in my closet lately. It’s just $10L on the K&A Design cart. I’m also wearing the ARGRACE  Santa Hat 2016 FREE Group Gift that I showed [HERE].

“Watch these bags while I check out the store over there…”

OMG! How long is this going to take… I joined the LDR  group for FREE and picked up the Justin Trousers as a FREE Group Gift.  I also joined the Full Addiction group, again for FREE,  and got the Red Sneakers as a FREE gift.

MoonAmore+Cureless - Xmas Owl Scarf

This is for the birds…

Waiting here in the cold and the snow… I’ll most probably get sick before Christmas. At least I have my little owl friend to keep me company. The Xmas Owl Scarf  by MoonAmore+Cureless is a FREE gift under the Christmas tree at The ArcadeThis little guy has his wings out, but there is also a scarf with him perched safely on the scarf. Finally, -sigh-  Here she comes…  No! Don’t go in the pet store…..

Carson is wearing…

Sweater: K&A Design – Winter Red Sweater @ The Wash Cart Sale $10L

Pants: LDR  – Justin Trousers FREE Group Gift $0L/$0L to join

Shoes: Full Addiction – Red Sneakers FREE Group Gift $0L/$0L to join

Hat/Hair: ARGRACE – Santa Hat 2016 Group Gift FREE $0L/$0L to join

Scarf: MoonAmore+Cureless – Xmas Owl Scarf @ The Arcade FREE Gift $0L

Skin: Belleza –  Shawn N/A (circa 2010)

SIM: Coco Beach Kelina


Author: Carson Caiben

Blogger, troublemaker, (according to certain fellow bloggers) can be quite vexing, but an all around good guy. Please send review copies in a folder with any information necessary such as, Hunt, Lucky Chair, Midnight Mania Board, Group Gift and dates the item will be available.

4 thoughts on “Right Here Waiting

  1. I had no idea you were so… obedient?!


  2. I have been known to occasionally be house trained.


  3. seeing your red sneakers vale koer have a free pair just group gift free join


  4. I’ll have to check those out as well! Thanks for the tip!
