FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

“Give a Girl a Great Pair of Shoes…..


… and she can conquer the world!” – Marilyn Monroe

I know y’all are here for the shoes…. so let’s jump straight in!

Give a girl a great pair of shoes

  1. Leather Boots – Belle Epoque (FREE/0L/Group Gift group is 50L to join)
  •  These boots come in three colors, the grey I’m showing, brown and a charcoal black. They don’t come with an alpha layer but it didn’t take much effort to find one in the inventory that fit.

2.  +  3.  Kawaii Sneakers  + Mary Jane – Sweet Tea Couture (FREE/0L/Group Gift group is 100L to  join)

  • The super cute little sneakers were Sweet Tea’s entry for the Kawaii Hunt. Now they are on the Group Gift Vender board. They come with both SLink flat feet and system feet versions.  The fee to join the group is 100L but there are a ton of past gifts available on that Vender Board so you’ll recoup it very quickly. Plus, Sweet Tea is one of the more generous designers setting out lots of specials and group gifts.  Gifts just like #3 the September Mary Janes. They’re on the Vender Board as well. The gift comes with SLink, Belleza, Maitreya and Classic Avatar versions. Oh and one ‘heads up’, you’ll need to pay the vender 1L which you will immediately get right back.


Give a girl a great pair of shoes

4. Reindeer Cuteness Princess Boots – Dirty Princess (FREE/0L/ Group Gift group is free to join)

  • I can’t be very professional about this pair of boots. Cause I love ’em. The details are wonderful and the build is just amazing. Plus, they’re free for Dirty Princess group members. The Dirty Princess shop is more like a small SIM and it’ full of great bargains but the boots take the cake. The boots come in system friendly un-rigged, SLink, SLink H.G., The Mesh Project and Maitreya versions.

5. Valeria – Miss Canning (FREE/0L/Group Gift group is free to join)

  • Wouldn’t these be perfect for Spring? And you know that’s right around the corner. Valeria fits my SLink High Feet but I bet they’d fit most mesh high feet too. Miss Canning’s group is free to join and there a bunch of past gifts available. Well worth the trip.

6. Dash – Euphoria Couture (FREE/0L/Hunt Prize for Newify Your Body Hunt) 

  • Who can turn down a sleek pair of stiletto heels? I sure can’t. Plus they’re free to hunt down. The Newify Your Body Hunt runs until January 31st so don’t delay!


shoe quote




Author: Julianna Seriman

Just a girl on the Grid... a sometimes a guy.