FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

You’re the apple of my eye!

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So, the apple of my eye hunt has begun! This is a little super quick and fun hunt that’s got a little something for everyone. There are only 13 stops on this hunt, and I was able to tackle it in about half an hour, so if you’ve got precious little spare time, this hunt is perfect for you! As usual, I’m only showing off a few of the gifts from this hunt, because where would be the fun in hunting if you knew everything you were getting ahead of time?

You're the apple of my eye_001


My top and capris are from stop #1 in the hunt, Zanzo. Both pieces are rigged mesh, and come in all 5 standard sizes!

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My Earrings are from stop #3, Arise, The makeup I have on is from stop #9, Lovely Disarray, my glasses are from stop #10, X-Sight, and my lip piercing is compliments of stop #12, Ellabella! There really is something for everyone on this hunt!

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Here we have 2 fun beanbag chairs in appleicious colours, and apple art panels from Circa, as well as apple cutout wall art from Frogstar! These are #’s 5 and 13 on the hunt.

Skyler is also wearing…

Skin – Glam affair – Aria – Combo 06 – previous arcade item
Hair – Ploom – Genevive – Ploomage pack
Eyes – Ikon – promise eyes – Fjord – previous group gift/no longer available
Shoes – SYSY @ Fit for a princess – Damita heels – Black
Hands by Slink

Poses – Ilaya – Apple poses – $L0/Apple of my eye hunt prize!



Author: Skyler Glasswing

Hey there! I'm an SL avatar, and I've been on the grid (in one way or another) since about 2005! I'm a shopaholic that loves to go on adventures, and show off my amazing finds. I don't blog super often due to the limitations of my internet, but I do what I can. <3

One thought on “You’re the apple of my eye!

  1. Cute stuff Skyler!
