FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Happy Birthday Pardner

22769 1yr Male Anniversary Gift

22769 is celebrating their first anniversary with an in store hunt. Find the orange hearts in the 22769 Casual Couture store, the Bauwerk store and the L4A-Gallery to complete this hot looking outfit. Ladies, there is also an outfit in the hunt for you as well. Mosey on down and get hunting.

*22769 1 Year Male Anniversary Outfit
In Store Hunt ($0L) 10-15. Feb. 2011

*Poses – oOo Studio
-Not Free-


Dress me in Nomine

I have several things to show you so get comfy and ready to tp!  + ezura + has a new group gift for February.  The Red Li Xiu Qipao outfit is a dollarbie only for + ezura + members.

The black and white Brise dress is a new gift at Sin & Secrets to celebrate their new location.

Paris Metro has a new candy apple Dotted Amour gown on the third floor desk.  If you haven’t picked up the diamond necklace and earring set they are in a gift on the ground floor.

The Papillon skin is from one of the lucky chairs at Nomine.  There are many different skins in these chairs including male skins, which is a great excuse to get your man to wait with you at the chairs!  I also won the Babylon outfit in the middle lucky chair.  This outfit includes hair, boots, and many different bodysuit styles.  BTW, all the pictures were taken on the Nomine sim as well.

LVS & Co has added the beautiful Cassandra gown to the FabFree Station.  The poses are a gift from Gesticulate! at the new FabFree Station.

.::Puddle Jumpers Inc.:: also added the red sequin dress to the FabFree Station.  There is also a sweater for men in the gift.  The Damaris boots are a new release from Purrfect 10.  The boots are not free, but there is a VIP group gift that I will show soon!

Seldom Blue has the black Isabella gown as a permanent freebie on the marketplace.  The gift also includes matching lingerie for when your date goes private.




*+ ezura +: Red Li Xiu Qipao Outfit (Group – L$1)

*Sin & Secrets: 075 Brise Dress (Group – L$1)

*Paris Metro: Dotted Amour Gown (L$0)

*LVS & Co: Cassandra Gown (FabFree – L$0)

*.::Puddle Jumpers Inc.::: Red Sequin Dress (FabFree – L$0)

*Seldom Blue: Isabella Gown (Marketplace – L$0)

*Purrfect 10: Damaris Boots (Not Free)

*Nomine: Papillon Skins (Lucky – L$0)

*EMO-tions: Celeste Hair (Not Free/Coming Soon!)

*Gesticulate!: Poses (FabFree – L$0)

