FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

It Was Momentary

It Was MomentaryYikes! I’ve almost committed a bit of a blogging faux paus. Luckily it’s not too late, but I’d better type fast.

Breathing Room

There are fantastic things going on over at Vagrant right now. One of them is a free store credit for group members! To be more specific, you’ll need to activate your tag or join the group (it’s free) and click on the sign near the entrance of the store. For doing so, you will be awarded with 300L of free store credit that needs to be used before June 1st. All good so far, right?

Crisis Averted

Where I almost messed up is in telling you about the sale. Everything at Vagrant is 50% off! What a bargain. However, the mistake that I almost made is that I didn’t realize that the sale ends today, May 22nd. Now is the time for half price Vagrant! If you aren’t seeing this post until the sale is over, don’t fret. You can still use your free store credits and have a bit of fun. Shopping tonight will just buy you twice the fun, if you catch my drift.

I picked up two things at Vagrant. The top that I’m wearing here was priced at 150L and the pants are 125L. That’s a full and cute outfit for free when I used my free 300L of store credit, plus some to spare.

I’ll be quiet and let you get to it. Happy shopping!

Allison is Wearing…


Top – Vagrant Brittany Top (Free with Free Group Gift Credit/Group is Free to Join)
Pants –Vagrant Hennriette Jeans (Free with Free Group Gift Credit/Group is Free to Join)
Earrings – Vibing Maia
Bracelets & Rings – Avaway Love


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Avalon
Skin  – Deetalez Mula
Tattoo – Vegas Mystic Girl
Hair – Magika Lydia
Location – The Little Heaven
Pose – IOS

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My Heart’s Been Borrowed

My Heart's Been Borrowed

Welp, Christmas and New Years’ are officially over, moving swiftly on. I actually saw Valentine’s stuff in stores when I was finishing my shopping before Christmas, so really I’m late. What are we waiting for? It’s my mythological duty to help you find love and I take my assignments very seriously.

Una Love

I’m so excited about the free stuff that I’m here to tell you about today. I mean, free stuff is always exciting, don’t get me wrong, but this one really got me. I love the store Una., it’s full of really gorgeous creation from whimsy things to costumey things to every day stuff but elevated. Well, there is a wall of things there that say “VIP Group Gifts” which is excellent either way, although it is a paid group. BUT those things are actually all completely free with no group join required. Just click click click and it’s all yours yours yours. There is one thing stuck in the middle somewhere that costs 50L, but everything else is free. It was such a hard decision to decide what to wear today, but here are some things that had me come over all hearts and googly eyed, all from that Una. wall:

  • Free Dulceida outfit is this bodysuit with a sheer skirt over it, featuring the cute belt with chains. Sized for Legacy, Maitreya, and Perky.
  • Free Maitreya shoes that actually came from a separate outfit, but I thought they complimented this look really well.
  • Free tiara in silver or gold to tie it all together.
  • Free Cupid bow and arrows, including a version to wear on your back and a few other arrows to the head and chest. Yes, that’s an arrow in my leg. Goddesses need love too.

Have fun seeing which pieces strike your fancy!

Allison is Wearing…


Outfit – Una. Dulceida Body and Skirt (Free Gift/No Group Join Required)
Shoes – Una. Magisa HighShoes Pink (Free Gift/No Group Join Required)
Tiara – Una. LadyLuisa Crown Gold (Free Gift/No Group Join Required)
Rings – Vibing Maddy
Earrings– Vibing Maia
Bow & Arrows – Una. Cupide Bow and Arrow Leg (Free Gift/No Group Join Required)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Avalon
Skin  – Guapa Caroline
Tattoo – Vegas Themys
Hair – Truth Radiance
Pose – Olive Juice
Location – The Little Heaven