FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


Once Upon a Fairy Tale

Once Upon a Fairy Tale

Once upon a time…….a fair princess named Kathryn followed her sure-footed canine Prince Ripley on a journey through the lands beyond First Life.  They had many marvelous adventures including rescuing homeless kittens, conquering dust bunnies, and spying a Kraken while sailing across sparkling waters.  Along the way, the fair maiden and her companion kept their eyes peeled for bargains and special items to share with their readers.  On this fair evening, two sweet, new friends lead our adventurers to discover yet another Fabulous Find…

Pretty in Pastel

My outfit tonight features a rose-tinted, high-waist maxi skirt which hugs my curves and drapes softly to a slightly ruffled, ankle-length hem.  Naomi comes in fitmesh in two sizes (XXS – S) and (M-L) as well as a Maitreya version.  In this picture, I am sporting the fitmesh style, even though I am wearing my Maitreya Lara body.  For some reason, the top I chose to wear kept poking through the Maitreya version of the skirt, but it behaves itself with the fitmesh option.  This long skirt is fit for a princess, yet won’t dent the palace coffers at all, since it is a free gift for the Second Life Frees and Offers Group.  Best of all, the group is completely free to join!  All you need to do to add the Naomi skirt to your wardrobe is switch to your SL Frees and Offers group tag, teleport over to the WellMade store, then tap the group gift sign.

Finishing Touches

My baby unicorn friend is gazing up at my Love and Luck Necklace from Kerriki.  I think its subtle sparkle and sheen caught the little one’s fancy.  I can’t say I blame her!  A delicate shade of pink tourmaline, the clover pendant sits suspended from a finely wrought silver chain, just waiting to bring good fortune my way.  With a price tag of only one little linden, I couldn’t pass up a four-leafed lucky charm!  This little gem can be yours with one quick shopping trip to the Marketplace. Who knows, it might even bring you good luck, too!

Off to Explore

Before the alarm clock rouses me from my fairy tale slumber, the pupster and I need to check out some more of the Once Upon a Fairy Tale sim.  Sweet dreams to you, dear readers, and happy shopping!

~ Princess Kathryn (and Sir Ripley)

Kat is Wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Hope

Hair:  Magika Stay the Night

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Armor

Necklace:  Kerriki Love and Luck Necklace Pink Tourmaline (1L on the Marketplace)

Top:  Vivi Sasha Floral Swing Tank Pink

Skirt:  WellMade Naomi Rose Long Skirt (free gift for SL Frees and Offers Group 0L/0L to join)

Shoes:  KC Couture Brazilia for Slink High Feet (75L on the Marketplace)

Mesh Hands/Feet:  Slink

Pose:  aDorkable Poses

Sim:  Once Upon a Fairy Tale