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Approaching Lavender

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Approaching Lavender

I’m clearly on a lavender kick this week Fabbies, but to be fair, I’ve been on one since my very first memories.  When I was a weeeee toddler, my Dad painted my room lavender, and my furniture purple, and I’ve been a purple girl ever since!  I know there’s a lot of us out there too 😉

I’d been trying to win this free outfit on the [QE] lucky chairs since I showed you the bikini she has on the Midnight Mania board in this post HERE.  I’ve TP’d in and out to the store a gazillion times and waited with a whole bunch of Fabs at those chairs, but this past weekend I finally manifested my win when I told Cre it was what I was after in local chat, yay me!  I was even more delighted that it came in this lavender color instead of the peachy/teal color pictured on the lucky chair.  It was meant to be, a purple boho outfit in Beachy’s inventory.  It comes in a range of sizes too:

  • Maitreya/Petite (the regular Maitreya size fits my X with some small alpha cuts too!)
  • Legacy/Perky
  • Reborn
  • Kupra

There’s a gazillion things you can win on those lucky chairs.  Remember, it’s all free.  You don’t need a group to play the chairs or the MM boards, super generous!  It’s a great place to spend time when you have it!


Peace ☮️

♥ Beachy

Beachy is wearing…


Outfit – [QE] Sierra Set (Top & Skirt) -Summer IV (Free prize on lucky chair/No group required)
Hat – Amitie Lavender Fields Backdrop and Pose set



Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara X
Mesh Head – Lelutka Erin
Skin – Glam Affair FLO (Almond)
Tan Lines – .HS. Tan Line 32% – Dark Skins
Hair – Stealthic – Resist
Brows – Nuve. Adele Eyebrows
Eyes– LOTUS. Unicorn Eyes 17 (BOM) RARE
Nails – Rosary. Base Nails . Stiletto with Aura hud
Backdrop & Pose Set –  Amitie Lavender Fields


SIM – Private

Author: Beachy

Second Life addict and live music lover ♥ Freebie hunter and newbie helper ♥ Fab Free Blogger and chatterbox ♥ Explorer, shopper and decorator ♥ Dirty Hippie ♥ These are all RAW photos. Taken in-world and unedited. I don't use photo editing tools.

One thought on “Approaching Lavender

  1. I can be magical you know. LOL

    Liked by 1 person