FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Can’t Stop! Too Many Sales!

Hello Fabulous Readers! I hope those of you that are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend are having a lovely time, and I hope everyone else is at least able to enjoy the black friday/cyber monday sales!  I have been happily hopping around picking up half price hair everywhere I go today.  I am so busy shopping that I haven’t even had a chance to open them up and try them on yet!  Someone is going to have to decline my card pretty soon, because it’s clear I have no control!

Big Lucky Board News

I thought I better take a few minutes out of my spending spree to stop by and share some freebie news!!  I was really super excited to see a notice come through the Petite Mort inworld group announcing that there are six new lucky boards set to group instore!  This group is 100L to join if you are not already a member, but these lucky board prizes will make up for that in a flash!  I managed to get a few of them and can’t wait to show them off to you!

Warm up in this…

I am wearing the Blush Maxi Cardigan that I won in one of the boards.  This long cozy sweater comes with the shirt attached and includes a texture change hud with 8 t-shirt colour options.

Sizes Included:

  • Maitreya Lara
  • Slink Physique & Hourglass
  • Belleza Freya, Isis & Venus


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Catya
Head Applier –  DeetaleZ Maxille 2
Eyes – IKON Triumph Eyes Dusk
Hair –  Truth Wind (50L per play / instore gacha)
Shirt & Cardigan – Petite Mort Blush Maxi Cardigan (free group lucky board / 0L / 100L to join)
Jeans – Blueberry Melanie
Shoes – Reign Rome
Pose – LW Poses What Truly Matters (featured @ Tres Chic)
Sim – Luane’s World


Author: Love Trill

Hey, :) I'm Love and have been a resident in SecondLife since March of 2010. I love to shop and explore in SL - and share my adventures with you! I am currently blogging at Fabulously Free in SL and on my personal blog - Slovesadventures

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