FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

A Million Bucks


Hey there Fabulouses!  You don’t have to spend a million bucks to look a million bucks.  It’s all about pulling the right things together ;).  I managed to  put my entire outfit together for free today, and only spent 75L on the hair!

A Formal Find

COCO Designs, who has a plethora of free group gifts with a free group join, has added this stunning black Halter Gown to their group gifts area!  I should pay my thanks to Carson, who was the one that alerted me of this great find and inspired my look today.  I am so glad he mentioned it, because I do very much love this dress with the gorgeous texturing and sleek leg peek design.  Normally I am not a fan of ruffles and frills, but the ruffle around the bottom of the long sexy draped skirt really balances it out.  Not only does this gown look fantastic when I am standing still, but it moves very nicely with you when you walk. (Thanks Carson!)

Sizes included:

  • Maitreya
  • Slink Physique
  • Slink Hourglass

Bundle yourself up…

The gown does not include the fur scarf, however you can find this as a free group gift in the same section at COCO Designs in three colours, so just pick it up while you are there!  They work with all kinds of avatars as they are adjustable.

Don’t Forget Your Dancing Shoes

The other day [HERE], I mentioned that The Arcade Gacha has several free gifts (just priced at 0L) under their Christmas Tree, and I am still unpacking the boxes I picked up!  I found these amazing Empire Cranesbill heels that include a texture change hud with plenty of colour options in one of those boxes!

Compatible with:

  • Belleza
  • Slink
  • Maitreya
  • TMP

The Finishing Touch

I have blogged about these lovely Xia locks by Truth Hawks before, but now… Truth is participating in the 12 Days of Savings promotion on marketplace and you can pick up several styles priced at just 75L each!  Xia is one of them 🙂

Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Candy
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Renee (featured @ Uber)
Eyes – IKON Triumph Eyes Dusk

Hair – TRUTH Hair Xia (12 Days of Savings – 75L sale / marketplace)
Dress – COCO Designs Halter Gown (free group gift / 0L / free to join)
Fur – COCO Designs Fur Scarf (free group gift / 0L / free to join)
Shoes – Empire Cranesbill (free / 0L @ The Arcade)
Pose by Le Poppycock
Sim – Izzie’s


Author: Love Trill

Hey, :) I'm Love and have been a resident in SecondLife since March of 2010. I love to shop and explore in SL - and share my adventures with you! I am currently blogging at Fabulously Free in SL and on my personal blog - Slovesadventures

2 thoughts on “A Million Bucks

  1. Absolutely stunning capture, Love. Superb dress!
