FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Fab Free Designer of the Day – 07/09/2015 – Irrie’s Doll House

I { DH } Sea Memories Frame Cluster Ad

Get this cute beach themed decor for FREE at Irrie’s Doll House with your group tag. The Irrie’s Doll House group is FREE to join.


**Each day, here on the FabFree Blog, we will be featuring one of our Fabulously Free in SL inworld Designers.
Photos are work of the designers.


Yellow, pink..Where’s the lemons, I want Strawberry Lemonade!!!

Hello hello! Happy Thursday everybody.

Ok, so, I have to admit, when I was thinking of titles for this post, all I could think of as I was looking at myself, was yummy, sweet and sour strawberry lemonade. It’s funny, because that has nothing to do with my outfit, other than the fact I am wearing yellow and pink. I figured, what the heck, I’ll go with it, and even found a quaint little fruit stand selling lemons for a background. So lemme show you what was making my mouth water.

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Everything I am featuring today, except my mani and pedi, are from a new to me event called SOU By Creation.jpThey are celebrating their 1st anniversary right now, and  some of the designers have put out free gifts, some of which are group exclusive, and others are free for all. For the group exclusive gifts, the Creation.jp group is free to join, just slap one of the many group join boards at the event. You have until July 25th to grab all the gifts, and there are others I’m not showing, so it’s worth the visit 🙂

My lovely polka-dotted yellow dress is one of the group gifts. It’s from Azul, and is mesh, in all the standard sizes. While I did not include a shot in this post, you really must get a look at how sexy the back is on this. Oh, and I’ll just mention, if yellow is not your colour, or you really like this dress, head over to the Azul main store and they have this same dress in blue for their July group gift, and pink for SLF&O group members. Both groups are free to join, and the gifts are free!

Next giftie I’m showing you is this cute, short, unisex Katze hair from Uw.st. This hair is a group gift, so make sure you have your tag active. You get 2 different colours of this unrigged mesh hair, the Ash Rose that I am wearing, as well as a lighter Silver Wolf version, that I have not shown. Now, don’t be confused, although a lovely blonde/brown shade, I decided to tint the Ash Rose version to a dark brown (the lower picture is what Ash Rose really looks like). I did this for 2 reasons, 1 : I tend to wear darker hair usually, and 2 : to show you that since it is modifiable,  you are not limited to wearing just the colours they have given you. You can tint to your heart’s content! It’s almost like getting a fatpack 🙂

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A benefit of the Kitze hair, is how well it shows off another of the gifts I grabbed at SOU By Creation.jpMy classic gold and silver twist, hoop earrings are the gift from EarthStones, and it’s one of the free for everyone gifts, no group needed. Everyone needs a pair of earrings like these. They will go with everything, and the mixed metals open up so many more possibilities of other jewelry you can pair with them.

The last goodie I am showing from this event is the sweet Ballet Flower ring from katatOnik. This, plus my nails and shoes,  is where that hint of pink comes into my outfit. You get 2 versions, one with a gold band, and one with a silver band. It is unrigged mesh, so you can resize it as needed. I have been a long time fan of katatOnik, and this freebie did not disappoint. Like my earrings, this is a free for everyone gift.

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OK, I did mention my mani and pedi earlier. My lovely nails are courtesy of La Boheme, and are a free hunt gift for the Body Art Hunt, which started July 1st. You get 2 different sets, one with a gold accent, which I am showing off, and one with a silver. There are huds for both fingers and toes for SLink only, although I found that you only needed to use one to change both. I’ve included the display picture below so you can see all the pretty colours you get with these sets. Make sure you take a good look around the store, as there are a few other hunts happening here, as well as all sorts of great deals. The hint for this particular hunt gift is this : Cats usually prefer ferns to snack on, but Oscar likes a thicker leaf.

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Wow…almost everything I am wearing is free! I love when a great outfit can be put together and the only cost is a little walking around 🙂 I should have looked a little harder for free shoes to make this a totally free outfit, but, we all know my shoe obsession. I needed to get some use out of all the shoes I already have! LOL. OK lovelies, this was another wonderful Thursday spent with you all, but I must be off, I need to go quench my strawberry lemonade craving! You know the drill, until next Thursday, TTFN!

What is Calle showing you…

Dress – -AZUL- Sou Anniversary Gift (free group gift @ current round of SOU By Creation.jp/free to join)
Hair – Uw.st   Katze-hair  M-Ash rose  (2015 june CJPgift) (free group gift @ current round of SOU By Creation.jp/free to join)
Ring – *katat0nik* (gold) Ballet Flower Ring (free @ current round of SOU By Creation.jp)
Earrings – EarthStones Twisted Hoops – CJP Anniversary Gift (free @ current round of SOU By Creation.jp)
Mani and Pedi – La Boheme – [LB ArclightGold] *Slink* (free gift for the Body Art Hunt) *Hint: Cats usually prefer ferns to snack on, but Oscar likes a thicker leaf.
Necklace and Bracelet – Dellybeams Gem Gallery – Antique Gold Blush Opal Jewelry Set (free gift @ FabFree HQ)(Originally shown HERE by Arabella)
Shoes – SYSY’s Samya Shoes- Pink
Lipstick – [PF] Harley Sheer Gloss <Vanilla> – Baby Pink (mouth)
Eyeshadow – [PF] Shimmer Eyeshadow <Vanilla> – Pink
Skin – [PF] Harley v2 – Lid 02 – (nobrow) with Button Nose and Freckles tattoo
Brows – Soiree – Sloane Brows #Ebony
Eyes – IKON Promise Eyes – Silverleaf(right) & Fjord(left)
Hands and Feet – SLink
Darker Hairbase – Truth Hairbase – night
Lighter Hairbase – Truth Hairbase – toffee

Full Body Pose – oOo Studio: Everyday … for Seraphim’s 4th Birthday! (recent free gift, no longer available)
Close-up Pose – !bang – stands 420-429

Location – Flux Sur Mer (So pretty, if you love exploring beautiful sims, and have never been here, go…go I say!!)
