FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

She’s a beauty


She's a beauty

Skin: Glam affair – Elvi
Hair: Hervé Faenzo – Uffie (1L$, Care first showed this hair here)
Makeup: Zibska – Raine makeup (25L$)
Necklace: Zibska – Mireio jewelry set (25L$)
Coat: Zibska – Agna black (25L$)

No doubt all you fashionistas have heard of Zibska, the jewelry and makeup store that has been at the height of fashion in SL for a long time. If you haven’t, then you’ve arrived at a perfect time because in order to raise money for those affected by the Super Typhoon Haiyan, Zibska has pulled 60+ of their old items out of retirement and is selling them for only 25L$ each! Which is a huge steal considering brand new Zibska jewels cost around 300L$ each. There are haute couture clothing, makeup and jewelry you can grab at an extremely discounted price until 24th November, after that they’ll be going back into retirement, never to see the light of day again. Each makeup pack and jewelry set comes in a huge pack of colour options to choose from so you’ll always have that statement supermodel look whatever your outfit!

She's a beauty

Eyes: Dead apples – Sorrow eyes (Group gift)
Necklace 1: Zibska – Olivie set (25L$)
Necklace 2: Zibska – Onek deux set (25L$)
Boots: Bens beauty – Paris boots (Group gift)

I came across a store the other day called Ben’s Beauty and it was there I found the most glorious pair of shoes I’d seen in a long time. The detail in them astounded me and they looked as if they should cost 400L$. But no. Absolutely 100% free. They’re a group gift and the group is free to join. I definitely won’t be hopping out of this group any time soon if all their gifts are as stunning as these boots. Ideal for the cooler autumn weather too!

Fabfree Signature

Author: Xanthe

"If the shoe fits, buy it in every colour!"

7 thoughts on “She’s a beauty

  1. Pingback: She’s a beauty | Xantheanne's 2nd Life

  2. Great post Xantheanne and wonderful to see Zibska and Ben’s Beauty featured…both fashion forward, fabulous groups…generous to group members and well worthy of a group slot. ❤ ❤


  3. Gonna go run and pick up those shoes…. really great 😀 Also…. I constantly get told how many people view our Fabfree posts as their BIBLE for SL… that they read it daily and tell all their friends…. People enjoy your posts… be happy Xanthe ❤ Care.


  4. Thanks Care 😀 And yeah those boots are soooo nice ❤


  5. Xantheanne, thank you very much for helping spread the word about the Typhoon Haiyan Fundraiser. Though 25L is only a drop in the bucket, it certainly adds up quickly and as you know every little bit helps ❤

    And I am happy you found some things you like =)


  6. Wow thanks Zib! I was really excited when you sent out word your retired items were coming back! I hope I succeeded in sending a few people over to help out 😀 ❤
