FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007



ICON Lifestyle Sims are having another hunt starting from August 19th – 31st. You are looking for tiny little black boxes like the one below..

It is spread over two sims so make sure you visit both of them to get your share of the goodies. SL was being precious today by swallowing things I had collected and not rezzing other things I had got, so here are some of the things you can find. I will do an update tomorrow! Some stores also have general free gifts besides the hunt prize so don’t forget to pick those up too.

Seldom Blue

Audrey Skin by TULI. The swimsuit is the prize from FK Virtues


The pants are the prize from Cynful, the bracelet is the prize from Chop Zuey while the shoes and the top is half of the swimsuit that are part of the prize from GField

Swimsuit and shoes are the prize from GField while the bracelet is the prize from Urban Alchemi

Angel Dessous

Earrings by Amacci

There are two boxes in Blacklace this is one of the prizes


Unisex and resizable sneakers from INDI Designs

Mina Hair


Earrings by U&R Dogs


Vogue Style


The Red Zoe updo hair worn in most of the pictures is from Maitreya and is part of the sale going on right now. A pack of colours is priced at 145L. The brown Charlie hair worn in the Tuli picture is also from Maitreya as part of the sale.

+ Platinum Skin by Heartsick ( 10L in the Platinum Hunt )
+ Red Curly Get Forward Hair by Bishwear ( not free )
+ Poses by Fri.Day, Long Awkward Pose, Kuso, Persona, Glitteratti, Diesel Works, Striking Poses

8 thoughts on “ICON Hunt

  1. Sim lag is so bad that this hunt is almost impossible. Can’t move an inch without trailing off into space.

    Oh well. Looks like nice stuff though!


  2. Yes lag is going to be a huge issue, the ICON hunts are always full of awesome stuff so they are huge draw for people.


  3. Only if people would understand that “depriming” is for the benefit of all those involved in hunt! Keeping ARC as low as possible would make the things easier.


  4. I hunt using Emerald just so I can derender in-the-way objects and use the area search. I find myself derendering people a lot too, especially those who come in with floofy dresses and big hair and make life miserable for the rest of us in a laggy zone. It probably doesn’t help, but it keeps me from yelling at them if I can’t see them.


  5. hehe I do that too! Makes things load much faster!


  6. Hi! LOVE the time and detail you take in your posts – but I have one questions: where the heck is Anyu???? Not at the lm landing spot. I really want that dress and I flew around and looked at the tp board and everything. Nothing in search either. ???? Help????


  7. Hi Phoenix 🙂

    The lm is incorrect try this one


    Happy hunting



  8. Oh whoops.. Thank you Mietta for correcting the LM, I will amend the main post.
