FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


I Found the “Escape Winter” Button

Coming Home

Happy Sunday, Fabulouses! After all that winter weather, and the tiff between Ripley and Baloo, I decided a vacation to a tropical climate was in order.  Rip and I packed our bags, and jetted off to this Italian villa.  No polar bears, no rain, no snow, just warm sunshine and gentle breezes.

She’s Got a Brand New Dress And She’s Ready to Shine

Of course, a balmy location called for a new outfit to celebrate, and lucky for me, Carrie Snowpaw has generously set out this gorgeous, halter-style frock as an exclusive free gift for Fab Free Group members. The Segalle Halter dress features a soft blue, floral pattern and hugs all your curves.  I love the detailing of the delicate ring and neck ribbon (for a better view, check out my close up picture below).  It also includes sexy side slits, which offer a tantalizing glimpse of thigh.  You can’t see them due to the angle of my photo, but they are a really sweet touch. To add Segalle to your inventory, simply teleport over to Snowpaws, activate your Fab Free Group tag (as always, the Fab Free Group is completely free to join), and tap the gift board.  Then, you too, will be ready for a mid-winter get away to someplace warm and sunny.
close up coming home

Finishing Touches

To accessorize my outfit, I scoured the Marketplace, and came upon these silver Triple Loop earrings from Vextra Co.  I wanted baubles that would provide a welcome touch of glimmer, yet still be simple enough to let the beauty of my dress take center stage.  These hoops fit the bill perfectly. Since their price tag was only 9L, I still have plenty of jingle in my purse to bring home a collection of souvenirs from our journey, and keep a certain someone well-supplied with Ripley snacks.

I Hear the Beach Calling My Name

Floating on the summery breeze, I can just barely make out the lapping waves of the ocean, inviting Ripley and I to wander along the shore, collect sea shells, and play fetch-the-stick.  Until my next post, Fabulous Readers, happy shopping!

~ Kat (and Ripley)

Kat is Wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Moirah

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Soldier

Eyeliner: Teapi Catwa Eyeliner (35L on the Marketplace)

Lipstick:  Izzie’s Catwa Lipstick Applier Aiko

Hair:  Truth Sugar (blogged {HERE} by Love)

Earrings:  Vextra Co. Triple Loop Earrings (9L on the Marketplace)

Dress:  Snowpaws Segalle Halter Dress Blue Flower (free gift for Fabulously Free in SL Group 0L/0L to join)

Shoes:  KC Couture Toluca Strappy Heels (99L on the Marketplace)

Pose:  (full body) Le Poppycock

(close up) Overlow Poses

Sims:  (full body) Flux Sur Mer

(close up) Mystic Forest
