FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Pick a Hand…

Wilsons Closet & Felicity

Pick a hand, any hand!  A 25L special in one hand, and free shoes in the other.. Ok – you can have both!

At Wilson’s Closet you can pick up the Enchanted in Aqua Dress for just 25L as it is being featured this week as a Monday Mania Special!

The ivory Farah Stilletos shown below are Felicity’s latest group gift!  The group is 30L to join and there are TONS of other free gifts in store.

Felicity Group Gift

Looks like I’m ready to go dancing – who’s with me?


Love is wearing…

Skin – Atomic Grace Skin Buff Winter Kiss (70L / TDRB) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mimikri/214/51/22

Eyes – Fashism Eyes Sunrise Light Azure (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jewelry/47/208/38 

Hair – Ploom Mina (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ploom/179/129/24

Dress – Wilson’s Closet Enchanted in Aqua (25L / Monday Mania) –  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Banquo/55/185/22

Shoes – Felicity Farah Stilletos in Ivory (free group gift / 0L / 30L to join) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Emerald%20Bay/211/202/302

Jewelry – Finesmith Grace Earrings & Necklace (free group gift / 0L / free to join) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/blackLiquid/149/199/3522

Poses by Just A Pose – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Calabaza%20Island/226/229/1997


Just One Thing To Say

B!asta 1

Carson may have had two good ydeas..  but I just have one thing to say and it is that you ladies should head directly to B!asta because… there are some really cute freebies and nearly freebies in shop right now!  For example… The outfit above is called City Charm.  It includes the leather pants, top and also the belt for just 5L.  You can find it above the fireplace with some other really fabulous deals.

Another thing you’ll want to snag by the fireplace while you are there is the City Lights Dress with the gem applique which is…  Free.  It’s quite a cute dress and the gems swing around as you walk!

B!asta 2

Oh dear..  I do have two things to say…  It’s never just one thing with me…  /me hangs head in shame…  There is ten minutes I’ll never get back that I spent trying to find a “just one thing” pose in my inventory lol

The necklace I am wearing today is a dollarbie from Apple May Designs.  It is called the Music Charm Necklace and has colourful music notes on it making it the perfect “match everything” accessory.

B!asta 3


Love is wearing…

Skin – Apple May Designs Catalina (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fruitatious/112/179/44

Eyes – Fashism Eyes Sunrise Light Lagoom (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jewelry/47/208/38 

Hair – Truth Andrea (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Truth%20Hair/113/35/27

B!asta City Charm (5L) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alanya/154/49/2052

B!asta City Lights Dress (free / 0L) –  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alanya/154/49/2052

Shoes – Felicity Courtney in Artic Blue (free group gift / 0L / 30L to join) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Emerald%20Bay/211/202/302

Apple May Designs Music Charm Necklace (1L) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fruitatious/112/179/44

Poses by POSEUR – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kuu%20Ipo/249/75/23



Scotti Says Go To Felicity!

SLC Felicity

Happy Thursday everyone!  We are that much closer to the weekend 🙂 I have a couple of group gifts to share with you today.

The super cute black baby doll dress I am wearing in the above photo is a new free group gift from SLC!  It spins and flows making it the perfect dress for dancing!  The SLC group is 99L to join,  however there are always gifts and great VIP offers.

One of our Fabulouses, Scotti sent me an IM the other day and said I had to go directly to Felicity (Tnxya Scotti!) and check out all of the free group gift shoes.  Their most recent gift is the 2000 Member Group Gift Stilettos in Wine.  The group is 30L to join, but that’s nothing for a pair of great shoes like this!  It comes with a nailpolish and skin hud as well as you can change the metal from silver to gold and back again if you like lol.


Now if this one pair of shoes wasn’t enough to convince you to run down there and join the group…  check out the photos below.  They are all free group gifts at Felicity as well, and this isn’t all of them!  I know Renee has shown a few pairs of Felicity gifts over the last few months, so make sure you do a FabFree search and check out those posts for gifts as well.  These are some really nice shoes! Good call Scotti – good call!



Love is wearing…

Skin – Mamboo Chic Happy New Year Special Gift Sophie (free group gift / 0L /300L to join) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Give/149/96/297

Eyes – Fashism Eyes Sunrise Pale Cool Silver (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jewelry/47/208/3 

Hair – LeLutka AWE Hair – *Modded to lower the tiara*  (free / 0L / subscribo) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LeLutka/128/128/26

Dress – SLC VIP Group Gift January 2012 (free group gift / 0L / 99L to join) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fashion%20Place/129/250/256

Shoes – Felicity 2000 Members Group Gift Stilettos in Wine (free group gift / 0L / 30L to join) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Emerald%20Bay/211/202/302

Jewelry  – Son!a Luxury Fashion Cerise Jewelry Silver (1L) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Edge/127/109/31

Poses by Dare (closed, but I do still love their poses :/)


Whip my Bubblegum Tourist

!Doux Couture sub-o members were sent the purple Sheer Shoulder dress yesterday.  The gift also included the Thug white t-shirt, gold Simple Tourist Camera, and Whip My Hair in Dark Brunette.   The bubblegum armwarmer gloves are from Klamotte for The Unknown Hunt.

The pictures were taken at the Bitter Bunnie Designs sim.


*!Doux Couture: Sheer Shoulder Dress, Tourist Camera, Whip My Hair (SOM – L$0)

*Klamotte: Bbblegum Gloves (TUH – L$0)

*Felicity: Elyse Wedge (Group/Fee – L$0)

*Heartsick: Solstice Winters Kiss Skin (Group/Fee – L$0)

*Amacci: Pose (Not Free)




Lemon Hucci

Bring out your inner Hucci in the lemon Malaysia dress from Hucci.  I love the sexy tears and rips on the fabric of the mini dress.  The mini dress was sent to Hucci sub-o members yesterday.  The hot pink Elyse Wedge is the newest group gift for Felicity members.  There is a L$30 enrollment fee to join the Felicity group and members have access to ALL past gifts!  There currently are 6 free shoe gifts, a tattoo, and a garden plant available free for Felicity members.  The pink floral Summer bag is a group gift for Vita’s Boudoir members.  It is free to join the Vita’s Boudoir group.  Love blogged the Winter Kiss Solstice skin last week.  This skin was sent to Heartsick group members and is still available in the group notices.  There is a small L$50 enrollment fee to join the Heartsick group.

The picture was taken on the Horizon Dream sim.


*Hucci: Malaysia Dress (SOM – L$0)

*Felicity: Elyse Wedge (Group/Fee – L$0)

*Vita’s Boudoir: Summer Bag (Group – L$0)

*Heartsick: Solstice Winters Kiss Skin (Group – L$0)

*EMO-tions: Tara Hair (Not Free)

*Essential Soul: Pose (L$0)



Ruxy Green

Head over to the Designer Showcase and pick up the green (I LOVE THIS GREEN) Ruxy dress and matching purse from Ruxy’s design.  This gift is free for the Designer Showcase VIP group members.  The tan tattooed skin is exclusive for from Style by Kira.  I picked up the Lovely hair at $GaNKeD$ for L$10 a color pack.  All the hairstyles are L$10 each or L$30 for a fatpack!



*Ruxy’s design:  Ruxy Dress & Purse (Group – L$0)

*Felicity: Courtney Stilettos (Not Free)

*Style by Kira:  Skin (Group – L$0)

*$GaNKeD$: Lovely Hair (L$10)

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$100)



Take it LOW

Earlier today I went to pick up this gorgeous skin from Felony and I found lots of exclusive gifts for LOW Sale Customers group members.  The Felony skin includes 15 makeups and the dark Shayde skin.  The black classy Angie gown is a gift from Lillou’s Designs.

The Dani halter top, mini skirt, stockings, and shoes are a gift from Kennedy’s.  The apricot & apple Summer blouse is a gift from :MILLE FIORI:.

Unique Clothing is giving LOW Sale Customers members the blue Whitney dress with two skirt looks.  The sparkly pink cocktail dress is a gift from Fashion 4 Flirts.

The purple Spring dress is a gift from PeKaS Designs for LOW Sale Customers group members.  The shoulder length Ivy hair is a wearable demo from Modd.G and comes in a fatpack of colors.


*LOW Sale Customers Gifts (Group – L$0)

*Felicity: Courtney Stilettos (Not Free)

*Modd.G: Ivy Hair (L$0)

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$100)





Strut your Attitudes

Attitudes has moved and there are three lingerie sets available for group members.  While you’re there pick up the Spring gift if you haven’t already.  The Francisca hair shown in the first picture is only L$10 for the coffee/natural pack at Adoness.  The Aura hair is a gift for Adoness group members until September.  Verve is offering the INA skin as the L$10 gift for the Platinum Hunt II.  With pretty pale pink lips and a smothering eye-shadow this skin can be worn every day.


**Attitudes: Lingerie (Group – L$0)

*Felicity: Courtney Stilettos (Not Free)

*Poetic Colors: Gray Sky Eyes (L$0)

*Adoness: Aura Hair (Group – L$0), Francisca  (L$10)

*Verve: INA Skin (TPH – L$10)

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$100)





1 Hundred

1 Hundred. is a new high quality clothing store in Second Life.  There is a Spring Breeze dress free in the store for group members.  There is no fee to join the 1 Hundred. group.

The Mistress X. dress is the grand opening gift at 1 Hundred..  There are several options included in this gift.



*1 Hundred.: Chocolate Ice (L$0)

*Felicity: Courtney Stilettos (Not Free)

*U&R DOGS: Le Roi d’Ys Earrings (YIBH – L$0), Le Roi d’Ys Bracelets (Camp – L$0)

*Amacci: Eyelashes (Not Free)

*Poetic Colors: Gray Sky Eyes (L$0)

*Raspberry Aristocrat:  Khloe Hair (Not Free)

*R.icielli: RHEA Skin (Not Free)

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$100)



Fleeting Summer of EMO-tions

EMO-tions has a new group gift and it’s not hair… it’s the beautiful silvery dress.  The dress makes me think of the last days of summer.  The Jenny hair is a new release at EMO-tions.   I am wearing the new RHEA skin from R.icielli, isn’t it gorgeous!  I love how mature and over 20 the face looks!!!

So… I blogged the black Prudence gown from Nzuri and there was a tinsy mistake in the top part of the dress… OKAY it was a big gap exposing bits.  Anyway, the creator corrected the dress and if you subscribe to the Nzuri sub-o you will get this lovely evening gown.



*Nzuri: Prudence Gown (SOM – L$0)

*EMO-tions: MEL Dress (Group – L$0), Jenny Hair (Not Free)

*Felicity: Courtney Stilettos (Not Free)

*R.icielli: RHEA Skin (Not Free)

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$100)

