FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Vintage coffee anyone? OK, how about Shoes?


I have already shown you, lovely readers, the wonderful fall themed jewelry that B!ASTA has available in a gacha at The Promenade, but B!ASTA has a second gacha there, and it is filled with shoes!! Oh happy day 🙂 Also at the Promenade, are the perfect dresses to go with these shoes, from American Beagle Outfitters. I love one-stop shopping! You’ll notice, with each picture, I’ve included a shot of the gacha vendor ads, I really wanted to make sure you all could see all the great versions you have a chance at winning.


So, shoes….these are gorgeous. That’s all I have to say. LOL…just kidding, of course I have more to say 😛 . For L$75 a play, you get a 2 pack of shoes from the B!ASTA gacha. That’s right, I said 2 pack. You get 1 version that is a brighter colour, and one that is a desaturated colour. The Leena Lux shoes are made for SLink Mid feet, and I happen to be wearing the Ocean colour, in the bright version.


As I said, the American Beagle Outfitters Autumn Retro Dresses just so happen to be a perfect match to the B!ASTA shoes. I am wearing the common #8 dress, but there are 8 other commons, and 3 rares to be had, all just as lovely. I really wanted the pink rare one, but no luck. These little beauties are L$75 per play, and are mesh in standard sizes. I especially loved the woven belt texture on the dress I am wearing, such a nice touch.


American Beagle has a second gacha as well, that has an assortment of beautiful wire arm cuffs, and are only L$25 a play! I am actually into making wire jewelry similar to these in RL, and I totally want to try to make one of these now, I just love the design. LOL. Like the dresses, there are 9 commons, and 3 rares to be had.

The Promenade runs until the end of the month, so you have plenty of time to get over there and check things out. There are so many great designers involved, you won’t be disappointed.

Alrighty, I am out of here for now, off to find the next wonderful thing to show all of you. So, until then, TTFN.

What is Calle showing you…

Shoes – B!ASTA – :LEENA LUX: Ocean (for SLink mid) (L$75 per double pack @ The Promenade)
Dress – American Beagle Outfitters – Autumn Retro dress 8 (boxed) (L$75 per play
gacha @ The Promenade)
Bracelet – ABO – Vintage wire cuff bracelet 9 (L$25 per play gacha @ The Promenade)
Ring 1– :*:CPD:*: Necromantic Sugar Skull Ring (Blacklight)
Ring 2 – (Yummy) Dianity Tiara Ring – Silver
Earrings – Angelle hoop earring 20mm thin silver LT (free on the Marketplace)
Hair – [e] Later – Black 04 (no longer available)
Skin – [PF] Harley – Lid 02 – (nobrow)
Brows – Soiree – Sloane Brows #Ebony
Eyes –  IKON Promise Eyes – Silverleaf(right) & Fjord(left)
Hands and Feet– SLink
Tattoo – :insanya: Tattoo Love Hurts – Complete w/Arm 2 – Worn
SLink foot Tattoo – Letis  Tattoo : HUD Slink Feet : Butterflies Lilies: FEET (L$1 on Marketplace)
Mani and Pedi – [La Boheme Spiderweb Silver] *Slink* Manicure & Pedicure (free for the Black Widow Hunt)


Location – Camaro Coffee Shop


Author: Calleja Fairey

Hi there *waves* I'm Calleja Fairey, though my friends call me Calle. I've been in SL in one form or another since 2007, and I just love freebies and great deals in SL. I really enjoy being able to share what I've found in my explorations with all of you.

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