FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


It can still be Sunday

It can still be Sunday

Hello and Happy Monday, Fab Fam! I hope this week brings you nothing but good things and sweet sunshiny days.  I’m feeling very Summer time breezy and happy today and as luck would have it… I found the perfect BoHo sun dress to reflect my mood.

This is the “Sierra BoHo Sundress” from the ever delightful designer Shanti. This pretty little thing is up on the 35L Sunday Sale board along with several other goodies. Now, this has been up for a while so it could disappear at any time. Soooo hurry over and grab it then find a meadow to dance in for ultimate Summer goodness!

Sizes Included

  • Belleza – Freya, Isis, Venus
  • Classic mesh – XS – XL
  • eBody
  • Maitreya
  • Ocacine
  • SLink – Hourglass, Physique
  • TMP
  • Tonic – Curvy, Fine

~ ~ ~ ~

Juli’s Stylin’

  • Mesh Body – Maitreya – Lara
  • Mesh Head – LeLutka – Kaya – (With my own edited shape)
  • Ears – Swallow – Crossover
  • Eyes – Ikon – Babylon – Forest & Passion
  • Skin + Freckles – The Skinnery – Amie + Maitreya Body Applier + The Face Bundle
  • Hair  – Tableau Vivant – 

~ ~ ~ ~

Dress – Shanti – Sierra BoHo Sundress – 35L as part of the 35L Sunday sale

Photo Location – Borkum

Beach Apparel

Beach Apparel

Good Monday, Fabulous Readers. I hope this new week finds you all healthy and happy. I am starting my week out here on the beach so at least the beginnings are going to be good.

I had planned to show this shirt from Starlight Apparel as a hunt prize last week before real life got it’s teeth on me. But then I saw that the designer has also offers the exact same shirt as a free gift at the Second Life 20th Birthday Shop and Hop.  So, if you don’t feel like hunting… just head down to Starlight Apparel in the Zinnia SIM and pick it up.

Sizes Included

  • Adam
  • Aesthetic
  • Belleza Jake
  • Nardcotix
  • Signature Gianni
  • SLink

~ ~ Gabriel is Wearing ~ ~

  • Mesh Head – LeLutka – Andrea
  • Mesh Body and Hands – Belleza Jake
  • Skin – StrayDog – Breno for LeLutka Andrea Tone 6
  • Eyes – Ikon – Hope Eyes in Field
  • Hair – Exile – Knox
  • Glasses – Since 1975 – Slimline Glasses
  • Pants – No Shot – Linen Pants – 75L – 8 color HUD

Top – Starlight Apparel @SL20B Shop and Hop – David Muscle Shirt in pink – FREE/0L – Gift @ SL20B

Photo Location – Borkum