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Gothmas by Gaslight

Dark Water Designs - Gothic by Gaslight Tuxedo, DemotiK - Gothic PennyLoafer, InSpired Designs  - Gent's Cane

I found four holiday ensembles on the Gothmas by Gaslight Hunt that will make your Gothmas (or which ever holiday you celebrate) a tad more special. I’ll start off with the Gothic by Gaslight Tuxedo from Dark Water Designs. My footwear for this tux is the Gothic PennyLoafers from DemotiK . I accented the look with the Gent’s Cane from InSpired Designs.

My next look comes from Indigo Oddities. The Thanatos Outfit also includes shoes, a top hat, a monocle,  and a cane.

Indigo Oddities - Thanatos

Avatar Bizarre also has a gift in the hunt. The Amaranthus Suit comes with boots and gloves.

Avatar Bizarre - Amaranthus  Suit

finally, the Cranberry and Pine Gothic Christmas Outfit is the hunt prize at Lyrieal’s . Everyone will know it’s Gothmas when you walk into the room in this outfit. The boots are accented with holly.

Lyrieal's -  Cranberry & Pine Gothic Christmas Outfit

Merry Gothmas to all, and to all a good night!

* Dark Water Designs – Gothic by Gaslight Tuxedo ($0L)
Gothmas By Gaslight Hunt

* DemotiK – Gothic PennyLoafers ($0L)
Gothmas By Gaslight Hunt

* InSpired Designs – Gent’s Cane ($0L)
Gothmas By Gaslight Hunt

* Indigo Oddities – Thanatos Outfit ($0L)
Gothmas By Gaslight Hunt

* Avatar Bizarre – Amaranthus Suit ($0L)
Gothmas By Gaslight Hunt

* Lyrieal’s – Cranberry & Pine Gothic Christmas Outfit ($0L)
Gothmas By Gaslight Hunt

* Poses –  Diesel Works
Not Free


Author: Carson Caiben

Blogger, troublemaker, (according to certain fellow bloggers) can be quite vexing, but an all around good guy. Please send review copies in a folder with any information necessary such as, Hunt, Lucky Chair, Midnight Mania Board, Group Gift and dates the item will be available.

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