FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007



I nearly passed out with excitement when I read that LoveLace were reopening again with new lingerie! I own alot of their old sets and they are quite probably some of my absolute favourites in SL. I always loved how they gave you so many layer options instead of just having the lingerie on under garment layers, so you could still wear tattooes and things such as cleavage enhancers with your lingerie.

I tp’d over to the new store earlier, signed up to the subscriber and made sure to search the notices for the Neopolitan gift inside. Right now they are releasing a new set of lingerie a day for a special price and they are also taking part in 50L Fridays so I am very excited. Be sure to take a look around the discount lingerie around the edges of the store when you pay a visit as the sets there are on offer for 50L. The Corsets are also currently on sale for 99L.

I scooped up the gift and some of the discounted sets to show you just why LoveLace rock my socks.

This is the subscribo gift at the moment called Neopolitan

This set is called Rosette in Violet and is 50L. The stockings don’t come with the set and are my own.

This set is called Paisley in Blue Moon and is 50L

This set is called Victoria in Pink and is 50L

This set is called Rosa in Beige and is 50L

This is one of the 99L corsets called Bianca in Red and is an underbust style. It comes in jacket as well as other layers so you can wear it over outfits.

This is another of the 99L corsets called Boleyn in Purple and is an overbust style and also comes in all layers.

Other info
+ June Skin by Curio
+ Green II hair by Maitreya ( not free )
+ Poses by Long Awkward Pose, Striking Poses, Persona and Kuso

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A song for a broken heart

On that cheerful note.. the Tainted Love hunt started on the 1st Feb and runs until 28th Feb. Made for all of those who’s adventures of the heart are darker than most. The starting point is Yellow Jester and there are 67 shops. You are looking for a realistic anatomical heart. Here are some things that might strike a chord with the darkness that beats inside of you.

Again, Im not telling you the numbers or SLURLs.. just the store name. I would really love for you to do the hunt as there are some awesome gifts in there besides clothing which I havent been able to take pictures of yet.

Is the female prize from Black Atellier. There is also a male prize in this heart.

The sexy Tainted Heart dress is the prize from Rotten Defiance ( whose heart also contains a male gift) and the Consume Rosary necklace is the prize from Fiction & Chaos

This unisex “Internet Dating Killed Cupid” t-shirt is the prize from from Peebox.

This beautiful Candy Hearts bikini is the prize from Zahir Designs

Valentines with a more cyber vibe is the prize from Burning Chrome with these huge unisex Stampfen boots and the Loxx hair.

Heartsick have put out this glossy pouty red lipped skin as their prize.

Still on a Valentines theme but not in the Tainted Love hunt are these few goodies I also found around the grid.

This adorable mini dress is available for free at C’More Designs until 15th February.

These Lowrise Blue Jeans are 7L and the Run With Me jacket is also 7L from Aqua at the moment. Be sure to check around for other offers.

Den Dou have put this nosebleed skin out as part of the Cupids Arrow Hunt. There are two prizes in store, this female skin and a matching male skin that Tarsis blogged yesterday.

Other info
+ June Skin by Curio
+ Green II hair by Maitreya ( not free )
+ Poses by Long Awkward Pose, Striking Poses, Persona and Kuso