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She walks in beauty, like the night..


” …Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies..”

Written by Lord Byron, this is quite possibly one of my favourite poems ever and while I was taking these pictures earlier today, those words sprang to mind again. Partly inspired by the images, partly because of a beautiful person I met last night who seems to have stayed with me. Either way.. I thought I would share the first few lines with you before I get on to the goodies.

Paris Metro have two gowns available at their store as freebies. The Arabian Gown is found in the subscribo as a welcome gift to new members. Simpy give the subscribo some love and you will be given this gown as your reward.

If you go to the back of the store you can find the Leather and Sheer gown for 0L. I absolutely adore this outfit and the best bit is you can use the skirt as a base for other outfits like I have done in the following pictures below by adding the Bella Corset by Pixeldolls whch you can buy for 50L in the seperates section.

All of the hair in the next set of pictures are inside the new Freebie ball at Analog Dog which can be found on the beach just a little way over to where you land when you tp in. If you fly into the air you can see a group of balls glowing.

This style is called Di in Blonde

This style is called Gamma in Sepia

This style is called Hello in Cedar

This is probably my favourite and is called Lua in Smoke

This style is Monday in Cherry

This style is Noel in Red

And thanks to a tip off from Elfreda Quan, I got these outfits from Nachtmusik which are on offer for 10L each. There are male and female outfits there, you can find them on shelves inside the rooms either side of the staircase.

From the male side, this is the Modern Tux

Again from the male side this is the Pinstriped Mad Scientist. I have chosen to wear it without the suit jacket which comes with it so I can show you the waistcoat. There are several ways to wear it as there are different layers and two styles of crevats.

From the Female side there is this Pinstripe outfit, which also comes with a skirt layer.

And lastly from the female side, there is this uber luxerious fur coat. The underwear worn underneath can be found at Pixeldolls for 10L in their sale section.

Other info
+ June 2 Skin by Curio ( not free )
+ Cleavage enhancer by Your Skin & Your Shape ( not free )
+ Red Get Forward hair by Bishwear ( not free )
+ Black Get Forward hair by Bishwear ( not free )
+ Toxic Ballet Boots by Nightshade Designs ( not free )
+ Vixxen Eyelashes by Belladonna Mureaux of Nightshade Designs ( not available in store at the moment )

2 thoughts on “She walks in beauty, like the night..

  1. Let me start off by saying you are great wonderful awesome and I love your posts. Now, it creeps me out when I see you, lol. Your face looks IDENTICAL to a girl I know on youtube. Here is her channel so you can see. It’s crazy. http://www.youtube.com/user/myeyeshadowisodd


  2. That is quite remarkable. She does look alot like me particularly if Im wearing a Heartsick skin lol.. wow.. I can see how it would creep you out.

    She does kinda look lik me in RL too though I have a thicker bridge of the nose, more like Whispers in a Curio skins. I did try to make her look as much like me as I could.

    Thank you for sharing that though 🙂 ❤
