FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

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Graceful in DeFleur

As I was logging on, I received a tip from Danee Dufaux that DeFleur had marked 8 random gowns down to 0L. The catch is you have to find them. The styles are varied but there is at least one style for everyone’s personal taste. The gowns are versatile and exquisite with the accessories included. But hurry, I’m not sure when this promotion ends. I can tell what but I can’t tell where.

DeFleur Lavender Parfait, Ariella Ruby, Black & Yellow Brocade, The Lady-Green, Elly Purple, Red Champagne, Rocketgirl (Midnight), Nocturna Green (0L)
Sulcata (191,59,23)

SYD Fallow Skin (0L Red Stick Hunt)

Granymyr (242,190,40)

AmorePacific Mise-en-scene Glam Retro (0L)
AmorePacific Mise-en-scene Beyond Natural (0L)
AMOREPACIFIC 1 (242,236,25)

Total Cost: 0L


Quickie: Tesla Heels the Korova Milk Bar

Sinistra Glas let us know about freebies located at Korova Milk Bar located at Takahara(201,132,63) There are items from designers like Ghost, LurveBite, Alchemy, Insomnia, Long Awkward Pose, Calamity, Nait Smith, Alexitimia and more. There are shirts for the guys as well as dresses, skins, and more for the ladies.

How could my favorite shoes get any better? If Tesla made them taller and, guess what, she did. She has given a special edition of the Elise 2 shoes with a high heel and a platform base. Do a search in groups for the group called TESLA Store Group. (When I do a group search I use the phrase tesla and it is the top choice). Join this group. It is free to join. Go to the Notices. Sort the Notices by date. Go to the one dated 4/22/2008 with the subject FREE! – Elise – 2 – ELEVATE – *black*. Click Open Attachment. You are now the proud owner of a box with shoes from Tesla. Find a place that allow build. Unpack your box. This item is only going to be available as long as it is in the notice archives. So hurry!

Calamity: Nimm Skin – menthol($0L @ Korova Milk Bar)
Birmingham City(131,104,22)
Takahara(201,132,63)(Korova Milk Bar)

Fabulously Free in SL: Fantasy Eyes – Brown Rainbow($0L)

Ghost: Korova Mid($L @ Korova Milk Bar)
Arias Requiem(86,62,0)
Takahara(201,132,63)(Korova Milk Bar)

Here Comes Trouble: Tiye – black($1L)
Troubled City(135,205,24)

LurveBite: Orange After Glow($0L @ Korova Milk Bar)
Takahara(201,132,63)(Korova Milk Bar)

SYD: Style Your Destiny: Eve Shape($1L)

Tesla: Elise 2 ELEVATE Mary Janes – black($0L group gift)

Total Cost: $2L

Fab Cherlindrea


Seven’s WingFling

Hi my FabFree Faithful! I have a confession to make. I love wings. So when I saw the Wing Expo called WingFling in-world, I had to go look around. You will be teleported to a Main Location but there are maps dotted around the landscape like your favorite theme park. I went to my left (with back turned to the map) and I went to Seven’s Selection’s, which is WingFling Coordinator, Jen Shikami’s booth. There are demos on the wall but the wings in a white box with a red bow are divine, to say the least. The wings are can be sized from Micro to X-Large, in-flight or idle. This is done either by typed command or a Wing HUD, included inside. These wings have so many options that you have to test them for yourself. They are only available at WingFling, which runs from April 19-27. Vendors were still being added, so there may be even more out there.


Free Prototype Hex Seraph Wings (1L)

Platinum (128,10,21)

SYD Fallow Skin (0L Red Stick Hunt)

Granymyr (242,190,40)

AmorePacific Mise-en-scene Glam Retro (0L)

AMOREPACIFIC 1 (242,236,25)

*tal* FreeSimple Silks-White (0L)
Analise (157,162,55)

Total Cost: 1L