FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Catch Me Now

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Catch Me NowIt’s probably been years since I visited a Shop & Hop. Sad but true. Don’t get me wrong, they are amazingly wonderfully stuffed full of fantastic freebies but here’s the thing – I’m an all or nothing type of girl. As I’m sure you well know, Shop & Hop is a LOT and I quite literally just don’t have the time. Having said all that, who’s up for a Shop & Hop post?! Make sure you read (or at least skim) till the end, because I’ve got some other exciting news to share too.

You’re familiar with Shop & Hop already, right? Second Life is celebrating it’s 21st birthday so this round of Shop & Hop is part of the birthday festivities. It consists of many, many sims of great creators’ booths to visit, and each has set out a free gift with no group join required.

Muy Guapa

I went to Shop & Hop because of a group notice that caught my eye last night – a free gift from Guapa! I love Guapa so I clicked and…the free gift is at Shop & Hop. I barely hesitated before clicking the slurl and I am so glad that I went. The slurl I’m using in this section for Shop & Hop will take you directly to Guapa’s booth. Waiting there is this completely gorgeous skin that I’m wearing today. It’s available in all of the Velour tones, both brow and no brow, and even includes some lipsticks. So. Pretty. So. Free. And no group join is required.


After I’d collected my pretty new skin I thought to myself, “Self, looks like you’re doing a Shop & Hop post now so you might as well find something else there to wear with the skin.” Lucky for me, Beachy and Porta made that part easy with their amazing spreadsheet. Seriously this thing is full of everything that you need to cherry pick or fully commit, with slurls and pictures and color coding. I love me a color coded spreadsheet. It’s perfect for seeing exactly what the free gift is and teleporting directly there to pick it up.

The gift card section of the spreadsheet, highlighted in purple, caught my eye and there is a free store credit available from Poison Rouge. The 350L of free store credit must be used by July 21st. My heart sank when I saw that a group join is required to claim the gift card but don’t despair, the group is free to join! This is big news because usually there is a fee to join the Poison Rouge group. I for one, joined immediately and plan to never leave. I’m not sure how long or temporary the free group join will be. I didn’t see a notice in the group about it, although I DID see that there’s a brand new free group gift out in the store so make sure to snag that too. Alright so to recap, you’ll need to go visit Poison Rouge at Shop & Hop, join the free group, claim the free 350L of store credit, and go to the mainstore (it doesn’t work on the items at Shop & Hop) to use the credit before July 21st. I spent mine immediately on this pretty dress, which comes in sizes for Freya, Legacy, and Maitreya, and still had some left over for later.

Woo so many words, you definitely skimmed if you made it this far! 😆

Allison is Wearing…


Dress – Poison Rouge Desiree Peach (Free with Free Group Gift Credit @ Shop & Hop/Group is Free to Join)
Earrings – Vibing Maia
Rings – Rawr! Mea Culpa


Mesh Body – Maitreya LaraX
Mesh Head – Lelutka Avalon
Skin  –  Guapa Hope (Free at Shop & Hop/No Group Join Required)
Tattoo – Vegas Good Feeling
Hair – Stealthic Retreat
Pose – loel

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