FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Sharing a Snack

Coming soon

There’s not much more I love in this world than puppies and horses.  Seriously, I could leave nearly all the human race behind and be on an island of puppies and horses, I would be one happy chickie!  Honestly, I talk more to animals, plants and inanimate objects than I do to other people most of the time!

Can you spell I N T R O V E R T?  lol!

Anyhoo!  Another thing I love is cute clothes that I can get for cheap or even better free!  Today I’ve got a super cheap cute outfit for you from Cremosas Store who is one of out Fab Free designers.  It is one of many in her store, this one is a romper that is overall style and soooooo cute for summertime!  This cute ensemble will cost you only 25L!  They do come in lots of different colors, but I chose purple.

It fits:

  • Freya
  • Hourglass
  • Isis
  • Maitreya
  • Physique
  • Venus

❤ Arielle

Arielle is looking fabulous in…


Romper- Cremosas Romper Sigma (25L)


Mesh Body – Maitreya  Lara
Mesh Head –Lelutka Nova
Head Applier –  Velour Annya Pearl
Eyes– LAQ  Gaia Eyes Green
Hair – D!va Tomoko2 Moonstone


Puppies – TLC Animals Dalmations
Pose – Denden Poses Tantric
Gummies –  Seka’s Gummy Treats (previously blogged here)