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You Said It Was True Love

You Said It Was True Love

I’m doing familiar weekend things today in SL. Because I’m nothing if not predictable.

To Havoc

As is my weekend custom, I needed to check Havoc for the new weekly free group gift that appears each weekend. And, as is Havoc‘s custom, I was not disappointed. I came away with this sexy, casual, summery, perfect outfit in three separate pieces – top, pantie, and skirt. The gift is this yellow shade, sized for:

  • Hourglass
  • Kupra
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • Reborn

I should also mention that the Havoc group is free to join and the gift is free as well.

Hair Today

I might actually have a problem with my hair collecting ways. It’s a real problem. There is just so much gift and discounted hair around from amazing designers. I think I added 4 gorgeous hairstyles to my inventory today alone. One of them is the one that I’m wearing here, made by the very talented Wasabi. It is 60L this weekend for Happy Weekend in a fatpack of colors, and that makes me happy.


Allison is Wearing…


Outfit – Havoc Thea Set (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join)
Earrings – Vibing Maia
Rings – Vibing Maddy


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Avalon
Skin Applier – Guapa Caroline
Tattoo – Dappa Ophelia
Hair – Wasabi Zylia (60L for Happy Weekend)
Pose – oOo Studio Poses

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