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I Can See Clearly Now, The Rain Is Gone


Good morning FabFree Readers!

Look All Around, There’s Nothing But Blue Skies!

With the warm weather in my part of the real world teasing that I can trust it’s here to stay for a season or two, I have been starting to bring out little bits of my summer wardrobe in hopes that they still fit the way they should (SOBS).

In Second Life, this is all much easier of course.  Everything always fits from last year, and even if it doesn’t, I can replace it with brand new things…  for free!

Look Straight Ahead, There’s Nothing But Blue Skies (and Seniha)!

A great place to stop is Seniha, to pick up their new free group gift which is the tropical printed Dolche Dress in my favourite colour…  BLUE (because it brings out his eyes)!  This group is free to join.  The panties I am wearing today are not included. They came with my Maitreya Lara Mesh Body and if you happen to have them…  they work great with this design without interfering with the mesh.  It’s a good thing I had them on, because it may be a bright sunshiny day, but it’s breezy!

Body Compatibility:

  • Maitreya Lara
  • Slink Physique & Hourglass
  • Belleza Freya, Isis & Venus

Have a bright, bright sunshiny day and thanks for reading FabFree!!


Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Candy
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Renee 
Eyes – IKON Triumph Eyes Dusk
Hair –  Analog Dog Tantrum
Dress – Seniha Dolche Dress (free group gift / 0L / free to join)
Panties – Maitreya Lara
Pose by Secret Body
Sim – Luane’s Magical World


Author: Love Trill

Hey, :) I'm Love and have been a resident in SecondLife since March of 2010. I love to shop and explore in SL - and share my adventures with you! I am currently blogging at Fabulously Free in SL and on my personal blog - Slovesadventures

5 thoughts on “I Can See Clearly Now, The Rain Is Gone

  1. How I love Spring here!!!! We had an unusually early Tornado roll thru about a month ago now and the Roofers are out banging at 6am!!!! The “River” has gotten so swollen its flooded, once again quite early. Its almost a River now!! But everything is green and thats all that matters right!?!?!

    Cute dress btw!! 😀 But you look good in anything! You and Carson have a relaxing weekend. I know mines gonna be a blast!!!!

    Ruby xx


  2. Eeps! Tornados already? Glad you are safe, Ruby! Hopefully you won’t get flooded too. I am really enjoying that green is starting to sprout up, it changes my whole mood 🙂 Thanks for your compliments and your weekend wishes. I will pass your message onto Carson. Have a good one and thanks again for your comments! ;D


  3. Thank you Ruby, I will try to relax, but I fear there may be yard work in my weekend plans.


  4. So I finally made it over to pick up this gorgeous dress!!! So pretty!! Bad news is when I went to pour my thickness into the Freya version the dress is just blank. I tired on every other size, they all had the pretty blue print!!! I guess this one will have to be binned. Too bad, its a very cute dress.

    Ruby xx


  5. Oh I’m sure that was an accident! I bet if you contact the designer and explain the issue, she/he would fix it for you 🙂
