FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007



Snapshot_002Good morning FabFree!  It’s Monday, August 8th and I am up and at ’em bright and early to take care of business!  By business of course, I mean all the RL stuff I avoided last week… <sighs>.  It is a revolving door of doom that I can’t seem to escape!  Tuesday is probably the only day of the week I am ever up to date.

Of course I am still procrastinating my tasks, and took a little time to put together a post for you here!  Everyone needs a break right?  Check out this Vest Top & Pencil Skirt that is available as a free group gift at Satus Inc.. It is a one piece mesh design that includes the top and bottom together and is available in XS-XL Fitmesh, Slink, Belleza and Maitreya specific sizes.

The Satus Inc.. inworld group is 25L to join, however there are several other gifts to pick up making this fee seem non-exsistant.

Love is wearing…

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Catwa Candy
Head Applier – Bold & Beauty Kristina
Eyes – IKON Triumph Eyes Armor

Hair – Elua Oceana
Outfit – Satus Inc. Vest Top & Pencil Skirt (free group gift / 0L / 25L to join)
Shoes – Pure Poison Fabia Sandals
Pose by Secret Body
Sim – Follow Your Bliss


Author: Love Trill

Hey, :) I'm Love and have been a resident in SecondLife since March of 2010. I love to shop and explore in SL - and share my adventures with you! I am currently blogging at Fabulously Free in SL and on my personal blog - Slovesadventures

4 thoughts on “9-5

  1. I love how you always have this smooth, hazy, soft look to your pictures. How do you do it? I’d love to be able to make my pics look like that. Mine always turn out really looking rough and harsh. 😦


  2. Hi Nesca 🙂 Thanks for your compliments on my photos. I have to admit when I look at such amazing works of art on my flickr feed, I feel inferior! There are so many talented artists in SL and make their avi’s look darn near human with their photoshop skills. I use high graphics with shadows on, LOD up all the way, and a resolution of 4500 at least x whatever it happens to be. I don’t use photoshop (on purpose, because I like to show things as they appear inworld), but I do use http://www.picmonkey.com for the limited amount of editing features they allow. I try to get the photo as good as I can inworld before I bring it into picmonkey just by messing around with windlights and day sliders. Sometimes takes me a couple of days to get it to a state that I am happy with. Hope this helps 🙂


  3. Wow thanks for the very helpful tips, Love! My system won’t support high graphics, and I’m quite ignorant about LOD, windlight etc. (Okay, shadows I know..lol…) but I’m going to work on it. I’ll try Picmonkey in the meanwhile, and will continue stalking your pictures for inspiration (and those awesome locations you pick!) 🙂 ❤


  4. You are most welcome for the tips! I am sure there are a ton of photography tutorials as well online that may be of use to you. If you can get your graphics up to medium, you may be able to use shadows and such too depending on your viewer.
