FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

My Zero Style!

I saw this white down jacket on Carson earlier and I had the female version.  The jacket is one of the many group gifts available at Gabriel.  There are many more gifts to pick up, mainly male items.  The Kimi Mukluks shoes, knit tights, and denim shorts were sent to the Sweeter Than Candy sub-o members a few days ago.

Head over to E!  Eclectic Apparel and Accessories and pick up the pink Sweetheart tank for just L$1!  Let them know how you really feel in the yellow “You Sooooo Suck!” tank.  This sassy tank can be yours with 30 slaps to the midnight mania board at SD Wears.  The black denim group gift jeans are some of my favorite from Cool Beans.  The Rope collar is the prize from Zibber’s Jewelry for the Gorean Grid Wide hunt.

After many many attempts to win the new Isolde Ice skin from the gatcha at Exodi, I finally have the skin to show you.  The Isolde Ice skin has glittery eye makeup and shinny lips.  The skin comes in the Cachet, Corneille, Nuit, Soleil, and Vivante tones.  The pack includes dark and light brows, cleavage, and freckles.  It costs L$50 to try your luck on the gatcha machine and you can win scarfs in every color and the Isolde Ice skins if you’re lucky!  The Belinda hair comes in every color imaginable and is the newest group gift at Zero Style.  I love nice flexi hair so was excited to get this hair!



*E!  Eclectic Apparel and Accessories: Sweetheart Top (L$1)
Marsco ( 94/88/347 )

*SD Wears: Yellow Tank (MM – L$0)
Dubya City ( 21/152/26 )

*Sweeter Than Candy: Kimi Mukluks, Knit Tights,& Shorts (SOM – L$0)
Mextli ( 100/78/25 )

*Cool Beans: Black Jeans (Group – L$0)
Cite des Ases ( 74/155/23 )

*Zibber’s Jewelry: Rope Collar (Hunt – L$0)
Costa Blanco ( 57/102/17 )

*Cool Beans: Black Jeans (Group – L$0)
Cite des Ases ( 74/155/23 )

*Zero Style: Belinda Hair (Group – L$0)
Zero Style ( 116/170/41 )

*Exodi: Isolde Ice Skin (Gatcha – L$50)
The Warehouse ( 196/212/26 )

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$50)
Glitterati ( 100/154/21 )



Author: Renee Lowenhart

Fabulously Free in SL ☆FabFree Blogger: www.fabfree.wordpress.com☆ ★Owner of the FabFree and FabLucky in world groups★

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