FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Camped out and Lucky at Eclectic Eclipse


De Bratz dollz dancer BLUE Hello everyone. I’m Renee Lowenhart and I am definitely going to have to tell you guys about the amazing prize chairs at Eclectic Eclipse. Today, this place made my day! While I was there the far chair seemed to be stuck on wildcard “?” round and I won a grand total of 23 chair items!!! Twenty-one of them are clothing items and two are decorative.

There are two prize chairs and three camping chairs in front of the store to the left. Two of the camping chairs have two different outfits a piece to choose from and the one in the middle has three unique household items. The two prize chairs are loaded with a plethora of beautifully detailed clothes, including a few of the outfits that are in the camping chairs. It would be near impossible to show you all of the clothes I won, but I’ll show you a few of my favorites.

De Bratz Dollz Dancer is a 60 minute camp chair item that was won while I was afk. It includes diamond platforms, a vest hoodie, and many clothing options for a completely different look.

El Desperada Roja (Eclectic Eclipse) El Desperada Roja (Eclectic Eclipse)

El Desperada Roja is a sassy red outfit that has at least two different options for wear.

baby got back white Dazzle Outfit Netted Frenzy webbed out white Snow Doll Red Playful (Eclectic Eclipse) Blue Lady SIlks (Eclectic Eclipse) Summer Solstice (Eclectic Eclipse) (2)

Baby Got Back, Dazzle Outfit, Netted Frenzy, Webbed out White, Snow Doll Red, Playful, Blue Lady Silks, and Summer Solstice. All of these outfits are super sexy and I really can’t do justice to the details. “Webbed out White” has black widow spiders covering all the unmentionables, which is totally risqué! The black boots I have on are from a 21 minute Camping Chair at Bishwear. I am wearing Tesla’s Mary Janes with the “Snow Doll Red” outfit. The edge is trimmed with tiny snowflakes. Unfortunately, I usually can not get system skirts to rez, but “Snow Doll Red” is suppose to be a skirted outfit. With the “Blue Lady Silks” I paired concept summer wedges that are also from a 21 minute camping chair at Bishwear. They are the perfect summer shoe and very cute! While you’re waiting on your letter to be called take a walk around the Eclectic Eclipse store and scoop up the cute freebie directly inside. It is a sexy beach skirt and top called Summer Solstice and is packed with four different colors. The one I have pictured is in aqua.

Harlequin Passions2 Opposite Gown Cherry Pop Rose ensamble Cherry Pop Rose ensamble

The pictures really do not do justice to the details in the “Cherry Pop Rose” ensemble (which has many possible ways for wear) and the “Harlequin Passions2 Opposite Gown”. The pink retro round high heel pumps that I have on with the “Cherry Pop Rose” ensemble are part of the group gift from Periquita. They come boxed in three colors and it is a subscribe-o-matic group!

BOREALIS NIGHTS (Eclectic Eclipse) BOREALIS NIGHTS (Eclectic Eclipse)

My favorite win is Borealis Nights. It has shimmery iridescent blue and green hues with golden stars that cascade over the entire dress. Isn’t it lovely?

Eclectic Eclipse: All clothing and Accessories ($0L)

Prize Chair Wins – Shown Items: Baby Got Back – White, Blue Lady Silks, Borealis Nights, Cherry Pop Rose Ensemble, Dazzle Outfit, De Bratz Dollz Dancer – BLUE, El Desperada Roja, Harlequin Passions2 Opposite Gown, Netted Frenzy, Playful, Snow Doll Red, Summer Solstice, Webbed Out White.

Prize Chair Wins – Not Shown: Celestial Explosion, Celtic knot Bracelets, Christmas Tux Blue, Exotica Green, Exotica Purple, Jeweled Lantern, The Mask ( Red), The Muse Goddess, Triple Goddess armbands gold (RUBY)

MoTown Estates II (42, 59, 74)

BishWear: Concept Summer Wedges ($0L), PissAss- u must wear black boots ($0L)Periquita: Retro Round Shoes ($0L)
Cecil (144,41,86)

Periquita: Retro Round Shoes ($0L)
Fuzzy (220,100,34)

Tesla: Elise Mary Janes – black($0L)
Tesla (42,59,74)

Baby Monkey: Another Skins from Eloh Eliot ($0L)
Dindrane Elfor (228, 31, 31)

My hair is (not free) Whisper, Tease, and Krasa from Sheltered Heart, designer and part owner of House of Heart (I really adore the Hair at HOH and wear it 95% of the time). Krasa (the curly style) is part of a four pack of freebies that is located on several of the walls.


Author: Renee Lowenhart

Fabulously Free in SL ☆FabFree Blogger: www.fabfree.wordpress.com☆ ★Owner of the FabFree and FabLucky in world groups★

2 thoughts on “Camped out and Lucky at Eclectic Eclipse

  1. Did you just spend a whole day there??? Holy cow. You must have time to burn in RL.


  2. Welcome Renee!
    Well done, great prizes, lucky you 🙂
