FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

SYD Shapes Pink Hearts


Pink Heart Skin - Jessica ShapeI read on the feed that Style Your Destiny had out a new shape and skin both for $1L each. So I headed over to check it out. The pink heart skin is located with several other $1L items at the base of the stairs. At the top of the stairs is a shape vendor where most shapes are $1L with the exception of a freebie set. The new shapes are Bella, Gregory, and Jessica each for $1L. If you do not mind having a no mod version of Gregory and Jessica they are also there as a set for free.

Pink Heart Skin - Jessica ShapePink Heart Skin - Jessica ShapePink Heart Skin - Jessica Shape

Pink Heart Skin - Bella ShapePink Heart Skin - Bella ShapeTaP Newbie Male Skin - Gregory ShapeTaP Newbie Male Skin - Gregory Shape

House of Zen: Full Perm Fantasy Eyes – rainbow brown($0L)
Hindoe Shima(182,24,47)

SYD: Style Your Destiny: Bella Shape($1L), Jessica & Gregory Shapes($0L), Pink Heart Skin($1L)

Tete-a-Pied: Vivant Newbie Skin Bronze – Male($0L 30 days and under)

Truth: Jasmine 2 – brunette($0L group gift)
Sweet Sorrowl(89,120,27)

Total Cost: $2L

Fab Cherlindrea