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Enjoy The Silence

Enjoy The Silence

Hey hey you fabulous readers!   Beachy told me the best thing about me blogging one day a week, besides bringing the guys some great free stuff, is that I can use some of her favorite music in my posts.  See, she’d NEVER be able to create a post titled “Enjoy The Silence”  …. lol, not our Beachy.

As it happens, this is the perfect song and perfect title, because it’s completely Quiet where I am.  That’s the name of the SIM and I suggest you experience it for yourselves (with advanced lighting on)

Wait, don’t silence me yet.

So a few weeks ago I did a post about a new group that [Elementtare], [Duk], Sturnsh and [Mazzaro] have formed for their group of stores, called the DMSE group.  They’ve been putting out new free gifts every few weeks, and I’m showing you the newest ones today.  I can’t be quiet about these gifts until you’ve all picked them up!

My outfit, the Arthur outfit by [Elementtare] is one of the free gifts.  It comes with a full color hud for both the shirt and the shorts, and has this awesome design, a lone swimmer graphic.  Silence, ahhh.  It comes sized for:

  • Belleza Jake
  • CZ Slim
  • Legacy
  • Signature Davis

I also picked up these Kumagai shoes Sturnsh as one of the free gifts.  They, too, come with a fatpack hud, and are unisex!  They are sized for:

  • Belleza Jake
  • Signature Gianni
  • Reborn
  • Legacy Male and Female
  • Maitreya


When you TP in, you’ll be in the shopping square, a courtyard of sorts, in the middle of the 4 stores.  Each store has a table with sales on it, and also a gift.  You need to join the DMSE group for free (paste this into local chat to join: secondlife:///app/group/01681f2a-99d2-c32b-b60a-8164003b7cb9/about ) and then grab the gifts.  They’ve been changing these free gifts every few weeks, so it’s a great group to be in, especially if your group space is limited.  You can get the notices from all 4 stores in this one group to stay in the know 😉


Peace Out ☮️

~ Sky

Sky is wearing…


Shirt – [Elementtare] Arthur Shirt [Jake] (Free gift for DMSE group/Group is free to join)
Shorts – [Elementtare] Arthur Short (Free gift for DMSE group/Group is free to join)
Shoes – Strunsh. Kumagai Shoes (Free gift for DMSE group/Group is free to join)
Mask – [GOTHCORE] – GOTH GAS MASK (now closed)


Mesh Body  –Belleza– Jake V3
Mesh Head – Lelutka Logan
Face Skin – <IMPLODE> – Alain EvoX skin – Velour Tan
Body Skin – VELOUR: “EROS” Body Skin for Belleza Jake / Slim (Tan)
Facial Hair –Not Found – Teo Beard – Natural
Hair – WINGS-T EF0417-HAIR
Hairbase – EGX. BOM Lewis Hairbase Salt & Pepper V1
Eyes– AG. Carol Eyes – BoM – 07 – B
Ears – //LEX//  miHD ears MAX – (M)


SIM – Quiet 

Author: Beachy

Second Life addict and live music lover ♥ Freebie hunter and newbie helper ♥ Fab Free Blogger and chatterbox ♥ Explorer, shopper and decorator ♥ Dirty Hippie ♥ These are all RAW photos. Taken in-world and unedited. I don't use photo editing tools.

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