FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

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A Jersey Hangover….

Hurry Hurry, tomorrow is the last day for the Summer Hangover hunt at the Jersey Shore. (P.S. Do NOT use Search to get to Jersey Shore.. It puts you inside a cliff… and it’s scary and dark and stuff…. ) Clar showed you the Sakide outfit in her post “Sakide Eluzion” and I wanted to show you all a look as well…. I snagged a few different outfits and combined them to make this “Look” …. I even changed my SHAPE!!!  Yes Yes, Panda Punx actually did it… they made this shape snob try something new…. *laughs*… check it out 😀


_________________C R E D I T S__________________

Hair: [ iren ] Love me II…Jersey (L$ 10) (You can find this at their Jersey Shore location. )

Skin/Shape:  .:Panda Punx:. Body Shop SHH Hunt Gift (L$ 10) ( I didnt wear the minidress that comes with this, but it also has a tango applier with it.  You can find this at their Jersey Shore Location.)

Pants: *HolliPocket* Skinneh Crop Jeans-Zebra Grape (L$ 10)

clutch: Magnifique Cosmetics – Bri-Bri Clutch PINK (L$ 10)

Shoes: [trs] Mindi Outfit – SHH Exclusive (wear) (L$ 10 ) ( I am only wearing the shoes, but you get a cute little outfit.. You can find this at their Jersey Shore location. )

key in mouth: Kennedy’s Mouthy Key (L$ 10) (Part of a sleeveless turtleneck -You can find this at their Jersey Shore Location.)

Flower arm tattooMisera – Elegant Flower Tattoo (L$ 10)  (You can find this at their Jersey Shore Location.)

Pose: Diva Store – 01 Model (FREE) (Yes, you get a pack of Poses for free…. pick up this goodie bag @ the Diva Store! Look for a red bag with gold trimmings…. )

location: The Woods of Marathon Caye, Fine Arts Gallery  (I love going new places, this place seems to feature artists…. )

Shirt: Dethly Designs – Knotted T – Rainbow Skullies for GFW (L$ 50) (This is one of DD’s items for the Grenade Free Weekend that happens every Friday & Saturday @ The Jersey Shore Sim.)

So make sure you get on over to the Jersey Shore… and have an amazing day!! *big hugs*…………………till next time……………care ❤